Laserdisc Playboy, oh my.
I really want to get a microphone for my 360 and do some really bad singing. Too bad 360 doesn't have the ability to link to Twitch because that would be funny. Next gen, I'll be a total fool.
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Pixlbit, it’s early but it is time for another edition of Quick Hits with Chris! So I’m heading out tomorrow morning for another trip to San Francisco, which means I’m going to get to utilize all the podcasts, mixtapes, and other media to keep me occupied during the 8 hour drive. I do have a couple of goals for this trip:
Since today is a Thursday and not my customary Friday entry it might be a little shorter, but we shall see. Let’s get this party started!
Game of Thrones
Usual Rules: Highlight to view.
The Season Finale happened this past weekend, and I watched it on my Tablet (once again thank you HBOGo!) and I saw it on the big screen Monday night. I do have a couple of thoughts
-How bad ass was Stannis Baratheon’s entry? Waltzes in with his force, and doesn’t miss a step when random Northerner comes at him and solider on a horse just takes him out.
-What happened to that kid that was sent on a row boat in Season 3? I’d rather see what happened to him over Bran. HODOR! HODOR! HODOR!
-The Tyrion scene is a bit different than what I pictured, but the “OH SNAP” moment was still there. I can’t wait to see what they’re going to do for next season
I might get some of the final book in during the drive down from the bay.
Tony Gwynn
My timeline on Facebook has been full of TGwynn stuff. There are a lot of stories about him and people’s interactions with him, and a lot of cool pictures. Instagram had a bunch of stuff from the Padres and SDSU Athletics Official Accounts
The Padres hung his SDSU coaching jersey and his Padres player jerseys in the dugout. Had current associate head coach Mark Martinez threw out the first pitch to Padres manager and former Aztec Bud Black. The Padres also went to right field and had a moment of silence.
If you want to check out the pregame ceremony, the Union Tribune posted the MLB video here
Chris And Random Gaming Stuff
While cleaning out some boxes I found a bunch of game manuals for the Game Gear games, a couple of demos when Playstation used to mail out*
*I do like having demos being available right away but having a physical disc mysteriously show up in the mail was always a lot of fun. Heck even that short period when PSP demos were fun (I used the soccer demo as a donor case for a game I bought that had a broken cover. It’s amazing what you can do with 15 minutes, and some super glue.
So while digging through the box I spotted this
Check out the quality of having the Playstation sticker being placed at the wrong direction
If you were on the Playstation forums during the early 2000s trying to get into Gamer Advisory Panel was a big deal. I have no idea why it was, maybe some folks wanted to post in the special GAP section of their forums. I think I got in a year after I registered my Playstation (I think everyone who registered a console got in). Yeah this certificate came in a shiny thick cardboard envelope
Shiny membership cards (yeah like I was going to actually use these things)
And I received a bunch of demos, a couple of T-Shirts, beta testing games, some stickers, and the “opportunity” to volunteer to work some random booth at E3. I think I was more excited to hit the Blue LED rank because I got to use my own Avatar on the forums. This was the big thing until Playstation decided to use your gamer Avatar.
It was fun being in an “exclusive” group like this and later on a beta tester for Playstation Rewards. With that one I got some fancy-smancy Avatars that have the words Select and Pro under the image
There were a bunch of different images like Ratchet & Clank, and Killzone, but I like the Kratos pic.
While playing RTTS mode on MLB The Show, my current team is on a hot streak after stinking up the first month of the season, including an 0-20 at bat streak from video game Chris (The Rockies pitching was insane in that series), but things got turned around during an interleague series at Detroit, and the bats coming alive at home against the Giants
I went 2-2 in the first inning with a stolen base and a double. I’m bringing my game save on the road during my road trip.
I bought a Mii Plaza game last night. I forgot the name of it but it’s a shooter game where you can either use Miis you meet or rent folks in your current Mii Plaza. The game itself is fun, but HOT DAMN $4.99 FOR A MII GAME? I then had the option to take advantage of a “deal” where I can buy all the games for $15. I would, if it would let me play the game without having to either rent Miis or find them. I get that’s the point of the Mii Plaza but $5 for a game is a bit much. $3-4 is better, but $5? C’mon Nintendo
I did get a new hat so I got that going for me which is nice.
It was $10 with microphone. I know you folks won’t believe I bought it so I can have a microphone for other embarrassing singing games, and eventually pick up some 360 singing games, so I’m going to sing some Glee songs when I get back. Yes the shame will be real but I will sing the Glee versions of Pretty Young Thing, and whatever song they decided to butcher. Where’s Journey?
I added some funds so I can play that Mii Plaza shooting game, and maybe later I’ll pick up some Gameboy games (Mega Man games are going for $3 each, but I’m leaning towards getting the Super Mario games on the Gameboy).
So my uncle is getting rid of his music collection. He’d rather have it digitally, and didn’t have room for his CDs and records, so he gave me the records
It’s a small collection but there’s INXS Shabooh Shobah which I have on CD, Billy Idol (I think I already own this record), Beatles, Queen, U2, and a couple of others
I guess I have a reason to buy a Laserdisc player the next time I see one at Goodwill.
As for CDs I brought home three boxes with around 300 discs. Around 50 of them are backup discs for files, and pictures as well as a couple of kids games (these are the games my cousins played before they got addicted to Minecraft), and rest are actual albums
Here’s a shot of me sorting through them while ripping them. The small box at the bottom of the image are albums I already own, so I didn’t have to rip them, the stack next to it are some backups, a CD with answering machine special effects, and kids games (I could easily Platinum that kids math game). The stuff in the big box has been ripped, the stack outside of it are albums that need to be ripped.
After a couple of days of constant ripping I finished all 250+ albums
The pile of albums I already own. I’ll probably sell these to the local mom & pop store (there’s some good stuff in there like Beatles, Bon Jovi, INXS, and some 80s stuff). In total there are I think around 60 albums here.
All the stuff I’m going to keep. A ton of New Wave, Classical, two rap CDs, a good “starter” set for Country music (lots of Greatest Hits for some singers who were big in the 90s-2000s), Rock, and some good Classical stuff. I think I completed a series of Classical albums with because they are labeled Vol. 1-10, and the ones that were missing I already own.
In total there are almost 3000 songs and 8 days worth of stuff. My uncle wanted them in MP3 so I think each song is around 12 mbs, which I think is good for his iPods. He doesn’t want the AAC formats, and if/when he wants higher quality rips I’ll have the discs. When I’m finished with this blog, I’m hitting the local Costco for some USB drives to place all these songs and pictures. It’s going to be a big task to add these to the library books along with the stack of albums I bought over the past couple of weeks.
A couple of random $2.50 CDs I bought at Toys R Us. I want to see if this Disney Lullaby album can put me to sleep like the Baby Einstein stuff.
Alright Pixlbit, it is time to end this latest blog, go watch Hell’s Kitchen and The Challenge tonight. If I do some touristy things in San Francisco I’ll take some pictures and post them.
That’s all for now, more later!