I got lucky and scored a copy of Ninja Gaiden and Retro Game Challenge for the DS and both were less than $10. Holy cow that's a crazy haircut.
Quick Hits: Chris Votes, Pickups, And Jerseys
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Well hello and Happy Friday Pixlbit nation! The crazy weather is staring me in the face and I don’t want to go outside. The temperature in my little part of Sunny Southern California a couple of days ago. It's more of the same currently
For a positive at least it’s not humid. If it were I’d be #Lebroning right now
Oh Twitter has hilarious last night. So what is going on with you good people? Since it is Friday, it’s another edition of Quick Hits. For today’s QH, I thought I would go light on random topics and focus on the two big things I did this week, voted, and pickups. Sound good? Well cool, sit back, turn on the Air Conditioning, and let’s get this Friday going so we can enjoy the weekend!
Chris Goes Voting
On Tuesday here in triple digit degree California, it was Voting Day. I got to cast my ballot for folks who are going to be placed on the main ballot. My goal for this election was to vote for all new folks. Yup no incumbents…unless I really dislike both candidates, then I switch to the third party folks.
My voting experience took maybe 10 minutes total. I had my cheat sheet on my phone, and when I got to my polling place, there was a no cell phone sign. Just like the Founding Fathers I laughed, threw some ice tea into a body of water and proceeded to vote with my phone in hand. Ok there was no ice tea throwing, but it added to the patriotism of my description. I voted for some randoms, and picked up my sticker on the way out form a nice gentleman who was the info guy at the door
Once again, you’re welcome California!
Chris Watches The WWDC
This is the one time of the year I actually use the Safari browser on my Macbook, and I spent maybe an hour watching all the new things that are coming to the OS X but also iOS. From what I saw it seems that Apple is opening the doors to the walled garden with some items they borrowed from Android. Usually all the things Android Fanboys like to point out as “weaknesses” are now gone like customizable keyboards. Funny thing is that the leaked layout for apps on Android devices will look like the current iOS layout. Before you operating system fanboys start furiously typing, I don’t care which OS you like, if it works for you, than its all good.
The folks running the keynote added more jokes, little shots at Android users, and a sneaky plug for the recent Beats buyout. I can’t wait for OS X Yosemite and iOS 8 in the fall.
Chris Hits A Game Goal
I hit one of my goals in Treasures of Montezuma Blitz a couple of days ago, and this goal could only happen by chance. While playing the scratch card to see how much bonus gems I could win, I hit the jackpot
I now have hit every single bonus combination, and I’ve hit the 60K one at least three times.
The NBA Finals
I have no team in the Finals, but since a certain Aztec plays for the Spurs I’m rooting for them again. This popped up on my timeline
That Barber has crazy clipper skills. Go Kawhi!
Something Fun Showed Up In Simpsons Tapped Out
I’ve currently jumped back into the Tapped Out game because of the new quests that were teased on Facebook. The odd thing is that my game didn’t update, so I had to go into the store to update it
The new intro screen
And after playing a bit, doing some challenges, visiting my friend’s Springfield’s, I earned enough and bought some of the Stonecutters Stuff and made a compound
This is my favorite storyline of the Simpsons and was especially hilarious because a couple of nights before I saw this, Police Academy was on one of the HBO’s
“Who keeps Steve Guttenberg, a star?”
I’ve been a tad busy with the pickups this past week. Some were really cheap, one was not so cheap but it was can’t pass up price, and others were found on the Android Market. Sound fun? Well let’s get started.
I just want to say earlier today I spotted some X-Box/360/PS2/and PSP games at a thrift store but their prices are a bit much. $8 for either X-Box or 360 games, $5 for PS2 and PSP games. Nothing great in the mix, but I thought about buying the handful of PSP games just to add to the library.
