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Characters I still want to see in Super Smash Bros. WiiU/3DS

On 06/08/2014 at 08:51 PM by Captain N

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Last Minute character wishes

So with E3 2 days away, I know it's on monday but E3 really starts with Nintendo's presentation (don't argue with me) and that's when we'll know more about Super Smash Bros. Wii U/3DS and we'll most likely know the final complete character roster since both versions share the same characters. Plus depending on the game announcements is what we'll see from character announcements. Like I said before, this is how they reveal a new character depending on a new Nintendo release. We got Diddy Kong with the release of DKR: Tropical Freeze and we got Yoshi because of Yoshi's New Island on the 3DS. I think it's safe to say we got Rosalina because of 3D World and I support that decision 100%. So depending on what we see at E3 will determine the final character announcements, or who knows we'll see more till the 3DS version comes out. So with E3 just around the corner, I thought it was time to do one more blog on characters I still want to see in the game, I'll put a section for veteran and one for newcomers to seperate the list. Will the characters you want make it on my list? Well only one way to find out...



Jigglypuff: I'll get this out of the way now, I think it's safe to assume the Puff wont make it in the roster anymore which is sad because Jigglypuff is one of the original 12 veteran fighters. I know alot of people will be disappointed but I just don't see how they can add Jigglypuff now with 4 Pokemon characters in the roster. Who knows though.


Falcon: This one is a fan favorite and I can see why. Cool and Brash, Falco could in fact be the coolest character in Star Fox. My brother is a huge fan of Falco and he would like to see him return, I think he might with the rumor of a new Star Fox title to be revealed at E3.

Wario: I couldn't take him seriously when I used Wario in Brawl, he was just so fun to use. I Fooled around with him because he is so hilarious, I like how he walks sideways. I do the same with Deadpool in UMvsC3. I'm not sure how many returning characters we'll have but I want to see him again, I mean Waluigi is an assist trophy, why not bring back Wario? Not sure how his move set will be but wouldn't it be cool if they allow him to change form like one of his forms from the Wario Land games? Oh wait Nintendo doesn't do transforming characters anymore...


Snake: Snake was a big surprise when he was announced in Brawl. Heck I'm surprised they let him in the game, considering he is from rated M games. But man was he cool, I loved using his codex stuff and it was hilarious. I loved the Captain Falcon one the most. Kojima said he wants to see him again in the new Smash Bros, could we in fact be seeing him again? Considering that Kojima wanted him in Melee but they couldn't add him in Brawl, I'd say he has a good chance to sneak in.


Ness: You'd think with the release of Earthbound on Virtual Console that we would have seen Ness already? It's a real mystery though, unless they are planning another Earthbound game? I doubt it buthe is a veteran since the original and having him in the game is a crime. Speaking of crimes...

Captain Falcon: I. Just. Want. To. See. Him. In. The. Roster. Then. The. Whole. Roster. Would. Be. Perfect.




King K.Rool: We all saw the Kremlings in the Smash Run thing, will we see King K.Rool/ Doubt it but it would make alot of sense. Just don't make him a clone of Bowser.


Black Shadow or Deathborn: Captain Falcon is the only character that represents F-Zero in Smash Bros, OR HE WOULD HAVE BEEN IF HE WAS IN THE NEW ONES! Okay I'm good now. People want Blood Falcon, an evil clone of Captain Falcon but wouldn't that be ironic? People don't want clone characters but yet he is a clone? It defeats that purpose. People don't seem to mention Black Shadow, the bad guy from the F-Zero games. He's evil as evil comes. He has these magic powers, and he wants nothing more than to destroy Captain Falcon in front of millions of viewers in an F-Zero race. We don't have enough evil characters in Smash so he might be cool to have. Then there's Deathborn, if you thought Black Shadow was bad, Deathborn is worse. Infact Black Shadow is afraid of Deathborn because Deathborn is more powerful than him, more evil than him, he can time travel, and he's immortal. Yet Captain Falcon beat and destroyed him? Why and How? Well because he's Captain Falcon that's why.  


Captain Syrup: If Wario is in the game or not, why not add Captain Syrup? She is just as awesome as Wario and she's got her own crew of pirates and a pirate ship. She is also a thief just like Wario, I can picture her being a speed like character. Plus we need more female characters in the game and instead of adding a princess like character, why not someone who can defend herself?


