Mmm! Brownies! Isn't chocolate one of the major food groups?
Hoping things go well at the doctor's today and you get good news.
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![]() On 05/20/2014 at 06:05 AM by xDarthKiLLx ![]() See More From This User » |
it's almost 3 a.m. PST. I've been having a hell of a time trying to keep a regular sleep schedule lately; mostly since I've been injured and healing I've been up all night and sleep well into the afternoon. I'm going to go with it a couple more nights and then try to stay up the necessary hours to get myself back to rights.
Baking brownies, my son asked for them earlier today but I wasn't feeling up to it. Figured I'd have them ready for him to eat with milk as part of a not-so-healthy breakfast.
I get my leg xrayed later today to see if it's healed up properly. I need to ask the doctor to be realistic about whether or not I'll be able to go back into my trade (machining). The lifting and physicality of what I do for a living may take a further toll; being on crutches is already screwing with the tendonitis in my left wrist area in addition to the broken ankle.
If I'm not able to keep up at work and be comfortable in my own body while doing it, i'm going to have to switch professions. Ugh.
Anyhow, I beat Max Payne 3 earlier. It was ok, on the whole. To be honest though, I haven't really liked anything Rockstar has done since Red Dead Redemption.
God I love Red Dead!
My son seems to have a ravenous sweeth tooth for the simple Duncan Hines brownies. That reminds me, I gotta get more vegetable oil.
I didn't get to play the first two Max Payne games...but MP3 doesn't really deliver in the 3rd person shooting/action genre. I'd recommend Uncharted over MP3 any day