I don't really have much new going on around here. The biggest thing to note is that our trip to Japan starts in a couple of weeks...
I have been bouncing about games for the past couple of weeks and have yet to truly settle into one game. I had finished up Ghost of Sparta, I don't actually remember if I had mentioned that. I probably have. Then I started God of War on the Vita. I played an hour or so of Final Fantasy X. I played about the same of SteamWorld Dig on the PS4. Same with Ground Zeroes.
Ground Zeroes actually brings up a topic that I wanted to actually talk about last week. My time with Ground Zeroes reminded me of one of my favourite games from the last generation, Deus Ex: Human Revolution. When playing Human Revolution, the one thought that kept running through my head was... "this is the best MGS game we have had in years." I am sure that I read that somewhere, but it was true. Of course, you had to be playing through the game with a stealth playthrough, which I was. I ran through the majority of the game, up until the last level with just a silence pistol and tranq gun.(I did have an assault rifle, but that was just for the subpar boss fights) That is exactly what I did in the time I have spent with Ground Zeroes. I ran around the mission using my tranq gun and nothing else. With the changes to gameplay that have come to the MGS series with this entry the game played almost exactly like how HR did... except that it was 3rd person instead of 1st.
This past week was one of the most exciting weeks in videogames for me. I grabbed Transistor and Wolfenstein. After all the bouncing around I have done in the past couple of weeks, I think that I will end up settling into Wolfenstein. I have enjoyed the hour or so that I have put into it so far. I do want to play Transitor because I loved Bastion, but I will end up doing exactly what I did with Bastion when it came out. I downloaded Bastion, played a couple of minutes and put it away for a couple of months.
I finally finished the Avengers and am now on a Marvel movie kick. I went out and grabbed copies of Iron Man 3 and Thor: The Dark World. I have gotten through Iron Man 3 and quite enjoyed it. In fact, I went and ordered the Extremis trade the next day... It was a really easy purchase for me because it was written by Warren Ellis and I love that guy. I should probably order that Planetary Omnibus sometime. I still have to watch Thor, but am excited for that. I have always had a soft spot for anything related to Norse mythology so I am sure to love that film... plus Christopher Eccleston, the Ninth Doctor. I have also grabbed some more Classic Who, specifically the most recently uncovered Troughton episodes, The Web of Fear and Enemy of the World. I am excited for those. I did also get what is widely considered the worst Doctor Who story ever, Timelash. I still like Colin Baker, so I am sure that I will find something to enjoy in it.
Lakefront has put out a new beer that I think is amazing. It is an India-style Session Ale, or ISA for short, called Extended Play. It is one of my new favourtie beers. It is endlessly drinkable with a lower ABV, but plenty of flavour.