Glad you're not dead, Ben. The only thing more dangerous than dry chicken is dry turkey, which is almost always super dry. Dry foods in general are a real gamble to try and eat. Mechanically you either have to hope you have enough saliva to lubricate whatever the food is, or actually drink it with a mouthful of water but that doesn't sound very appetizing. As a kid I learned early that I didn't like eating peanut butter sandwhiches much because the bread and peanut butter dried my mouth out almost instantly on the first bite and it was a close call trying to swallow a mouthful of a sandwhich like those sometimes.
Samus has rocket heels,someone do something!
On 05/22/2014 at 02:27 PM by BrokenH See More From This User » |
"Oh no,Samus is more sexy and now has heels! Let's have a good cry!"
While people are bitching about Samus’s new heels I cannot help but smirk. It’s just so preposterously stupid to get upset over. The heels themselves actually help her jump higher and give her more powerful kick attacks. In other words, they’re not just for show.
Certain “impassioned fans” have tried to argue the addition isn’t practical or realistic but when has Smash Bros. been “practical” or “realistic”?? It’s like accusing My Little Pony’s ponies of not looking enough like real ponies!
Others throw dumb ass comparisons at me. As in “Tony Stark doesn’t have to wear heels!”. Well good for Iron man! But you know who “does” wear heels? Raiden, one of the most bad-ass male characters from Metal-gear! Yet did “anyone” bitch about it then?
Raiden has heels,he knows how to use them!
Look, I’ve been to the bowels of the internet! You want to get upset over something?! Apparently there is a niche genre of games where women lose their clothes gradually and take health damage by getting sexually molested by monsters. This genre is called “ryona” yet not a single “infuriated feminist” or “white knight” has brought it up! Let’s just keep bitching about those heels, right?
What do I think about ryona? It’s kind of weird but it’s still not hurting anyone I guess. I stumbled across footage of a game called “Parasite In City” and was actually pleasantly surprised by how nice some of the sprites and backgrounds looked. The main character resembles Aya Brea and many of the monsters are either zombies or Alien inspired parasite creatures. Unfortunately, the game has all of one boss (I think) and the stages consist of pushing blocks, shooting foes with a rather weak hand gun, kicking when ammo is depleted, and watching the sexy protagonist get spanked, grappled, and banged with gusto when she fumbles the ball!
I could not help but to think this might have been a rather good side scrolling survival horror game if the designer added more weapons, more enemy types, and better laid out environments as opposed to putting painstaking detail into the various “monster rape animations”. But this was probably a Japanese game creator attempting to stay true to the ryona genre.
Regardless, it’s pixels on a screen. It may come off as somewhat disturbing to my American sensibilities but I always go by my “If no real people get hurt I’m fine with it!” rule. Just like there are completely normal and nice people that enjoy the goriest of horror movies there are probably nice and normal people that enjoy this stuff too! I’m not here to call down the wrath of tumblr onto the ryona genre, I’m simply stating that compared to Samus’s “new heels” it seems as if ryona degrades and sexualizes fictional non-existent female characters in a much more blatant fashion!
Why I’ve been gone
- Too much time on face book. I know, I’m sad and pathetic. lol.
-Usually I share my art with everyone on pixlbit but my last illustration was straight up erotica. Yes, I’ve decided to draw hentai again. (But probably not as much as I used to) Anyway, I know many of you have wives and kids so this was not appropriate material for a gaming web site.
-Just a lot going on. There have been inspections, visits from my social worker, and I put my game up on Indie DB. For those not in the know, this also requires creating a detailed summary page and putting up screenshots/concept art. By the way, all is cool. Inspections went okay and I actually like my social worker. (She’s attractive and seems to really care about the people she works on behalf of.)
-Had kind of a life or death experience when choking on some dry chicken. I was lucky my best friend was around to administer the heimlich maneuver. Seriously, without Alex I might not be talking to you all right now. (I know some of you might have wished I “did” choke to death on that thick breast meat. Sorry to disappoint you. Lulz!)
-Working on coloring yet another illustration and fortunately I “can” show this one off once it is completed!