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Sega seems to be failing financially: Blunders of the Fall.

On 05/11/2014 at 08:15 PM by vesper27

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Let's look at the fucking facts here Sega.

You left the console market. Most the time you push out shitty Sonic Games and you blame not making money on the economy?

What a fucking filthy excuse. Every sonic game this side of old Sonics and Sonic Adventure 2 and Dark Brotherhood have been atrocious. Learn to either let go of the most iconic hedgehog or get the fuck out. Stop trying the same formula. Stop trying to re-imagine the once awesome blue chili dog eating hedgehog.

You have proven time and time again that Sonic is dead. You can't keep putting out fucking trash Sonic games and expecting amazing responses.

I love what Mega 64 said. They said the new Sonic is shit. And it is. Heed the warning. Just stop. Go after a different IP. Keep him in Smash Universe but don't make any more Sonic the Hedgehog games. It is just a shit show now. It is sad as a huge sonic fan. I have completed Sonic, Sonic 2, Sonic Spinball. I have played Sonic 3D, Sonic and Knuckles,  Sonic Adventure,  Sonic Adventure 2, Sonic 3,  Sonic Blast.

I sound callous and I need to be. I still would love to try the DS sonic games. I also want to try Sonic Colors.

Sega, please just make a new IP.  For the sake of people that love Sonic stop hurting us with garbage. People are so scared when a Sonic game comes out because they know of past failures.

I read the Game Informer article by Mark Futter and it really hashes out the financial strain of 2014. Well, delve into old stuff like Golden Axe reboots or Streets of Rage re-makes or Vector-man in the modern era. Sega can dip it's feet in past awesome games. They're just so hellbent on Sonic. And the newest Sonic tries to look hip. Hip doesn't mean shit when you don't have a solid game people will play. Consider your audience. Do they want hip Sonic with a hanker chief? Or do they want a great Sonic game that doesn't have shitty physics. Consider going to the past if you try to create another Sonic game.

Also make a new damn game. Brand new crazy risky concept.

You'd be surprised what creativity breathes.




Super Step Contributing Writer

05/11/2014 at 10:01 PM

Huh. I actually kinda liked the more recent Sonic games I've played, like Colors and Generations. I wonder who came up with the chili dog thing, which to my knowledge wasn't a thing until the American cartoon came out. 

As for the new Sonic being shit, isn't Boom not coming out until August? Or are we talking about a different game? I'm honestly not surprised a Sonic game is shitty, I'm just wondering if it's the same one I'm thinking of. Honestly, I own and like SA2: Battle for Gamecube, but the Rouge and Knuckles portions are zero fun for me. 


05/11/2014 at 10:41 PM

Remember that awful Golden Axe game for Xbox 360 etc... and why haven't they done something with Streets of Rage? They did rerelease Sega Bass Fishing, but they did nothing new with it. It's just a port of the Dreamcast game.


05/12/2014 at 02:48 PM

It would also help if Sega wouldn't segregate its games so much. They keep too much stuff out of the US. Namco has the right idea. Build the brand by making good collector's editions for the fans and promote the games to the rest of the audience.

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