did you play the new Zelda on the 3DS yet?
I seek the Grail - Brothers is out of the running
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![]() On 05/02/2014 at 10:08 AM by mothman ![]() See More From This User » |
Actually, I seek my next game and I can't make up my mind.
One of my Facebook friends posted the other day that she'd like to see some news about Canada that didn't involve Rob Ford or a beached whale that might explode.
I replied "wait, those are two different stories?"
you know you have to hand it to Rob Ford. His re-election campaign is picking up steam with the release of a new crack smoking video and profanity laced audio recording. In one fell swoop he has secured the criminal, drug addict and terminally stupid vote.
Thank you! Thank you! I'll be here all week. Remember there's a two drink minimum and don't forget to tip your waitress.
Seriously though I am having a hard time deciding what to play next. I have Professor Layton and the Miracle Mask in the 3DS but I'm having a hard time getting into it. That's not to say that it is bad, I frequently have a hard time committing after finishing a long RPG like Bravely Default.
I still have Graces F to finish. I'm contemplating just heading for the boss and calling it a game rather than trying to finish all the Inn Requests.
I thought I might play Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons next so I started it.
At first it was very cool. It looks nice and the puzzles are fun to solve and not too difficult. Then comes the platforming. That wasn't too bad at first until I got to this giant cave which has lots of jumping and hanging from hooks. Once it got to a place where I had to get both brothers across an abyss by jumping to the right hanging from hooks as you go. So it's like jump,hang,jump,hang,jump,hang.... drop to the ground on the other side. Sounds easy right?
Not if you're me. To accomplish the aforementioned feat you have to hold the analog stick to the right while pushing in one of the triggers to grab at each point. Keep in mind that this is done by the left analog stick and L2 for one son and the right analog stick and R2 for the other son.
I spent half an hour on this one segment. In my case it went something like jump,hang,jump,hang,jump,plummet.
By the end my sweaty hands would either slip off the trigger or I'd press the trigger only to inexpicably miss the grab and fall into the abyss.
Bottom line, I'm not wasting any more time on this game. there are too many other games I need to play to spend any more time on what should be a one or two minute section.
So my quest continues.
P.S. I'm sorely tempted to start another RPG. Can't...go on...resisting...much...longer.