Yeah, apparently my class ( is going to L.A. the week after the heat wave into perfect weather next week. Can't wait. Sucks about your PC, but that's good it's up and running!
And man, you really like Dark Souls 2.
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![]() On 05/16/2014 at 12:24 AM by asrealasitgets ![]() See More From This User » |
I haven't posted any blogs in a while because my PC died and it needed a few upgrades. This recent super heat wave in Southern California killed my cooling systems! But everything is fixed now and all systems are go!
The bad thing is that I started playing Dark Souls 2 after the PC version was released and my PC died right as I got hooked on it. It took a while to order parts, and I went back and finished a recent replay of Dark Souls 1 on PS3 while I waited, so I've been making connections between both games more than I should-- I think. You should see the Dark Souls 2 Forum threads on here and see how nitpicky I'm being about this. Everything from the lore to the NPCs to the video trailer is being dissected. I really wanted to wait until later in the year when there is a gaming drought before Holiday to get into this game, but I couldnt resist. This game is just so good. SO good! I'm playing offline by myself and taking the Zelda approach to this game, as I normally do, so I don't know if I will make it to the end alone. Although I did take on the 4 gargolyes alone, so I think I'll be okay. I think? I was thinking of posting blogs about this game as I play along, similar to the Foggy Logs I did when I played through Silent Hill 1-3 recently. But, I don't want to spoil things for people who might some day pick it up later on. Yeah. The game is good. I'm thinking Game of the Year good.
Also, I should mention that I setup a naming contest for a little idea I had for a guild. I think the majority approved for the name "Pixlbitallion". My PC choked in the middle of all this, but now I will move forward with this concept soon. I will make more announcements soon. Stay tuned.
I should point out that I really am enjoying the new forums on here as well. It is an excellent new feature and I think praise is due to the creator. Cheers!
In the mean time, I am imposing a self intervention and breaking away from Dark Souls 2 for a while because it is consuming too much of my gaming time at the moment and it's doing that thing that games do to you when you want to quit them but you cant. Oh dear! I think the game might have one of those strong evil boss souls that is controlling me!
Excited for...
X-Men: Days of Future Past
Sad for...
Kinect 2.0- seriously thought the tech was cool.
WiiU- needs more games still.
My Dark Souls 2 habit!
Looking forward to reading more blogs and what ever comes with that community podcast @whatsacow is master minding.
Rumors about a Demons Souls 2 aka Project Beast on PS4. I will be needing to buy a PS4 sooner than later just for this game, as Demons Souls is my favorite Souls of all the series.
Yeah, apparently my class ( is going to L.A. the week after the heat wave into perfect weather next week. Can't wait. Sucks about your PC, but that's good it's up and running!
And man, you really like Dark Souls 2.
Quite addictive, but I'm loving the lore speculation as well. I'm being drawn in even more with my lame "Murder She Wrote" style questioning. LOL! I would love to play the vibrant and colorful FFX as a break from the darkness that is DS2. How are you doing in DS by the way?
FF X does indeed provide a respite from the oppressive darkness of DS2.
I'm doing alright in DS2, so far as I can tell. In the first DS (which I didn't finish) I played really slowly and farmed lots of souls. In the first DS I played a Sorcerer and had him levelled in such a manner that I could also use decent armor as well as a reinforced Drake Sword. I'd nuke enemies with Soul Arrows to soften them up and deliver the killing blow with the Drake Sword.
For DS 2 I rolled a Knight, and I've just been working on reinforcing the Heide Knight Sword the last couple hours....i've got it +3 right now, just have to find some large Titanite to take it up further. I'm gatthering my strength a bit before I go into The Pursuer boss battle.
Stupid weather! So Cal weather has been odd but at least its not constant triple digits. Sorry about the PC, that sucks but its up and running so all is good!
I want to see Godzilla but I'm not in a hurry, X-Men on the other hand I will most likely see on release day.