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Another week of pickups

On 06/13/2014 at 12:57 AM by MrUniverse_

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Hello Pixlbit! I hope everyone enjoyed E3 this week! Many games were announced and I'm very excited to get my hands on them. Only problem now is the patience that I don't have to wait for them to release!! From all the craziness that Nintendo announced, I think it's time to buy a WiiU. I probably won't get one until the Zelda or Mario Kart WiiU bundles drop or there's a Smash Bros bundle. Which ever comes first. But of course I'm really excited to play the games announced for the PS4 and Xbox One!!

Anyways, since it was the last day of E3 I decided to go around town and find some games. My first purchase was Injustice: Gods Among Us Ultimate Edition. I didn't play Injustice before because I'm not that into fighting games. Some of my cousins usually go all crazy in the Street Fighter games and I would always get my a** handed to me. So I knew I wasn't cut out for those types of games. So I was just browsing through GameStop's website and I noticed that this game dropped in price. I was thinking about getting the PS4 version for $40, but the Vita price was only $20. So I decided to get it for the Vita. Luckily I was able to find a pre owned copy so I can try it out for myself. I didn't think I would like it, but surprisingly I do. Even though I'm half way through the story, there's still the S.T.A.R. Labs battles to do. I actually enjoyed this game more than the Mortal Kombat game on Vita.

I also picked up Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor Overlocked. I do not know anything about the SMT series. All I know is that a lot of people recommend the series if you have a 3DS. I've had my eye on it at one of my local stores for quite some time because apparently there's no pre owned nor new copies anywhere within a 100 mile radius from where I am. So I looked at it as a rare find. So I decided to pick it up to try it out. To tell you the truth I didn't like it at first, but the more I read into the story the more I started to enjoy it. So hopefully I can get into it. 

Yesterday I went to ToysRUs to find some more goodies in the clearance section. There was a game that caught my eye before, but I didn't know whether I should purchase it or not. I never played the games when they first released on PS2. I know my cousins really enjoyed it and a lot of people were excited when they released an HD Collection of them. The game I'm talking about is Zone of the Enders HD Collection. I ended up not buying it and went home to look up some reviews about it. It got pretty good feedback from people who purchased it. So today I went back and got it. 

My second purchase from TRU was The ICO & Shadow of the Colossus Collection. I never played these games back on the PS2. I've seen some cousins and friends play them, but I didn't remember how the gameplay was until they released this collection. When this first came out I thought of buying it because it got such high praise. Luckily I waited for a price drop.

Third purchase was the God of War Origins Collection. I think I played a little bit of Chains of Olympys back on the PSP. I didn't quite get to finish it because I was playing it on my cousin's PSP. I played this collection when it first released on PS3, but kept it in my backlog for quite some time. I ended up trading it because I wasn't playing it at all. There was a point in time where I really wanted to play all of the GoW games, but I realized I traded them all. I know it was stupid of me but luckily I found this collection and God of War III. Which was my fourth purchase.

Finally onto the last purchase. I saw Castlevania: Lords of Shadow on clearance when I first saw that TRU was having this crazy clearance sale. I thought about getting it but I ended up passing it up. As I kept going to the store I still saw it on the shelves and thought to myself "i'll pick it up eventually. I doubt someone will take it". Next visit I made it was gone. At first I was regretting not picking it up, but then I got over it. Then, earlier today I was able to find it not at the clearance bin but somewhere hidden along the end cap of the isle. Of course if I wanted a game but didn't have the money I would hide it too (I know it sounds like a douche move, but who wouldn't do it?" So I picked it up before someone else would. Even though I was still debating whether or not I should buy it.

During my time looking through the games, there was a lady picking up some games too. Call me paranoid, but I could've sworn she was following me. I could only think of two reasons: 1. I was holding a game she saw me pick up and was waiting to see if I would put it down or 2. She wanted to see the places I was looking through to see if I had missed anything or put something back. So even though there were games I kind of thought of getting, I still held onto them.

