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The Progressive Regime: More dangerous than you think!

On 06/04/2014 at 01:43 PM by BrokenH

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“Progressive” certainly holds an allure for people. Accept it or deny it, most of us want to be “right” about things and we want to somehow feel “morally superior” about the stances we have adopted as our own.

Of course this “pride” has really fucked us over this generation. We have a lot of social justice warriors bitching on tumblr and twitter but not a lot of people actually making positive changes. 

Below are some of the issues I believe are hurting us BAD as a society!

"Yeah,let's forget about putting down "humanist" and "equalist" as choices too,right? Remember, if you're not a feminist you are a pedophile rape monster! Er,a misogynist too!"

Pointing of fingers and buzz-word slander

“Kojima is a misogynist!” one headline reads. “Lords of Shadow comparable to rape-lay?” reads another. Yes, we’ve certainly gotten good at mud-slinging yet we barely take the time to truly know the victims of our slander. Certain “trigger words” are meant to shut down a discussion before it even begins. Admit it, being labelled as a “woman hater” or “rape apologist” is a difficult hole to climb oneself out of.

But the thing is no one uses these terms correctly. Yes, it’s easy to call your ex boyfriend or ex girlfriend a narcissist (because he or she hurt you) or label an angry neckbeard who gave you trouble at your job a "shut-in otaku virgin pedophile" but if you step outside your emotions a bit you will probably realize that those indviduals are not really “that bad”. Just because someone disagreed with you, offended your cultural sensibilities, or hurt your feelings does not mean they embody a hateful buzzword that should be reserved for no less than the absolute worst of humanity!

Censorship for the sake of “hospitality”

Everyone knows Mark Twain’s Tom sawyer and Huck Finn books had the word “nigger” in them. But in truth Mark was very anti-racist and progressive. “Nigger” was simply a word used in racist context at the time slavery in the south was a real thing.

So when I found out Mark Twain’s works were being “edited” to be “less offensive” it made me angry. Truth be told, his books probably have less references to the N-word than a skit done by a Black comedian or certain rap videos on you-tube!

When we censor period fiction we essentially lie about real history and when we lie about history we cannot learn from it!

Attacking the wrong issues

We all know somewhere kids are starving to death or being armed as shock troops and a woman is being lashed repeatedly because she had the audacity to drive her dying husband to the nearest hospital. (Women are not allowed to drive in certain countries.) The world certainly is not all kittens and rainbows!

To this end it never ceases to amaze me how westerners argue and viciously attack each other over the STUPIDEST most TRIVIAL bullshit!

-“You like that game? You’re a sexist! It has jiggle physics and objectifies women!”

-“When guys I don’t like stare at me in the distance it feels like RAPE!”

-“Samus has heels now, ZOMG! Fuck the new Super Smash Bros. !”

-“That movie portraying “American heroism in the military” is just a recruitment video done by war-mongering tyrants!”

-“Let’s start an online petition to get that guy fired! His jokes offended me!”

-"Elsa from Frozen is obviously a lesbian dyke to push "gay-marriage-fornification",derp!!"

Shut up….PLEASE….shut the fuck up! Not everything is a conspiracy and not everything has a hidden meaning or veiled agenda. People that complain about the trite crap above are spineless wimps. I’m sorry, but it’s true.

I started off being a liberal myself but I swear I’m coming to hate that same label. Probably because the most vocal leftists give us all a terrible reputation and can be just as unruly as the most backwards conservatives. (That quote I put about Elsa is supposed to be from a radical conservative viewpoint because they piss me off just as much!) Of course the most vocal leftists seem more like socialist Marxists than democratic Americans. (And before I get a rebuttal Marxism is built upon the principality of making us into Marxists without us even realizing it’s happening. It’s called propaganda and subliminal advertising! Why do you think so many Germans supported Hitler even as the Nazi party did horrendous crimes.)

White privilege, thin privilege, cis privilege, able bodied privilege, male privilege….blah blah fuckity blah!

Across forums and social media sites wars rage over the word “privilege”. No word this generation has divided us apart and turned us against each other more than the P-word.

If you have “privilege” you will never be right in a debate. If you are male and white your life has been nothing but sugarplums and magic carpet rides! Poor suffering white-folk? They don’t exist!

