My voice used to sound much older despite my cherub face, now at 24 I have both a baby face and a too-young voice. I feel your pain.
YouTube Dreamin' And SkullGirls Stuff
On 04/29/2014 at 05:44 AM by Vice's Assistant See More From This User » |
Before reading this post take a good look at the video above, if you haven't. Its not very long and its really great video. Its also the reason why I'm writing this mini-rant. Not about the guy doing it, Maximilian. He's really awesome. Really I'm rant more about myself because I've always wanted to something like his new series. That is to say, talk about older, newer, or forgotten/overlooked fighting games. Explain mechanics, where some of the design of iconic fighters come from, and things like that. With all of the fighting game related writing I do, it just seems like videos seemed to be the natural media progression to me. It wouldn't just be a channel where I just post videos where I would show me just wining fighting game after fighting game or combo videos...because that doesn’t' happen to me. I've had this idea in my head of doing a YouTube channel like that for years, but I just haven't followed through, partially due to my own lack of confidence. I mean I know a lot about fighting games but that doesn't warrant me an expert. Then there's the fact that I have horrible voice. I sound so much younger than I am. But even still, I would love to try do that some day. I guess that's why I'm partially writing this, as a way to get this desire out of my head and motivate me to get off my ass and do. Or maybe I'm just against-y and need to go to a Hot Topic and buy a witty T-Shirt to express my against. I don't know. I have started a You Tube Channel and I'm learning how to capture using Open Broadcaster Software. Whether this turns into anything significant, I don't know...
Moving on to something less self-loathing-y, SkullGirls Encore! Yeah this week been a pretty great week if you like the game. Big Band was released (and is free for the next three months). Both the PS3 and Xbox 360 versions were patched to the current build on the PC, excluding the Beta. Big Band and Squiggly are Free on the 360 version. Fukua, who while I still stand with what I said about her previously, is a blast and is coming to PS3 soon. For the 360...well, you have been pretty patient right? And if you don't have the game, in May its will be free to all PS+ members. So yeah, please play it. Big Band is awesome and the game is only getting better.
Well, that's all I have now. I hope you all are well.