I really have no clue where to begin this whole mss of a blog that is called my life. I guess anywhere will do!
*Im curretly living the single life again. This all fell to hell the last time I posted. Im kinda hopeing with time maybe we both can be friends but at the moment things are kinda sour. I had to do it though, I wasnt happy and shit wasnt changing. If your ever in an unhappy relationship, do what you need from the start. Dont drag the shit out like my dumbass did. It will bite you in the ass hard.
*Im hot on job searching, I went to an interview last week on Thursday so hopeing I hear something Tues or Wed. I still have the Goodwill job but I honestly loathe the place. At the last store meeting this past week my Boss had the balls to start BS drama among a lot of people. Now there is nothing but tension. Retail is the devil I tell you!
*I have been still keeping up with gaming, just havent been able to blog alot. Its been a def crazy time, Ive mostly been lurking in the shadows. Im really excited for E3 this year, The event hasnt done so hot these last few years so maybe with new consoles to push games out on will improve it. I have been watching vids on what people think will be brought up and round E3 and alot of it just makes it more exciting. Im def excited for the following
Hyrule Warriors
The Order:1866
Samurai Warriors 4-Recenty announced for release on PS4,PS3,Ps vita for US release in the Fall I believe. Also Warriors Orochi 3 was announced for release on PS4 and Xbone in fall as well. My PS4 collection is about to get alot bigger!
The New Zelda Title
Shadow Of Mordor
the Last Guardian-I really want some effing info Square!

I dont know about yall but, he is adorable id cuddle him to death ^_^
Final Fantasy 15
Monoliths X title on the Wii U
and the list could carry on!
Anywho I hope your all doing well. Im gonna do my best to be more active on here!