But don’t think you are safe just because your Black, Asian,Native American, or Latino! You still might have that “male privilege” or that dreaded “thin privilege”. You have functioning legs? Step aside, able bodied swine!

Are you a woman? Great, but a big “Fuck you” if you are a White woman, attractive woman, or ALWAYS had a vagina! What about those poor women trapped in men’s bodies you heartless bitch?!

Are you Trans-gendered? At least you still have your health you selfish twit! Some people have cancer you know! That's right diva,get down from your high horse because I'm bi-polar! I obviously endure trials and tribulations YOU could never understand!

That’s right, no matter where you rank in the oppression Olympics “someone” will be gunning for you and asking you to check your privilege at the door.

So what gets done from having a “check your privilege” Olympics? A whole lotta nothing. Can we challenge our government or research what laws they’re changing when we are bickering amongst each other? Nope! And the corrupt officials in power know this too. Together we stand but divided we fall.



Nick DiMola Director

06/04/2014 at 01:51 PM

Great post, Ben. I couldn't agree with you more. This is a deeply concerning issue and something that only seems to be getting worse.


06/04/2014 at 01:55 PM

Eventually I think it'll "pop",Nick. But yeah, it's kind of vexing to have to wait it out in the meantime!


06/04/2014 at 09:32 PM

Ha Nick, dat Luigi death stare avatar. Waluigi see him rollin', he hatin'.


06/05/2014 at 11:42 AM

Haters gonna hate!

Nick DiMola Director

06/05/2014 at 03:17 PM

Haha, gotta love the Luigi Death Stare.


06/04/2014 at 02:47 PM

Do we still have the option to get Mark Twain books with the word, nigger, in them?  I hope we still have the option.  It could be like a selling bonus.  "Buy my Mark Twain books.  Nigger still included."  Or maybe uncensored would be a better way of stating that. Laughing


06/04/2014 at 02:53 PM

Chris Rock: Come and get your uncensored Mark Twain books. "Niggers" now included! 

Sorry James, just had to take it there for the lulz! Wink 


06/04/2014 at 04:06 PM

Isn't it illegal to give away black people with books? *blinks and looks confused*

LOL, It's just that when written that way it  would cause more problems than it solves.


06/04/2014 at 05:32 PM

I wrote it that way knowning it's politically incorrect,Pete. lol. Wasn't trying to truly offend or upset anyone though. Besides, my best friends know I'm loaded with offensive jokes. Tongue Out 

PS: My friends are also free to call me a "jive honkey cracka" anytime they want to,heh!


06/05/2014 at 06:58 PM

It does sound that way. Laughing


06/05/2014 at 10:27 PM

My true goal was to plug Chris Rock. Seriously,he could say the most boring inane stuff imaginable and still somehow make it funny!


06/06/2014 at 08:40 PM

I remember that one. Laughing


06/30/2014 at 07:51 PM

In my opinion it was one of his best skits,James. But eh,they're all really good. Everybody hates Chris was also great. lol. 


06/04/2014 at 03:17 PM

Ben, i've got nothing but agreement with this, especialy since the Elliot Rodgers things were Tumblr commited THREE of those annoying things and made me unfollow someone and apparently made 7 million users leave the site due to the toxic enviroment.

As some users on a SWJ stupidity blog I follow said, they think that the world is black and white and don't seem to know that we humans are NOT perfect.


06/04/2014 at 03:45 PM

They certainly get vitrolic don't they,Alejandro? It's odd when I see people with a "We're against hate & discrmination" stance yet that's exactly what they are doing.

  As for Elliot? Kid had issues and yes, I do think he was privileged. However, I do not think he was a misogynist. It's odd how those using him as a poster child for male white privilege & woman hating forget the fact he iced three guys too. The proper term we're looking for is "misanthrope". That kid loathed humanity in general.


06/04/2014 at 04:10 PM

The guy mostly had mental issues and it's been discovered that he wasn't in fact a Male Rights Activist as many people like to blindly point out.


