I've been interested in this because I love the franchise and the music and rhythm games, but I just haven't taken the plunge yet. But you make it sound very good!
Theatrhythm Final Fantasy 3DS
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![]() On 03/12/2013 at 06:37 PM by Joeyg329 ![]() See More From This User » |
Yes, go out and get this game. I know its been out for sometime now, but it deserves a play. Its been awhile since a new game as been so addictive for me as this game has. Being a fan of pre squareenix era (Square or Squaresoft) im usually hesitant to pick up anything squareenix puts out. I know its a debate for a different day, but i really cant stand the direction they went the past few years. That aside, i saw a few previews for this game over the past year and it caught my attention. The game was developed by Indies Zero, rhythm game veterans so that was a good sign. I liked the concept, but i figured it would either never make to our shores, or SE would find some way to fuck it all up ( Imagine a group of modern Twilight style Spoony bards fighting someones inner fears with harps and j pop). Long behold, on 07/03/2012 it was released. I actually had that little kid on christmas excitement to go pick this up. There i am waiting in line with a bunch of young kids (buying shitty games and shovelware of course) on a sunny afternoon. Now i left the shop (im an auto tech) mid day to get this, so imagine some guy who is wearing dickies and a black t shirt, complete with 5 o clock shadow,dirty arms and tattoos asking for Theatrhythm. The clerk asked me again what game i was there for and gave me a really strange look as i confirmed to him what i wanted. Would you expect some ex-con looking dude to be picking up a rhythm game featuring chibi characters? I guess not. . . .
Arent they all so lovable?
On to the game itself. Colorful, easy to get started, no lengthy intro or tutorial and already packed with nostalgia. Menu music and familar characters fill the screen and speakers. The game has 3 modes of music play, Series mode which alongs you to play songs from the coresponding game in succession, including intros and endings. Challenge mode which is your standard free play mode, and lastly the Chaos Shrine which allows you to unlock characters and level up by means of generated dark notes.
I had to suffer through 13's music, i wont lie. . .
There are 4 types of gameplay which all use the stylus to tap, hold, and swipe notes on the bottom screen. First is BMS (Battle Music Stage). This mode consists on your standard 4 person party "fighting" a monster. Basically a note comes to each character one at a time and as you perform the note the character attacks the monster, if you miss the character gets bitch slapped by the monster. The game incorporates a hp bar that diminshes when you miss notes.
No status ailments this time asshole!
The next mode is FMS (Field music stage). This mode has your party's leader walking through an overworld type setting of the game the music is from. Little game cues show up in the background, air ships, castle Figaro, midgar, etc. This mode also has wave like notes that you must follow with the stylus.
Looks like Terra is lost in the first stage of Einhander
The last mode is EMS (Event music stage). This mode has you following notes across the screen, with gameplay,story elements, and FMV in the background. I must say, the note detection in this mode is a little Gooby somtimes but its warm and fuzzy to see the games play through.
What the fuck did you just say to me?
The game uses Rhythmia as points, you gain them after completing songs and as your rhythmia rises you can unlock songs and other fun little things. There are numerous different ways to earn more based on how well you did, party configuration and so on. The game also has experience points to level up you little chibi friends. Songs have ranks that range from F to SSS. You can raise your ranks with Stoic bonuses which require you to take off all abilities and items from your party. Speaking of your party, characters have abilites that allow advantages while playing, however most of them are used for farming shards in the chaos shrine to unlock characters.
Now that the basic description is out of the way i can go on with my personal opinions. I am obsessed with this damn game. I cannot stop playing it and with the weekly DLC coming out i always have a reason to pick it back up. Hearing all my favorite 8 and 16 bit songs was heavenly. Classics like "Battle 2" from FF3 (NES), "Battle with the four fiends", "Dancing mad", 'Terra's theme", and "Jenova" will fill you with nostagia. I would recomend checking out at track list, theres something for everyone. Its also fun to see some of your favorite enemies as cute cartoon characters. Depending on the game music you will fight against the enemies from that game.
Rubicante on his first day of school
Summons also make an appearance in battle mode. Mog drops treasures in field mode. Extended scenes can play out in event mode. These little touches add alot of character to this game. Like any other rhythm game, you will be playing over and over again to raise your ranks on songs. There are 3 difficulties, Basic, Expert, and Ultimate. Im no rhythm game master so Ultimate kicked my ass on alot of songs ( I would be better off beating Contra 3 after consuming a bottle of vodka and a percocet milkshake then beating "Battle of the Big Bridge" on Ultimate.)
Thats more my style
Another funny little add in is on the song loading screen, your 4 characters randomly say shit, making for some hilarious sentences. " we all fight on endlessly to the death, for mog?"
Ummm yeah, about that. . .
After the first week i was humming all these songs on a daily basis. My girlfriend even claimed that i was humming my sleep. My friend Ryan ("Jaundice") was immediately hooked when he first picked up the game at my house. The game works as a worthy 25th aniversary release, its renewed my interest back in final fantasy ( my next blog will be Final Fantasy 3 for NES, this game inspired me to go play it again). If you love your final fantasy ( and can maybe at least tolerate the newer titles) and like rhythm games, you owe it to yourself to go get this. Its not the most cutting edge title for the 3ds, but damn it is fun.