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Quick Hits: Chris Has Opinions

On 05/09/2014 at 04:08 PM by goaztecs

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Happy Friday Pixlbit Nation! Hope your week went by as fast as possible so you too can sit back and enjoy the upcoming weekend. As I type this blog, I’m currently listening to a new album I picked up on Tuesday


I didn’t know she had a new album, and it’s still the same pop goodness with some interesting lyrics.


One of my favorites from her album Alright, Still

So for this week’s Quick Hits, I thought I’d mix it up a bit…because I don’t have any pickups for this week because there’s something big I want to get within the next few weeks


No I’m not buying a new Vita and Borderlands 2, but I might pickup the game because I’m actually somewhat okay with FPS games on there. There’s a new toy I’ve been thinking about buying so we shall see if I actually do it (coin can rule is giving me the green light).


There are a couple of topics I want to share my thoughts on, and why not during QH where it’s anything and everything, right?


The Dallas Cowboys


I wanted this to happen because it would add another attraction to the circus that calls Jerry World home. Would it have been a good pick? Nope, but since Jerry Jones is after viewers not Championships, it would have been perfect (yes I’m a Cowboys fan, but you have to laugh at some of the crazy things that go on sometimes to keep sane). Johnny Football fell to 16th, the spot where the Cowboys were picking and Twitter was going nuts.


My favorite of the many tweets. In the end the Cowboys went with logic, and added to a pretty good Offensive Line. I hope they continue with logic and add to the Defensive side of the ball, and for all that is good this season PLEASE run the ball more. That’s what the main problem was last year.


EA’s Instagram posted this, and since I’m going to buy Madden on release day, I’m trading for Johnny Football so the video game Cowboys will be the circus I want to see.


Chris Finishes A Storm of Swords


So the first book in A Song of Ice and Fire took half a year to listen to, the next two books in the series took a month each, and now I’m two chapters into A Feast of Crows. Below is some spoilers but I’m going to borrow an idea from the GoT thread on the forums by blacking out the text (just for you redacted file fans) Highlight to see the text...but there could be spoilers.


Holy cow there are some crazy things going down in the seven kingdoms! What is odd is that the TV show seems to have said “F this” and proceeded to create their own timeline. I get why some of it happened in Season 3 and others happened in Season 4, but moving some characters around is just nuts. Also Episode 9 this season is going to be NUTS, and I didn’t see the latest in “let’s kill off these characters” happening. Also as usual at times I said Who the hell is this guy, and went to Google pictures from the show. This sentence is purely going to be for fun: Holy crap I can't believe there are sharks.


I can’t wait to see what happens in the next book, and since it’s half the size of Swords I might finish this one within the month.


Community Got Cancelled


Saw this on Twitter, and I’m disappointed that there isn’t going to be Six Seasons and a Movie. I thought it was such a good show with a lot of references to movies and other shows.


I do love the Goodfellas episode, especially at the 3:00 minute mark.


Nintendo’s New Smartphone Webservice


After reading this article, the first and only thing I thought of is that this app is useless. I’m sorry Nintendo fan, but sharing video? C’mon, you have a vast catalog of games that you can share on a new platform, and this is what you release? I maybe wrong on my point of view, but there are so many possibilities you can do to connect your app to your game other than gameplay videos.


Dancing With The Stars


This week they had guest judge What’s her face (I refuse to type her name). Her shtick of bullying little kids may work, but I’m glad Maks and his brother stood up to her when she tried the same tired garbage. Yeah let’s throw out fancy terms at people who’ve been dancing for maybe two months. Let’s push them around, and clearly have favorites. Oh and best part, when someone pushes back let’s be bias with their score even though they were clearly better than the others you praise.


I’m all for constructive criticism, but I hate it when people try to bully others when it’s oblivious the person being the bully couldn’t do the things they bitch about. I applaud Maks and his brother for not going off, because if I were in their shoes, there would have been a lot of bleeping on the show.


Chris Knocks Another Off Mount Backlog


I’ve been playing a ton of this game, and a couple of days ago I finished off the final levels. What I like about this game is that you need a certain amount of gold bricks to unlock the next level so there’s a lot of going back into the game, and collecting miscellaneous bricks likes collecting a minikit, collecting studs, etc. Since the levels are relatively short this wasn’t a hassle, plus it added to having to use new characters in those levels. Most of the bricks involved using a special character to unlock it.


This game takes a lot from the console version while repackaging it like it’s a new game, while keeping some of the Lego charm. I wasn’t a fan of the touch screen options because switching characters became a hassle because it would trigger a special move. Luckily I found that using the D-Pad does all the same things that the touch screen does (it pays to actually look through the digital manual). I’m currently in the middle of going for a 100% in the game, and earning Platinum in this game seems to be attainable if you accomplish the 100% in game. There are a handful of trophies that are similar to playing certain characters together, which add to the other normal play through trophies. I thought it was a fun game and worth $20


Some Android Stuff


Ok so I did try a couple of games so I guess these could be considered “pickups”


MLB Perfect Inning


Yes because apparently I need baseball on as many devices as possible. Think of this game as a stripped down version of The Show’s Franchise Mode. You pick a team, give them a name and play through a season with a ton of customizations like difficulty, a full baseball game experience, and my favorite just batting.


