i read the Icewind Dale trilogy when I was a kid. Loved it. That stuff was really big when I was younger. I miss being into that stuff.
Good luck on your job interview. Sounds like you need less drama in your life.
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![]() On 04/29/2014 at 10:38 PM by Nicoleb1989 ![]() See More From This User » |
April has been a pretty crazy month but it might be getting a nice ending, a super nice ending. I got a call today from Kohls about a job interview. I don't know if it's for a part time or full time but regardless I'm happy. I kinda wanna get away from Goodwill. I've been there for a year now and I'm ready to jump ship. It's given me a good experience of course but at the same time I have had enough of the drama that seems to find its way through there. The job isn't guaranteed yet since it's just an interview but hey, it's a step.
Ive been watching a YouTube lets player named Cryoatic who goes by the name Cry play Dishonored. I previously had the game and loved it. If you like like watching lets plays I highly recommend Cry's channel. He is pretty hilarious and does good playthroughs of the games he does. His Dishonored one is great so far I've seen. Dishonored also might be getting a sequel announcement around E3 this year. If it does I'm hopeing it sees release on the PS4. They did really good with the first one so I'm def interested in what the next installment will bring. I have doubts about Corvo being the main character in it but I do have an idea who they might bring to the table for it. The DLC for the game put you in the shoes of Daud so I tend to wonder if the next game will continue through him, then again it could have a new character all together. Regardless Im excited for it!
I finished Sojourn by R.A. Salvatore and it was a great end to his origins set and a great beginning to the Icewind Dale Trilogy. Sojourn truly showed the strength of Drizzt. He could have easily turned on his good natured self and become hateful and mean. He was judged enough by people to be a monster, it would have been easy to become one. He however didn't and always remained a good soul through his home searching journey. The ending was truly satisfying and I'm gonna pick up on the Icewind Dale Trilogy once I finish my current book which is The Chronicles of Malus Darkblade. I went from reading books with a good guy to ones about a bad guy, at least that's how he comes off so far.
I have been doing small gaming here and there, I think it will pick up in May but recently I've been suffering head aches. I think it's from me grinding my teeth since my habit of it restarted. I'm currently working to stop the habit which is working smoothly. There slowly going away and not happening has often. I haven't played much of anything except Animal Crossing and Skylanders which I'll post more about in another blog soon, might have that up tomorrow actually.
Hope you all have been doing well <3
Thank you Snee, I most certainly do. I'm kinda hopeing me and my other friend who work at goodwill together both can. I might have my way out, I'm praying something pops up for her. Drizzt is still running strong since he has been put in the Neverwinter world and books series that's currently being written. I got a lot to read!
In The Knife of Dunwall DLC, they say that there are eight people with the mark of The Outsider. If that's true, we've only seen two of them so far... could be anyone, but I'm guessing it's someone completely new.
Good luck at your interview. Too bad you didn't live in CA, my little sister is some sort of regional LP supe with Kohl's.
I couldn't get into Dishonored the way I wanted to. I think I played a quarter of the way through it and got into another game. I really enjoyed the setting though, it was badass.
Thank you Darth! Part of me would love to live there but then again since I heard it can super expensive it makes me worried to. I loved Dishonored but it's a game you either like or don't get into. I'm hopeing the second one carries a similar setting, I love when there placed in those times. I think that's why I loved Thief so much.
Heck yeah new job oppritunities! Lots of luck to you!
Ooh Skylanders. I've been debating on jumping into that series, but I don't know if I want more random figures taking up space. I already have the 1st series of Disney Infinity (except for Lone Ranger, that series looks terrible) and I don't know if I want more random figures that I will probably not touch after I finish the game.
Thank you Chris!
Skylanders can be copleted whole is you collect one of each type and element so you dont have to do a bg collect ting with it but Im def trying to collect all of them. Atleast what I can still grab. I saw on Facebook that Disney Infinity is getting a new game with sets under Marvel.