I beat 2048 a while ago and am now workin on getting 4096
Quick Hits: Brian Williams Raps, New Phone, And Android/iTunes Pricing
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![]() On 04/25/2014 at 03:56 PM by goaztecs ![]() See More From This User » |
Well Happy Friday good people of Pixlbit! I am excited to that we once again have this time off to do nothing but enjoy the sun, do some exploring, or maybe make some progress on our backlog. I’m probably going to do tackle the backlog, which usually ends up in playing a game for an hour, and then going back to MLB The Show (created Chris got promoted to AAA Albuquerque and is on a tear). So Pixlbit what do you have planed for this weekend? Anything fun? Let me know, anyways I think it’s time we start another edition of Quick Hits With Chris!
Chris Bought A New Phone
So after being with Verizon for at least a decade it was time to move on. Don’t get me wrong their service was great, they were fast when replacing broken phones
I used to have one of these but in red, and I went through five of them within the two-year contract. My last non smart phone (My first was an Android phone). I still miss having a physical Qwerty Keyboard.
But after ending my unlimited data plan, and the plan prices were increasing it was time to move on. I decided to follow my brother who started using this service from Walmart where it’s Unlimited Text and Data for the same price as the plan I was going to be getting for 1GB data (apparently I’m one of the few who rarely hit 1GB as told by nice Verizon folks). The one drawback was that the price of my phone wasn’t going to be distributed throughout the life of the contract, which means I had to pay full retail for a phone aka My PS4 money…with a couple of games.
We had a good run iPhone 4s but it was time to move on...and my favorite phone case. I don't even own a dog.
I decided to stay within the walled garden. I like Android, but iPhone made much more sense for me. My music library goes through iTunes, and I do like when I buy a song/album from there it gets sent to my library, iPod, and phones (I’m keeping the 4s as another iPod). Best part was when I plugged in my new phone to my laptop it brought everything over from my iPhone backup.
My lockscreen
And my homescreens (I like having a clear home screen)
It took a couple of days but I found a case I like. I had another case that had some wood panel but it was slippery and I almost dropped my phone. I will continue to do the two big things on my phone: text and take pictures.
These will never leave the plastic case.
I’m going to wait until the bigger iPhone is announced before I upgrade phones again (I think it will be released next year). I want a phone the size of a small tablet.
Chris Beats 2048!
So I’ve been addicted to this game for around a week and I’ve been inching closer and closer to hitting the 2048 block, but each time I’ve come close I did something stupid and ended my game. (I took a 30-minute break from typing this to play) A couple of days ago I finally hit the 2048 mark and then it said I was told I could continue on, but really after hitting your goal why continue? It also turns out I didn’t log in so no Google Play Achievement. Didn’t care about that but I was a little pissed when I completed the game again
The game on the left is I think my first win, and the other is from I think last night
What The Hell Google Play/iTunes?
I’ve been waiting for Lego Star Wars Microfighters to go to Android because I like playing games on the Android tablet much more than the iPad (I have an older iPad so it’s a crap shoot when it comes to games loading). I just happened to spot it last night
But it was only .99 cents. On iTunes it was free but apparently I have to pay for it here. What the Hell! This bugs me that a good number of games are free on one platform yet cost .99-1.99 on another. You would think they are basically the same, have them both be free or have the same price.
Instead of using real money I went to the Amazon App and downloaded the game using my Amazon coins. Having downloaded all those crappy apps that offered free Amazon coins paid off!
It’s the same game as the iPad, and I look forward to playing through the Android version…I just need to find the missing stylus.
Other Android Gaming
Maybe I should get my tablet blessed?
We’re in the middle of the Easter hunt on Simpsons Tapped Out, which I guess replaced Whacking Day, and trying to get all the special items is freaking hard. I did manage to get a couple of the special characters, and buildings but I don’t know if I will collect everything this year.
In Real Racing 3, I’ve been playing the open wheel division, and this is by far the most enjoyable group of races because my cars are so freaking fast. Way more fun than driving the previous level with Aston Martin cars.
In the Family Guy version of Tapped Out, I’m slowly making progress with my Quahog but I did unlock two characters
Joe and Mr. Herbert.
The game is fun but it is really slow. The tasks take a lot of time, and when you unlock a character you have to do more tasks to make them playable. I’m assuming once you get going the game will be a lot of fun, but for right now, especially with it being connected to Facebook, I would say play Simpsons Tapped Out.
This is my current town.
I saw this was a freebie on Steam so I added it to my library
I’ll give it a try at some point.
I bought this game on 3DS. It looks like a happier version of Dead Nation on the PS3/Vita, and it was $2 bucks so it was worth a try.
I saw this on iTunes and how do you not buy the Godfather when it’s $10 for the trilogy?
It saves me the hassle of ripping the DVDs, and now I have the trilogy on the iPad.
Angels Goodies
A couple of weeks ago my friend mentioned that they have some new stuff at the Stadium, and I put in an order for some cool items
I have some Mike Trout Oyo figures. They are the All Star, Mother’s Day with the pink Angels cap, and Home White’s figures
I also bought an Albert Pujols in Red, and Jared Weaver in the Mother’s Day Pink hat.
In my package my buddy also threw in some cool stuff like
A couple of magazines, and
A couple of magnet schedules and a DVD of the 2002 Season where the Angels BEAT the San Francisco Giants (I worked at California Adventure at the time it always bugged me that the park had both Angels and Giants banners. What the hell Disney this was the last year you owned the team, support them).
Before I go, here are a couple of videos I found funny
Brian Williams raps Gin and Juice
and these kids trying to figure out how to use a Walkman. The kid who understands it is going to be President some day. I loved my Walkman!
Well Pixlbit now its time to say goodbye to all our company…you know the rest.
That’s all for now, more later!