As long as it has a meaty enough campaign that's good enough so I want to play to the end, then it's worth the money.
Question 1#, Opinions Wanted!
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![]() On 04/30/2014 at 04:25 PM by Nicoleb1989 ![]() See More From This User » |
So there seems to be a big heated debate on Wolfenstien right now on whether the game being full priced is wrong because there isnt a multiplayer mode. People that are mad about there being no multiplayer claim that its a crime since multiplayer should be attached to a shooter type game as if it is required.
My question is,
Does Multiplayer have to be required in Shooters? Do you believe it takes away from the overall experiance of a game like Wolfenstien if it is not there? Is Multiplaer REALLY that big a deal for you?
My Own Take: I personally am glad multiplayer is not in Wolfenstien, too many a time a games life has been cut horriably because the developers invested way too much in multiplayer. Multiplayer while dont get me wrong is great to have but has been a thorn in games this previous generation side. multiplayer became to much of the focus since developers gave it too much power. I like playing with friends like everyone else but we also need to have the single player experiances that deliver just has good as multiplayer and for the most part, sometimes you cant have both. Developers have shown that either they take one out, show favor over the other, or magially manage to even them both out. Normally the third choice is rarely done. I believe its time to give multiplayer a break. Not everygame needs it and not every shooter has to have it in my opinion. I think Wolfenstien will be something nice to the shooter genre. As much as people are crying fowl on the whole no multiplayer thing with it, it will hopefully show that it is not needed and that a single player shooter experiance can be done and hang by itself without issue.
Thats just my opinion and id be glad to hear yall's on it.