06/04/2014 at 05:34 PM

I think it started as typical growing pains. Elliot seemed jealous of alpha males and the pretty popular blonde girls. We've all felt that way before but sadly Elliot "snapped". You're right. There was definitely some psychological disorders involved.

It's "low" to try to associate him with an opposing group just to use the tragedy to stir up drama and misinformation. That's NOT social Justice!


06/04/2014 at 04:08 PM

I was watching BBC Blues Britannia on youtube last night and the English musicians talked about how strange it was for English youth from affluent south London to be so into music from the American south sung by oppressed blacks. There was some really good comments made. You could say it's wrong for these priviledged white kids to oppropriate black music but really it's more complex than that. Humans naturally absorb influences and spit them back out in their own way. It's like a law of nature or something and teens always feel oppressed by authority no matter what their upbringing is; so, I can see these English kids wanting to get with the subversive, rebellious qualities in the blues, moral critics be damned.


06/04/2014 at 05:40 PM

Yeah, blues is good "rebellion" music to be sure. Traditional blues spoke both of the oppressed minority and the typical blue collar workers who barely had two pennies to rub together. Both Rock n Roll and Country music borrow from blues rather frequently too.

The teens on tumblr simply make me think "Eh,they'll grow out of it!" but the adults on tumblr scare me. That and you have to admit our education is blaring the post modernism/modern feminism/Social justice trumpet quite loudly. All which can potentially start as good things but they're rather "twisted" today. 

Cary Woodham

06/04/2014 at 08:05 PM

If people would just play more Kirby games, this world would be a better place. :)

Too bad not everyone is just like we are, perfect in every way.  Ha ha!  Just kidding!

Thanks for reading my blog.


06/05/2014 at 11:46 AM

Kirby might be the solution! He is a fun lil guy! He can eat away all the hatred and then said hate will be replaced by kittens,cuddly adorable kittens!

Casey Curran Staff Writer

06/04/2014 at 09:36 PM

Life's not fair and rather than making people who have it good feel bad about themselves, try making those who have it bad have an easier life. What's that? It takes work? Well then get off of your $900 Mac and go back to enjoying your other hundred first world luxuries.


06/05/2014 at 11:44 AM

Couldn't have really put it better ,Cas! You win the internetz!


06/09/2014 at 05:12 PM

I remember reading somewhere that a person was offended that the Mario Kart 8 character roster wasn't diverse enough for their liking, disregarding the fact that Miis could be used to cover that perceived flaw.

It's annoying to me that there's people out there now that just go out and look for something to be offended by, just for the sake of creating an unnecessary arguement or to get attention.


06/30/2014 at 07:20 PM

It's as if victimhood is a new profession. Frown


06/15/2014 at 12:03 AM

You can't win, as Rust from True Detective said

"I think human consciousness, is a tragic misstep in evolution. We became too self-aware, nature created an aspect of nature separate from itself, we are creatures that should not exist by natural law. We are things that labor under the illusion of having a self; an accretion of sensory, experience and feeling, programmed with total assurance that we are each somebody, when in fact everybody is nobody. Maybe the honorable thing for our species to do is deny our programming, stop reproducing, walk hand in hand into extinction, one last midnight - brothers and sisters opting out of a raw deal."

You can help but feel that he was right.


06/30/2014 at 07:22 PM

At my most depressed I've had that philosophy too. Of all creatures on the earth I think we're the most cancerous to our own planet. But I think we "can" do much better and evolve into something better. Beyond pollution our worst trait is we "bitch" way too much! lol.


06/27/2014 at 02:48 PM

thus why I like to consider myself a conservative than a progressive. They just seem off the wall when it comes to stances and standards that it comes to the point where it's okay to have your own opinion so long as it's their own.

Atleast with conservatives they can be consistance with their stances, it's just the extremes some will have that tend to give them a name after the fact.


06/30/2014 at 07:25 PM

It's alright,bro. I will not hold a grudge against you or assume your an insane bigoted racist who stockpiles weapons for the biblical apocolypse. lol. Actually because of all the insane liberal garbage I cannot really blame people for being conservative. And I don't believe all Republicans are greedy war mongering neandrathals either.

 It's okay to be conservative or liberal. It's the unreasonable radicals on both sides that make me want to KILL a motha f&cka!

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