Looks pretty cool. I totally missed this game. I do have Shining Tears, which I thought was pretty decent. I will have to check this one out. Also, by 3 out of 5, do you think this game is average but not very good? I ask because I wonder what your opinion is on this game. Also, can you tell me what other Shining games there are?
Shining Force EXA ps2 Radical reveiw ( 3 out of 5 )
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![]() On 03/08/2013 at 01:06 AM by leeradical42 ![]() See More From This User » |
Shining Force EXA is a rpg with a twist and despite what the reveiws say on this game it is a fun game.
Breif history-- shining force exa is developed by Neveland and published by Sega for the playstation 2 console and the shining series which you may remember from the Sega genissis called Shining Force Ultra which was another if not better version in the series.
The story-- the story focuses mainly on two characters that the player will have the opportunity to control: Toma,a brash sword weilder who dreams of being King of the world, and Cyrille,a mage of sorts whos reasons for searching for the shining force are well kept mysterie, joining the other half of the party is Gadford a night who happens to be a centure, then theres Maebelle an elf archer seeking the blade to save her people.
The world is divided into two main kingdoms. The Noswald Empire is home to the humannrace, and the dens rule the southern territory, Fyrlandt.s
The gameplay-- Shining Force EXA has one new feature which i personally thought made an already good rpg great, the new feature is the customizable robot castle geo fortress. as a headquarters they also protect and defend this custom castle later you can upgrade the shops and add different levels to make it bigger,and the cool thing is you customize it to fit you saynyour a knight then sadles stuffed horse or a mage with a librarie or scroll table well you get my point.
In short most of the game is a hack in slash but is not boring or repetitive, everything is fresh and moves right along.
The voice acting and music well first off the voice acting is one of the weaker parts of the game and can be laughable but its not a deal breaker and the music is nothing special im sure you wont be out buying the soundtrack, So bottom line if you like rpgs you wont go wrong here, its funny because most people that follow my reviews know that I usually come up with some out there games that you may not of heard of but thats why i love my classic ps2 collection, but overall this game is an at least try.