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Retro Game of the Week: Mischief Makers

On 04/26/2014 at 12:21 PM by The Last Ninja

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This one may be mischievous, but it's also fun and creative

Mischief Makers is a 2D action platformer for the N64 which was released in 1997. It was developed by Treasure and published by Enix. Treasure is known for doing very creative and fun games, such as Gunstar Heroes and Light Crusader, both of which added unique elements to certain genres. MM is no different; it's not your typical platformer. Creative elements are constantly being introduced so that gameplay always stays fresh.

The story revolves around two main characters: Marina (who you control) and Professor Theo. The generically named "Evil Empire" captures the Professor (who is simply called "Prof." throughout the game) and Marina must rescue him. This will happen several times throughout the game, which can be quite humorous. You're also introduced to the Clancers, which are the main citizens of the game; these poor people are very ugly, boasting strange ghost faces. Marina quickly becomes the hero of the Clancers, going out of her way to help them when in need.

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MM shines when it comes to gameplay: it's all about throwing things. Marina can grab things with the B button; while holding whatever it is, she can rotate it in any direction and throw it by pressing B again. This simple mechanic is used in very creative ways throughout the game. For example, Marina can grab onto orbs in the air and propel herself left or right from the orb, or she can ride a rotating wheel and move up or down to avoid obstacles; she can even grab Clancers and shake them for gems!

In order to move, you use the N64 controller's D-pad, making MM one of the few N64 games in which you don't use the analog stick. The levels are broken down in Mario fashion, with level 1-2 introducing you to all the controls in a comical way. There's also a simple map between levels in which Marina moves forward in a straight line. So what can Marina do? A lot, actually! She can double jump, roll, shake Clancers and objects for loot, dig, and boost in any direction. Each of these will be used throughout the game, making them valuable to master.

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The game can be a little confusing at times. A couple times I found myself in a level, not sure what to do. In fact, level 1-3 is a little confusing; only by shaking all the orbs you can discover that certain objects will appear. "Snowstorm Maze" was also another level which I didn't know what to do. Eventually I figured it out, but trial and error was the only way to do that. A pink orb with a bow on her head is in several levels; this is "Ms. Hint," who will give you a hint if you give her ten red jewels. Her hints can be helpful, but sometimes they seem a little vague.

Every now and then you'll fight a mini boss, such as Flambee (a giant bee) or Chilly Dog (a blue dog. . . thing). When an indicator appears surrounding a weak point on the boss, that's your chance to try and grab them (these are called "grab points"). Timing is everything. Grab the boss and smack 'em to the ground! The main bosses of the game are intense, challenging, and creative, keeping you on your toes, not sure what's going to happen next. Beating them is very satisfying.

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There is a control problem that led to some frustrations. Double-tapping left or right on the D-pad will boost Marina in that direction, but so will the left or right C buttons. The C buttons are much easier and were my preferred choice for boosting. However, since double-tapping the D-pad also boosts Marina, there were times when she boosted when I didn't want her to. One level in particular has you running to the right while the level falls apart on you; in the rush, several times Marina boosted because I was frantically moving with the D-pad, and she would fall to her death. This is the only frustrating control problem I found in the game.

The game also has some great humor. In one level, Marina talks to some Clancers who are not satisfied with their "hotel rooms." One room has two Clancer children on the floor crying and the dad says to them, "Don't cry, kids. There's no bathroom or doors! It's horrible! I want a refund!!" Even the bad guys are funny! MM doesn't have one main plot, but rather small incidents which happen throughout the game. Professor Theo is constantly being kidnapped, and those moments are always funny. One draw of this game is that you want to keep playing to see what happens next and to laugh some more.

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The levels in MM are very short, but they're also designed very well, taking advantage of Marina's abilities. When you combine everything that Marina can do with good level design, it makes for some great gameplay. Some levels are solely about speed (getting through before a giant rock crushes you), while others involve careful thinking and manipulation of objects.

