"This isn't survival horror cuz Jill haz a gun!"
~Quote from a hipster idiot
Ugh, I’m getting really tired of people dismissing any horror game with “combat” as not being genuine survival horror. In Resident Evil, Fatal Frame, Siren, Kuon, Alan Wake, Cry Of Fear, Last Of Us, Deadly Premonition, Rule of rose, and Silent Hill there was always an option to fight back or dispel evil spirits. It certainly did not make any of those games less nerve wracking or less unsettling!
"Fatal Frame 2 is scarier than any Slender-man entry and probably scarier than Amnesia. Live with it!" ~ Me being an opinionated grumpy diack!
When people act like they “freak out” playing Slender or another stupid-ass indie game where all you do is walk around and collect stuff it makes my hackles rise! Seriously, a glorified scavenger hunt is not scary. Yet sure enough these games with hardly any actual “game-play” are getting more and more popular!
"A loyal canine companion turns the tides but not so drastically the female protagonist does not feel threatened anymore."
Don’t get me wrong, Slender-man is a decent horror antagonist but the truth is games with him in it are usually trite pretentious dog shit. To expand my thoughts further, I rather have more options in these types of games that extend beyond “run’ “collect” or “stuff yourself into the nearest closet”. At least to me some kind of way of fighting back (including the ability to set traps or having an attack dog as a companion) adds a lot more depth and strategy to the horror experience!
"A screen-shot from Dead Space 3 that manages to look rather horrorifying. Despite that being the case, I still think DS 1 & DS 2 come much closer to being "true" horror games."
Lastly, I don’t care what the “snoots” say, Dead Space 1 and Dead space 2 were both psychological and terrifying despite the fact Isaac had uber cool weapons to slice necromorphs apart with. By contrast something akin to One Late Night seems like a trip to Disney-land!