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I'm Not The One

On 06/27/2014 at 01:32 PM by C.S.3590SquadLeader

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So just what have I been up to in the (more than a) month since I last posted? Lots of stuff.

First things first, I finally picked up a new TV! It's on the small side, but at least it has an HDMI port so I don't have to spend any extra money on adapter cables, which was what I was planning to do until my old TV started acting up. Another good thing (kinda) was at least it was only the TV that I used for gaming messed up, or I would've missed out on a lot of good shows like Fargo and Orphan Black.

I'm STILL playing through Conception II, just a stone's throw away from beating the game (I think I am, anyway). I spent way longer than I probably should've on sidequests but I think it was worth it when I came up against some of the later bosses. Though the same can't be said of the final boss (again, I didn't look up anything online about the game so this is just me guessing), who just about curb stomped me the first time I tried fighting it. I'm just gonna grind a bit and try again later. Then after that, I'm moving onto A Link Between Worlds, hopefully sooner rather than later.

As far as reading goes, I've been on a bit of a webcomic binge. I've read through just about all I can of Girl Genius currently (and began reading through it again to refresh my memory of certain things since I read through it kind of fast as well as to allow for a decent amount of buildup so I don't find myself clicking the site every couple of days in hopes of an update), started reading through Gunnerkrigg Court, as well as a bunch of others.

I've also been keeping up as far as exercise is concerned. I've been at it for about six months now and all things considered, I really wish I had started sooner. I feel (relatively) better than I have in years, and aside from a few days where I all but had to force myself to keep up, it's all gone pretty smoothly.



Super Step Contributing Writer

06/27/2014 at 01:43 PM

Awesome,glad you got a new TV and keep up the exercise. 

I've been exercising and dieting in some form since late 2012 and holy crap why did I decide to be fat in middle school? Having the energy I do now makes life SO much easier, though I feel you on the slugging through things. In fact, I think I'm gonna skip my workout today on account of having been awake since about 4:30pm yesterday and not leaving work today until 5pm. I don't trust myself with weights under these circumstances. I'll just double up on weights and cardio tomorrow. What type of workouts you do?

Matt Snee Staff Writer

06/27/2014 at 02:05 PM

this is how I want to be, exercising and having lots of energy.  I'll tell you though, since I cut my hair and beard I feel different, like it's time to finally start exercising.  I've been eyeing our exercise bike out back and you know maybe soon I'll get on it.  Smile

Super Step Contributing Writer

06/27/2014 at 02:25 PM

Yeah, just don't diet so hard that you have trouble standing in the shower. That happened to me in Fall 2013 when I caught food poisoning on top of not eating much at all. Really messed with my mood too. It's why I don't feel as bad now when I cheat. 

And if you need motivation, remember you don't have to start running out of the gate. All I did at first was diet and walk about 3 miles a day at a leisurely pace and that lost me 50+ lbs in a relatively short time. So if you want to go easy and read a book while on that bike, go for it. 


06/27/2014 at 02:33 PM

That's what I'm doing right now. Walking a lot and controlling all my meals. I'll build up to a run when I lighten up a bit. I'm thinking about getting a bike too, but not until some weight comes down. I'm saving gas money by doing this as well. It's all a win win. I can't wait to take up a sport. I've got to do something more than just run around and lift weights.

Super Step Contributing Writer

06/27/2014 at 02:39 PM

Your Conception II progress sounds a lot like my Arkham City progress. Like, I could swap what title goes in that paragraph and have exactly the same things to say. lol Also, I'd love to play ALBW but since I only have plain old DS, I'll probably just go back to playing Okamiden.

I haven't read any webcomics. I keep wanting to read plain old comics, but then deciding against it due to high prices comparitive to how much I'll probably re-read an issue once I'm done. I'm willing to pay $20 for a sizeable graphic novel, but not $5 for a standalone issue of something. 

Cary Woodham

06/27/2014 at 07:33 PM

Good luck with your exercising!  I started working out and lifting weights after I graduated college to gain weight and build muscle.  It's taken a very long while, but I've gone from only weighing 140 pounds to over 200 pounds now.  I'm not super buff or anything, but I do look a lot different.


07/02/2014 at 12:37 PM

Heck yeah new TV, always a good pickup! 

Major props with keeping up with the exercise! I need to get back to it. 


07/08/2014 at 12:54 PM

We need to see pics of your new TV. Is it everthing you ever dreamed it would be.

I need to get back to exercising. My day job isn't cutting it to help keep me in shape. You'd think it would given I'm working on my feet most of the day.

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