Patricia Wagon or Shantae: I know they are both 3rd party characters but they have been on Nintendo platforms for so long that it would be neat to add them in the game. Plus the point of characters in the game is if they've been on a Nintendo platform and these 2 characters really shine on those systems. We might not see them as actual playable fighters so maybe at least we can see them as assist trophies.

Any of the Hunters from Metroid Prime 3: Alot of people wanted Dark Samus in the game, why? I don't know why, she would just be a clone of Samus and good thing Sakurai fixed that desire by making Dark Samus an assist trophy. People want Ridley but he'd be too big wouldn't he? I know Bowser is big but he seems smaller. Plus we don't know if Ridley is in the game or not based on that teaser we saw in the Nintendo Direct. He could be a stage boss or a new character. But one thing I never see anyone mention is the Hunters from Metroid Prime 3. Rundas is an ice based character and I don't think we have characters with ice based attacks, he could be a cool addition to the game. Ghor was that hunter that can turn into a giant robot thing that shoots fire if I remember, that would be cool for a final smash. And then there's Gandrayda, she was the hunter that could transfo... well we wont be able to see her now. Thanks Sakurai. Still it would of been cool to see her take the form of your opponent to mess around with them.

Krystal: I'm not sure how many people feel about her as a character but I thought she was a cool character even though Star Fox was shoe-horned into the Dinosaur Planet game. She knos how to fight, she has that magic staff which has alot of cool abilities that would be neat to use in Smash Bros. Plus between adding Wolf or Krystal, I'd take Krystal over Wolf for another Star Fox character. Plus she wouldn't be a clone of anyone.

Shulk: I never finished Xenoblade and I know I'm a terrible person but I'll try to fix that soon. Alot of people love this game and it got alot of praise and alot of people want Shulk in SSB. Plus with Xenomech (that's what the rumored name of X is) to be shown then it would be perfect to reveal him in the game.

Tharja: I never played Fire Emblem: Awakening but I know who Tharja is. She looks really damn fine and I heard she is really funny, or so I heard. I'm not sure if there will be another Fire Emblem character in Smash but I'm always in favor of more female fighters. Plus she is a magic user I think, the only magic characters we have is Zelda and Rosalina.

Platinum Games

Anyone from Platinum Games: I said this in a prevous blog last year that anyone from Platinum Games would be awesome. Plus this time I think there's a good chance we'll see someone from there since there's a Wonderful 101 trophy in the game. Who Knows we might see someone from TW101 or Bayonetta, but I think we'll most likely see her in the game. That would be cool and would be salt in the wound to people who want Bayonetta multiplatform.

Pac-man: This guy deserves to be in Super Smash Bros. WiiU/3DS. Sakurai said that he doesn't want characters from other fighting games in SSB so we wont see anyone from Tekken or Soul Calibur here but we may in fact see Pac-man. Or another Namco character since we have S-Flags in the game. Would be cool to see him and then we'd have Mario, Sonic, Megaman, and Pac-man in the game. I just want to see him plus it would be a nice gesture since Nmaco is helping co-develop SSB.

Honorable Mentions:



I think it's safe to assume we'll probably see one of these 3 in the game. I'm sure it's the Ice Climbers but even though he was OP, I'm hoping for Meta Knight. Not sure if we'll see Mr. Game and Watch though but we'll have to wait to find out.

So which characters are you still hoping for to be announced? Thanks for reading and later.



Cary Woodham

06/08/2014 at 09:07 PM

I'd love to see Wario & Capt. Syrup as well.  If Pac-Man were in the game, it would pretty much have all my favorite video game characters in it (along with Kirby and Mega Man).  Hopefully it won't be the 'Ghostly Adventures' version of Pac.

Captain N

06/08/2014 at 09:11 PM

I'd love to see Cap Syrup too and would be funny to fight Wario with her. I'm hoping for Pac-man too, he just needs to be there. And I'm hoping for the Pac-man World design at least.

Matt Snee Staff Writer

06/08/2014 at 09:46 PM

I like Wario.  He got screwed. 

Super Step Contributing Writer

06/08/2014 at 09:47 PM

I would dig using Krystal's staff in a fighter.


06/09/2014 at 02:22 AM

Great choices!!! I think Platinum games should have their own Super Smash Bros., then they can all kick each other's ass with tons of goofy one-liners.


06/23/2014 at 02:00 PM

Still holding out hope for Captain Falcon, especially since my brother'll flip if Falcon's not in the game.

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