man, I hope you don't die. I need my blunk drake!
Awesome Modern Gaming Soundtracks
On 05/28/2014 at 05:45 AM by Blake Turner See More From This User » |
Well. I'm sick as fuck. I have three assignments due in two weeks and I;m a bit stressed. So if you don't hear from me, I'm probably dead. Don't worry though. I give you permission to use my death as a meas of getting a day or two off work/school.
Now, on with the music!
Yeah it's only new, but holy shit I am in love. This game has an absolutely gorgeous soundtrack that merges jazz and trip hop quite effectively. As shown above, the instrumentals are amazing, but when we get vocals... dear god it's a delight. He'rs another track.
This soundtrack is so good that it elevates the gameplay. It's what forced me to keep playing the game. It really is something.
FTL: Faster Than Light
I really dug the soundtrack to FTL. It made absolutely nailed the atmosphere. Simply breath taking.
Thomas Was Alone
This soundtrack can bring a grown man to tears. I know because it has.
The Cat Lady
Are you a fan of Nine Inch Nails? Well, by george you're going to love this soundtrack. It sounds a lot like early NIN. It's catchy, it's haunting, it's explosive. It's awesome.
Hope you enjoyed it. I'm going back to dying now. Bye!