I first need to catch up with trailers.
Nintendo E3 2014 Thoughts
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![]() On 06/10/2014 at 03:19 PM by NintendoFanJon ![]() See More From This User » |
So like last year I decided once again to express my thoughts on E3. Again I'll look at Nintendo because well...it's in my user name (say what!? And here I thought I liked Microsoft!) Anyways I really liked some of the announcements and others...well we'll get into that. But for now here is a list of pros and cons
The Zelda U teaser/ Warriors- Finally, the exploration Zelda fans have craved for (Those mountains yo!) But in all seriousness I am intrigued by this. What some may dub as Zelda: Elder Scrolls edition I find myself wondering how Nintendo will tackle said mountain. Will we have Skyrim absurdity of horses climbing 60 degree angles? How about dungeons? Perhaps hidden caves? You can only learn so much from the trailer...all I know is it's a cel shade style and that bow looks friggin sweet. I also think that Warriors could be my first Warriors game in a while...and Midna as a playable character? Awesome sauce there.
Bayonetta 2- Now with the first Bayonetta...that's all I need to know. Plus future DLC looks interesting.
Yoshi's Wooly World isn't dead and is coming out...not that everybody complained (people did) it's just that it seemed like people fussed about Nintendo's announcement way back and honestly it looks so fuzzy...must...squeeze...cuddle...cuteness....overload.
Palutena is in Smash ya happy!? For all the gripe on boards and other sites the quote 'Where is Palutena!?' has wracked my nerves. I was taken aback a bit though...I saw that staple Namco Bandai style cut scene and thought for a split second a Tales character was joining. Then I warped back to reality. Also Pac Man was finally revealed...took long enough lol.
Mario level Editor- This is something I think will bring out my inner game designer. I have always wanted to make a Mario level and now I can. The inner geek in me is salivating. I have dabbled in game creation and level design before with the vastly underrated and relative sleeper hit Blast Works: Build, Trade, Destroy for the Wii in which you could create your own side scrolling space shooter and share them online. If this has that potential to share and play levels of mad geniuses who love Mario like I do then by god it'll be glorious.
Splatoon- COD meets Tony Hawk's Graffiti mode for what looks to be the craziest free for all experience Nintendo has ever dabbled with shy of Mario Kart. It's a step in the right direction online wise and it's a game I didn't see coming.
Kirby and the Rainbow Curse- It took Canvas Curse to really bring people on board the DS to start making sense of what it could do. Will the sequel ( I'm guessing) do the same for Wii U? Probably not...but it does look fun
We're getting the Prof. Layton/ Phoenix Wright crossover finally!!!
The Cons:
Amiibo- My biggest problem is this...it just seems so cash grabby and pointless. I get that Disney and Activision hit it big with this effort, but knowing Nintendo I feel this gimmick will be under utilized. So far 4 games are compatible, with more being promised. Call me a cynic if you want I was told many things by Nintendo that never were fully utilized or brought to us. I'll hold my judgment strictly in check...for now anyways but god help me if this is another GBA to GCN connectivity fiasco...and god help me if this becomes something you need to be required to use in future games. Thankfully right now...it's optional.
Xenoblade Chronicles X got a downgrade graphics wise...it still looks good don't get me wrong, but I feel as if it looked worse than initially teased...maybe it's me...maybe my expectations were too high...something felt off...Though it seems Riki (or a Riki esque) character is back and I love me some annoying heropons!
Mario Party 10- I like the Bowser angle, but the series is stale. The team car thing makes sense since you are running away from your Bowser trolling buddy, but don't you miss the free for all it used to be? And if it don't have online...thats a turn off. People want to party online...the closest we got to that was Fortune Street...which while fun, just got boring since it was just online monopoly with people rage quitting...just like regular monopoly!
Still no big 3rd party support- Call Wii U owners lucky if we get the multi platform titles that PS4 and One got...cuz it sure isn't happening. We get some nice indie Eshop titles sure and the Devil's Third, but the heavy hitters have all abandoned the U making Wii U the worst 3rd party system Nintendo has had...and I thought the N64 and Gamecube were bad.
Still no SMT X FE...not sure if it's still happening from the intial teaser shot we got way back when, but there hasn't even been so much of a screen shot of footage unlike say yoshi's wooly world.
Anyways that's my thoughts...What did you think? Agree? Disagree? Did I miss something? Comments and feedback are always appreciated!