MM also has some very creative parts, which honestly surprised me. One level has Marina controlling a giant blockman using the C buttons. Another level has Marina riding a giant missile, guiding it through an obstacle course of moving explosives. When Marina is injured by a villain, you have to play as Teran (a Clancer) in order to find something to heal her; Teran has unique abilities which you must take advantage of in order to complete the level. 

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But by far the most creative part of the game was the Festival. Professor Theo is captured and offered as the prize of the Festival. The funny part is, no one wants him, they only want to win the Festival. Of course, when Marina finds out, she wants to get him back. In order to do this, Marina has to join the white team and compete in the events (which are like Olympic events). The events include the 100M, 200M, 400M, Jump (which is the long jump), Ball (catching balls in a bag), Hurdle, and Mathfun (in which you solve math problems). Each event is like a mini-game, and they're actually quite fun.

These creative sections of the game keep MM from becoming dull. You never know what's going to happen next, story-wise and gameplay-wise, and that's a good thing! As a result, the game holds your interest and keeps you coming back to find out what will happen next.

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Final Verdict--4 Stars: Recommended

Despite its flaws, MM is a great 2D action platformer. It's fun, creative, challenging at times, humorous, and holds your interest. There are times when you're not sure what to do, but if you can make it past those moments, you'll find a game that is worthy of your time. MM is a very unique game for its time. Think about it: how many 2D platformers do you know of for the N64? It may be the only one, and it's a good one. If you enjoy platformers or Treasure games, definitely check this one out. This is one of the gems of the N64.

Join me every Saturday as we take a look back at all kinds of retro games, good and bad.



Matt Snee Staff Writer

04/26/2014 at 01:13 PM

damn man, never heard of this one.  the graphics look like some kind of mixed child of Turbo Grafx and Sega Saturn.  If that makes sense.  Tongue Out

The Last Ninja

04/26/2014 at 06:37 PM

Never heard of it??? Glad I could educate you on the finer things of life (being Treasure games).

Matt Snee Staff Writer

04/26/2014 at 06:42 PM

that's what's so great about your series, finding out about games I've never heard of, as well as remembering ones I do.  Laughing

Cary Woodham

04/26/2014 at 02:03 PM

I rented this one once.  It was fun at first, but like most Treasure games, got too dang hard later on.  I think Treasure is a bit overrated sometimes.  I liked some of the games they did when they worked for Konami, like the SNES Tiny Toons game, but really the only other Treasure game I really liked from them was Astro Boy: Omega Factor on GBA.

The Last Ninja

04/26/2014 at 06:39 PM

Treasure has a lot of great games. Perhaps they're just not your cup of tea. Gunstar Heroes and Sin & Punishment are probably their best known games, and for good reason. I really like Mischief Makers too.

Super Step Contributing Writer

04/26/2014 at 03:55 PM

Mischief Makers was fun when I rented it. I remember it being one the first N64 games I ever saw and I was really impressed with the graphics at the time.

The Last Ninja

04/26/2014 at 06:40 PM

Yes, the graphics hold up far better than most N64 games. They didn't use those jagged polygons; instead it looks like they used sprites.


04/26/2014 at 06:25 PM

Another hit from Treasure! Even though their games often have complicated controls, they are good at designing the game to take full advantage of them. I played this but I can't remember if I actually finished it or not. Wouldn't mind playing again though Smile

The Last Ninja

04/26/2014 at 06:41 PM

They use the controls well (except for that frustrating boost problem I mentioned). Grabbing and throwing things is great! And the game is so funny!


04/26/2014 at 10:30 PM

Great game. I remember buying it when it came out. It's a unique platformer and deserved more attention than it got.

The Last Ninja

04/26/2014 at 11:58 PM

It certainly is underrated. It stinks when the "bad" games get overrated and the good ones get underrated!


04/27/2014 at 02:29 AM

I remember this as the crazy little platformer. Unfortunately, I never owned this. I think it was because I couldn't get used to the controls...

The Last Ninja

04/27/2014 at 03:43 PM

The controls take some getting used to, but once you overcome that hurdle, the game is very enjoyable.


05/01/2014 at 01:05 PM

Looks like fun. Nice to know about another N64 game I didn't know about before now.

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