The Legend of Zelda: Shard of Nightmare and Hyrule Warriors News
Dream or Nightmare
Last night I was at twitter and someone tweeted a site with leaked images of the Wii U's upcoming Zelda title The Legend of Zelda: Shard of Nightmare and well I don't know about you but they look pretty neat. Here they are:

Here is the site with the leaked images but here's the interesting thing, it only has one comment and the commentor said it's fake. Not sure what to believe but that these images in with a grain of salt.
On more Zelda related news, apparently Team Ninja is helping out with the development of Hyrule Warriors, as if Nintendo didn't learn the last time but who knows, Other M wasn't that bad of a game, sure the story and voice acting was bad but they got what makes a Metroid game a Metroid game with the gameplay. They got the gameplay and the controls right, I thought it controlled really good and the action parts were pretty neat. So it actually might benefit the game, maybe it'll also play like Ninja Gaiden?
And this other bit of news is that Hyrule Warriors will be out in Japan on August 14. So an American release date wont be too far off from there, I guess a September release might be good. Plus the game might have a story because *surprise* Zelda get's kidnapped by a witch called Shea. I hope she is playable at some point because from what I heard, these type of games gives you a ridiculous amount of playable characters and having Zelda would be cool. Plus there is no way this game is canon into the series if it's a spin-off. But would make sense with the Team Ninja collab.
So what do you think of all of this? Thanks for reading and later.