Lots of good stuff there. I love that Alice screen shot. Got to play that game sometime. I believe I have it on 360 from a sale a while back.
May Game Purchases
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![]() On 05/24/2014 at 02:58 AM by Halochief90 ![]() See More From This User » |
Once again, long time no see! I guess I never seem to get any blogging ideas other than the obligatory purchase blog. Oh well, enjoy the pictures and the off-the-cuff reactions if nothing else!
Alice: Madness Returns
Found this one used for $10, not until after remembering that there is a code for the original PC Alice game in new copies. Turns out, that’s not a problem because it’s a free download either way! I’ve already finished the original Alice and I found it quite memorable. Madness Returns doesn’t appear to be near as dark and creepy though. This is a bit of a concern because that was the best part of the original. Even if Madness Returns is a bit of a disappointment though, I’ve already gotten my money’s worth!
Max Payne 3
Possibly a decade ago, my brother and I rented Max Payne 2. I played it for a few hours, but watched my brother beat the rest of it as it needed to be returned pretty quickly. I can’t say I regret "playing" it that way, as even what I played of it was repetitive. The story was good though. I’m interested in what direction Rockstar is going with its now washed-out former cop.
Dragon’s Dogma
I guess I should have gotten the version with the expansion, Dark Arisen but $10 was hard to pass by. If I really like the game, I can always download that later. Other than that, I know this was made as the spiritual successor to Monster Hunter… which could be a good or bad thing considering the amount of other games I want to play eventually.
PQ2 – Practical Intelligence Quotient 2
I don’t remember much about this one. I just know it is a puzzle game in a similar vein to Echochrome. It was also only a dollar. That might have largely influenced my decision to grab this one.
Rayman Legends
Hard to believe I got this only a few weeks ago. I finished it pretty darn quickly. I did really enjoy it though. I think I like it even more than Origins. It's too bad there's not that many music stages. Now there's DLC that I would buy!
Tomb Raider Trilogy
I’m probably the only person on Pixlbit who actually enjoyed the recent Tomb Raider reboot. Regardless, I have heard nothing but good things about this collection. I know it will be nothing like the reboot, but if the games are fun I’m… game?
Tales of Symphonia Chronicles
I was originally going to get this one as soon as it came out. $40 for two games, one of them I’ve wanted to play for over a decade, is a great deal. Regardless, it came out when a bunch of other games were coming out. It ended up dropping to half price pretty fast. Just over two months after it came out. Not that I’m complaining!