I picked up the last copy of Killzone Trilogy from the local Target for $14. Nothing too fancy, but I needed Killzone 3 to complete my console set. I figured for the price I also get the original “HD Version…with Trophies”. That was the game I played half of it before getting stuck on the old PS2. Drawback for this is the original game is a download game. Oh well. Hopefully now I can actually play through the series, I’ve completed both the PSP game and the Vita game.
Random GameStop find in the bargain bin on the counter. Nothing great, in fact it’s terrible, but I bought it because it sounded funny to have a game based on the movie. Let’s see if it can out do the terrible that is Jonas Brothers The Game.
The next group is from the 70% off sale at Toys R Us
Prince of Persia and Crosswords Plus. I’m such a big fan of the Puzzle Crosswords game on the PSP, so much that I bought the same game on the PS2. It was one of those budget titles but I had a lot of fun going through the various puzzles, and this one is no different. A ton of puzzles and the more you play, the more you unlock. Only drawback I’ve found is that the 3DS thinks my A is an N. I have to write out an over exaggerated A to get an A.
I’m glad I never jumped on the Art Academy game when it was on clearance at Best Buy for $15. I now have a copy, and just for laughs I bought the Sorcerers Apprentice because it’s Nicolas Cage!
I bought this version of FIFA Soccer because it was a launch title. I’ll try a little bit but I bought it mainly because of it’s release date.
Humble Bundle added a couple of games and soundtracks to the bundle I bought a week ago
I’ve played a game or two of Metal Slug here and there, but the dang Stonecutters keep taking up time (They hold back the Electric Car)
Some Android Freebies
So I found a game I’ve played a couple of different versions on the tablet
And so far the game is like those found on the 360, and the PSN version. Only drawback is that the game itself has the artificial limiter that a lot of these games have. Each race takes some gas, and if you finish off all your fuel, you have to wait a couple of hours to play it again. I would be happy if they just charged a buck or two, I’d pay for it just to have these games on my tablet.
Oh you know I like my match jewel games, and ever since I started playing the ones that involve cards and combat, I’ve been hooked, so naturally I was attracted to this game. It has the movie tie-in (where are the Jaegers?), the matching of jewels, and combat. The difference is you control Godzilla’s attacks on the enemies by connecting the colored jewels.
I don’t know if I like this game yet. I haven’t spent that much time with it, I’m not too keen on the fighting system. We shall see if it still calls my tablet home.
Ok so I’ve loved jerseys since I was in high school, but I didn’t start buying them until college, and I haven’t bought any in a while but I saw that Mitchell & Ness had a crazy one day sale where if you signed up any jerseys you buy will only be $100. I know what you’re thinking and believe me it is crazy to spend $100 on a jersey but when the jersey is normally $300 I have to jump. So I signed up, spent a good half hour online window-shopping before making the plunge. There were a couple that I wanted but were too small but I did find my grail, the jersey I’ve been hitting thrift stores in hopes of finding to come up short. I found it, and added it to my cart, and spent the next hour hitting refresh so I could process my order (oh you resellers out there slowing down the system).
I bought the Mitchell & Ness Charlotte Hornets Larry Johnson Authentic!
The Front
The Back
And the swanky M&N tag. I love LOVE L-O-V-E THIS JERSEY! I now have the jersey to go with my Grandmama sneakers, and Charlotte Hornets Starter winbreaker jacket. For you younger folks the early 90s had a love affair with pinstripes, teal, and purple.
I also bought one of the M&N baseball batting practice jerseys
1982 San Diego Padres Tony Gwynn!
The Back
The Swanky Tag
The bottom inner tag with Tony’s name. Mr. Padre, and one of the best Aztecs For Life ever! It took maybe a week and a half to get my order because of all the orders they were hit with. My online invoice only had the Padre jersey as shipped while the Hornets jersey was still waiting. I am one happy jersey owner right now, and they came right on time for the summer.
Bonus pic, my brown Padres caps.
Ok Pixlbit I must end this latest blog. I want to start my lazy weekend, my graphics project is done, and I saw there are some Borderlands 2 codes in my Twitter timeline.
That’s all for now, more later!