Just a quick couple of things.
1. I beat Mega Man X for the first time. Damn that game is good.
2. Been playing Hearthstone on and off over the past week. It has been really easy to get sucked into the game. I find myself constantly saying, "just one more match."
3. I downloaded Shadowrun Returns for the iPad. It will probably take me a couple of months to actually play through the game. I don't have much access to the iPad in the house, which I am fine with, unless I am in the mood to play Hearthstone.
4. I know this relates more to #1, but I am working through Mega Man X2 at the moment. I really wish that there were more SNES Mega Man games on the Virtual Console.
5. A couple of years ago the God of War collection was on sale on the PS3. Who would have thought that purchase would come back to benefit me today. The God of War collection was just released on the Vita. Since I already have the PS3 version I was able to "buy" the Vita version for free. There is just one issue, both games combined file size is 15.5 GB.
6. I am heading out of the country in a couple of weeks. I am looking forward to that. Hopefully my Vita will be able to keep a charge for the 16 hour flight to Japan. I don't know it I will have space to carry enough books to get me through that flight either.
7. I guess I lied when I said a couple of things.
8. How could I forget. I have been spending a lot of time with Mario Kart 64. I have come to the realization that Mario Kart Wii just sucks. The races feel fair in 64 compared to Wii.