If any of you are interested, here are the regular (reg.) and clearance (clear.) prices of the games I bought from TRU:

The ICO & Shadow of the Colossus Collection: reg. $20 clear. $6
Zone of the Enders HD Collection: reg. $30 clear. $9
God of War Origins Collection: reg. $20 clear. $6
God of War III: reg. $30 clear. $9 
Castlevania: Lords of Shadow: reg. $30 clear. $9

So check your TRU stores! You might never know what you will find.

Well that's all for today Pixlbit. I hope you all have a great weekend!





06/13/2014 at 02:19 AM

Man, those are great prices. I should check my TRU. although last time I did, I found squat. Could be worth another look though.


06/13/2014 at 11:15 AM

Hey you might never know. Look for places where you think people would hide games. I found a handful of games where the movies are. Check the pre owned section as well because there are some hidden in the back of the shelves.


06/13/2014 at 01:40 PM

Good ideas. Thanks.


06/13/2014 at 03:25 AM

I orignally had injustice on the PS3 when it first launched. I didnt regret that purchase one bit. A good while back Sony had a sale going on and Injustice was 24.96 on the PS4, I typically perfer physical items but that price was way too good for that game with all the DLC. I need to jump on it and complete the story mode again. I loved the story they did for it.


06/13/2014 at 11:17 AM

$25 is still a great price for a good fighting game with all the DLC. I'm surprised that the story is good as well. I was excited when Mortal Kombat was released, but the story didn't sell me. I played through the story, but the only time I really got enjoyment from it was when I played the side games and played against my girlfriend. From that I found out that she's an expert at fighting games and just kept destroying me.

Matt Snee Staff Writer

06/13/2014 at 06:35 AM

man, I keep on telling myself I'm going to get Zone of the Enders but I never do.  I've missed a couple sales too, just because I was lackadaisical.  I really want to play that game. 


06/13/2014 at 11:21 AM

It looks like a fun game. People said the first one isn't that great and is too short, but they got the collection mainly for the second game. I wouldn't know because I've never played them, but for $9 I couldn't pass it up. Make sure to get it for the PS3 because I read about a patch they released on the PS3 to sharpen the graphics. Supposedly the patch was only released on the PS3 and not 360. But I figured why not get the collection on the system it was first released on in the past.


06/13/2014 at 08:22 AM

I played Devil Survivor on DS and then Overclocked for the 3DS. Same game but the 3DS version has a 3D intro (whoopee!) and an extra day added to the proceedings (which is well worth playing through).

I didn't think I was going to like it at first but it wound up being the first SRPG(ok it's a hybrid really) I ever finished and I liked it so much I bought Overclocked and played it again.

One thing to know about the SMT universe is that all the spin-offs are different.

Pure SMT games are turn based as are the Digital Devil Saga and Persona games but even within those games the battle mechanics are different.

The two Devil Summoner games are action RPGs.

I love them all but your mileage may vary.


06/13/2014 at 11:27 AM

I didn't know anything about the game so I just decided to give it a try since there's no other store who has it in stock. I've read a lot of good reviews of SMTIV so I figured the previous games were good. Weird thing is, I checked the box and the game cartridge and it looks brand new. Even though it had the pre owned sticker on it. So I'm wondering if it was the store's last copy and had it in stock for the longest time and someone just put a pre owned sticker on it. I could be wrong though.


06/13/2014 at 11:34 AM

Yes SMT IV is good although the map leaves much to be desired and you frequently are at a loss as to where you are supposed to go next. It is a totally different game from Devil Survivor though.

I bought a preowned limited edition game at EB once and everything in it was still sealed. I have bought quite a few supposedly preowned 3DS games that had unused Club Nintendo cards in them. always good. :)


06/13/2014 at 12:14 PM

Yeah I've noticed that there are some EB games stores that have limited/collector's editions with the pre owned sticker on them. The game is pretty slow for me right now so hopefully it picks up soon.


06/13/2014 at 12:34 PM

I'm usually a big fan of exploration so SRPGs lose my interest because their stories are mostly static pictures with text and then a battle. Once it got going the story and the fun strategy battles which switch to turn based combat really held me all the way to the end.


06/13/2014 at 01:18 PM

I see your point. I've ben playing it and so far it hasn't got me hooked in yet.

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