I am most interested in the new Zelda and BG&E games.
Nintendo E3 Announcements Leak Edit
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![]() On 05/13/2014 at 01:46 AM by Captain N ![]() See More From This User » |
And stuff for Microsoft and Sony too
Hi Pixlbit, been a while. As usual, I always check the internet for video game news and if you know me, you know how much I like Nintendo. I checks Nintendo news sites frequently about the gaes I actually care about and one site I frequent had a list of leaked E3 announcements. Here is the list but remember, it's a leaked list which 100% of the time means it could be fake:
I could care less what Sony and Microsoft show since I don't have a PS4 or XBox One and I don't plan to own either anytime soon but let that list sink in for a bit. The only non-Nintendo game I care about is obviously Batman: Arkham Knight and maybe that Miku game. But the list I'm interested in is the Nintendo one, if you can't read the small text, here is the list:
Bayonetta 2 (Wii U)
Castlevania Symphony of the Night 2 (3DS)
Hyrule Warriors (Wii U)
Mario Kart 8 (Wii U)
Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate (3DS)
Pokken Fighters (Wii U)
Sonic Boom (3DS/Wii U)
Super Smash Bros. U (Wii U)
Super Smash Bros. 3D (3DS)
Theatrhythm Final Fantasy: Curtain Call (3DS)
The Legend of Zelda: Shard of Nightmare (Wii U)
Xenogears: Origins (Wii U)
Now let's start ripping this list appart, well the Nintendo one. First, why would they show Mario Kart 8? Maybe they'll give it some sort of promotion and maybe they'll have some dlc? More tracks and characters would be welcome. We'll most likely see Bayonetta's 2 release date and Hyrule Warriors final date and release date. That Castlevania seems fishy to me, I never played the first SotN but wouldn't that be a game suited for a console or the Wii U? I mean it seriously needs some games but the game itself seems a bit farfetched to me.
Forgot to add this: Sonic Boom looks like a great game, but we don't know much about it other than the teaser trailer we got a while back. Sonic and his friends got a huge radical make-over and alot of people are on the fence about that, but who cares. What is really neat is that the game is being made by people who used to wok at Naughty Dog and that has me excited. Plus it looks like it could be what Sonic Heroes could of been, but we'll most likely see it at E3. I still think Knuckles ate the Master Emerald though.
Pokken Fighters. If there is one thing that Pokemon does well besides being an insanely addictive time waster is that it sells units. It's a reason why Nintendo handhelds are always at the top and why I buy them. What everyone wants is a Pokemon game on the Wii U. Pokken Fighters was that Pokemon fighting game teaser they showed a while back and it's nice to see it become an actual game. But shouldn't they add Pokemon to the title? I mean we Pokemon savvy people know it's obviously a Pokemon game but what about casual gamers or people who don't frequent sites like this one? That would be like saying if Smash Bros is a Mario game because he's on the box (but we secretly know it's really more of a platformer game than a fighting game).
While we're on the subject of Smash Bros. it's really likely we're going to see the final character roster at E3, it could be returning veteran fighters (crosses fingers for Captain Falcon), newcomers (hoping for Tharja), and maybe 1 or 2 new third-party character announcements (hoping for Pac-man and Snake). Plus Sakurai posted a trophy of the Wondeful 101 at Miiverse, so we'll most likely see one final third-party character or so like Bayonetta. We're most likely going to see the final announcements for the 3DS version of the game, like the final roster and would make sense since the Wii version will have the same characters as the 3DS version, the only difference will be some modes and the stages. It would be a logical thing to do since the 3DS version is coming in the summer and the Wii U one before the end of the year. Plus they can squeeze some final announcements before the 3DS release date and give them time to announce more stages and modes for the Wii U version.
On Monster Hunter and Final Fantasy, I wont touch that because they are already announced and we know they are coming here anyway. We know Zelda is going to be showed but take the title with a grain of salt. But Xenogears: Origins seems interesting. It seems like that will be the title for X, but I thought Square Enix held the rights to Xenogears? Did Nintendo or Monolith buy the rights to the name?
Plus one more thing that list doesn't have, where the hell is this on the list?:
You think that Nintendo's biggest series not named Mario would be at E3. But to be fair, Pokemon games don't or ever show up as new announcements at E3, we might see some new info though, but damn my excitement for these games are over 9000.
Plus while these will be at E3, they aren't all the announcements. Take a look at the list in the image. On Sony and Microsoft's press, it shows games that will be shown and ones that will be playable on the showfloor. They are different. On Nintendo's it shows the ones that will be playable, not what will be their announcements. Plus I thought Nintendo was going to do a Nintendo Direct, why does it say Press Conference not available, shouldn't they have taken that text out like they did with the Nintendo announcements? It's obvious that Nintendo will have more announcements, plus the list could be fake because Miyamoto himself said he's helping other devs at Nintendo with games that will take full adantage of the gamepad and those games will be shown at E3. Regardless, this list, as fake it may be, it does sound pretty cool. But I'll wait for a more reliable source, that source is a guy called 100yearoldgamer and he/she always seems to post at IGN's forums and alot of the stuff he/she posts there happens to be true more than not.
Fake or not, take this with a grain of salt and this just makes me even more excited for E3, What do you think of the list? Thanks for reading and later.