The uniforms are almost spot on with the exception of having generic numbers, which sticks out for teams like the Angels who have a custom number font.


The roster seems to be up to date, with the exception of some spots that are maybe platooned.


Don’t expect gorgeous graphics, but they are as good as early PS2 stuff.


The game is fun, you earn XP to upgrade the talent of your players, and batting is simple, you hit swing when you think the ball is in a good spot. It took me a couple of innings before I got the hang of it, but towards the end I ended up swinging at everything in range instead of being picky (I tend to go through periods of The Show like this too). If you like baseball, give it a try.


Red Bull AR Reloaded


I’m not a fan, and there are better racing games available. The scale of the cars in proportion to the environment is off, apparently its ok to have F1 cars drift a bit, and the handling is ok.


Ok Pixlbit, I am off to enjoy some video game baseball because it is my weekend! Currently video game Chris is hitting his way out of a mini slump, and I’m really enjoying stealing bases now.


That’s all for now, more later!




Super Step Contributing Writer

05/09/2014 at 06:50 PM

My prof is trying to make it so we could see an Angels game. As long as they're not playing the Rangers, I'll root for home team. Tongue Out

Do you have a controller thing on top of the touch screen for that LEGO Marvel game?

Lol Dancing with Moms. Didn't know that was a thing before clicking the link. 

So Nintendo put their version of twich on phones? Hey, it's something. I mean I don't care, but it seems like a nice addition to that "Wii gamem." Seriously, does no Internet publication edit?

To NBC's credit, it's kind of hilarious that they cut it off right before season 6. Tragedy is funny sometimes. I've caught reruns of it on the local FOX station, it seemed decent. 

I highlighted only a tiny part of that GoT text and all it said was "ow." 

As for Cowboys, most people seem to agree that shitty defense was actually the main problem. I'm hoping for a d-line pick as well. 

Lily Allen is ok, I guess. Don't really have much of an opinion. I like her accent and trashy lyrics fine and her music doesn't bother me. Not much else I can say. 

What's that big item you're saving for?


05/09/2014 at 07:11 PM

Oh that Cowboys defense was so bad. I blamed Monte Kiffin every game for terrible play calls. Hopefully Marinelli does better, and there are some gems in the draft that will fill needs for him.

The Lego game is on the Vita, but it had these swipe commands that were shoehorned into the game because it's a touch screen. I bet these commands work better on the 3DS version

Hahaha I must have missed Dancing with Moms part. I know that woman has some show where she yells at kids to dance. 

I think NBC did that because Community made fun of their show The Cape, which is where the six seasons and a movie thing came from. The early episodes are really funny.

The Angels are playing the Astros and Royals this month so you might have to root for the home team...and experience The Rally Monkey. If you watched the early Friends episodes when Ross had Marcel the monkey, that monkey is now The Rally Monkey. 

As for the item I'm saving for, I was originally going to get a PS4 in time for Madden and another copy of MLB The Show, but I do need a new iPad. My current iPad is a first gen, and I'd like to have one of the newer ones to take advantage of the games that are on the iTunes store. I'm still in debate mode, so it might be awhile. 

Super Step Contributing Writer

05/09/2014 at 07:43 PM

Dude, what?! I'm rooting for Ross's monkey then! My ex-gf will be soooo jealous I got to see something from Friends in real life! lmao

For me, that's a no brainer PS4 purchase, but since you do way more mobile gaming than me, I guess it's different.


05/09/2014 at 07:59 PM

Wow. You have the honor of being the first person that let me know about community being cancelled. That actually makes me really sad, and even though there have been shows I liked that were cancelled before this is probably the first time I can say that about a cancellation. That sucks. it's really rare that I like an American 30 minute comedy show and it was one of the best.  Just looked at another site and it appears that Sony announced that it is going to shop it elsewhere, so maybe the show will continue on.  


05/12/2014 at 01:25 PM

I do hope another network picks it up. The show is too good to be cancelled. The plots were over the top but there were a ton of references to pop culture, and those "easter eggs" were always fun to try and spot. 


05/10/2014 at 05:29 AM

Alright my man you like Baseball games and I am thinking of getting one so which one would ya recommend me im getting a Basketball game at the start of next season of course im thinking NBA2k.


05/12/2014 at 01:28 PM

Show for baseball. The last great 2K game I played was 2K5, and that was a steal when it was released at $20. The Show is so customizable that it fits anyone from a casual fan to the hardcore. NBA 2K is always fun, but I always like to mix in some NBA Live for it's arcade qualtities. I do hope they fix the problems I heard about with the this year's 2K (I'm a year behind on the basketball games, so I might skip this year's game when the new one is released, and just get that)


05/10/2014 at 04:08 PM

Oh, that's how that blacked out text works. I was wondering about that. Cool idea!


05/12/2014 at 01:29 PM

Yup, I like the concept. It hides the stuff from folks who don't want anything spoiled without having to scroll through text hoping to not stumble on anything.


05/14/2014 at 01:58 PM

I was getting into Community, so I'm a little bummed. At least it'll stick around in syndication.


05/15/2014 at 11:59 AM

It's a good show (especially the first couple of seasons). I think they show old episodes on Comedy Central. 

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