Can't wait for those pictures you've got. From Belgium and whatnot, right? That's awesome.
I'm currently getting all my L.A. stuff into my Dropbox myself.
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![]() On 05/28/2014 at 03:21 PM by Alex-C25 ![]() See More From This User » |
I've been way too lazy lately to blog and Tumblr doesn't help, but because I can't live without doing atleast a blog every month, here's a very quick update on some things from mid-April until now:
- I commented it here, but just for the people that don't know, I saw Captain America: The Winter Soldier. I already made a review here, but to put it shortly, it was awesome.
- The only other film I watched was a French (I think) film set in Tel Aviv which I think it was called Le Fils de le Autre (translated as The Sons of the Other). Nothing especial, but it was a good film overall. I didn't make a review on that.
- My boughts on Steam have been: Descent (which Matt R reviewed), Don't Starve, Portal 2, Retro City Rampage, the Big Band, Squigly and the color palettes from Skullgirls, thomas was alone (yep, low caps) and the most recent one, The Witcher: Enhanced Edition.
- I also never mentioned I got physical PSP games here on Europe (thank god for not having region block). They are: Tony Hawk Underground 2 Remix (my original Xbox copy had sadly died), Street Fighter Alpha 3 and that Darkstalkers collection I can't remember its especific name.
- Been mostly on a First Person mood lately and also some Bastion because I want to finish it before getting Transistor. Started Half-Life 2 (spoiler: it's incredible) and Dear Esther, been playing some rounds of Team Fortress 2 from time to time and continued some of Bioshock.
Anyway, that's just an overview. I've got many pictures I would like to show some goodies and I still haven't shown the mystery object from this blog, but don't trust me to have them as soon as posible.
Weird. I was just thinking about Half-Life 2 today. I thought about it when I saw some lawn gnomes for sale at Wegmans. I remember trying to carry that thing in the game all the way to the end to put it in the missile. There's an achievement for doing that. I lost it somewhere along the way though.
Awesome, awesome, awesome, awesome and awesome. Half Life 2 is timeless as Matt said.
Descent is a blast from my past I had nightmares because of that game. Not that is was necessarily scary, but I played it in the dark and was fully immersed in the game. Plus, there are enemies that silently stalk you.
I do want to see Winter Soldier, but have too much going on at the moment to even watch Thor 2.
So many good games for the PSP. I am not quite sure why Sony's handhelds don't do better, they do have access to amazing content.
I think it might be posible that Half-Life 2 just entered my list of favorite games. It just does most things right.
Take your time and then you can watch The Winter Soldier, which to be fair, I find MUCH better than Thor: TDW.
That just scratches the surface of games I want for the PSP. The PSP really has a great library.