So just what have I been up to in the (more than a) month since I last posted? Lots of stuff.
First things first, I finally picked up a new TV! It's on the small side, but at least it has an HDMI port so I don't have to spend any extra money on adapter cables, which was what I was planning to do until my old TV started acting up. Another good thing (kinda) was at least it was only the TV that I used for gaming messed up, or I would've missed out on a lot of good shows like Fargo and Orphan Black.
I'm STILL playing through Conception II, just a stone's throw away from beating the game (I think I am, anyway). I spent way longer than I probably should've on sidequests but I think it was worth it when I came up against some of the later bosses. Though the same can't be said of the final boss (again, I didn't look up anything online about the game so this is just me guessing), who just about curb stomped me the first time I tried fighting it. I'm just gonna grind a bit and try again later. Then after that, I'm moving onto A Link Between Worlds, hopefully sooner rather than later.
As far as reading goes, I've been on a bit of a webcomic binge. I've read through just about all I can of Girl Genius currently (and began reading through it again to refresh my memory of certain things since I read through it kind of fast as well as to allow for a decent amount of buildup so I don't find myself clicking the site every couple of days in hopes of an update), started reading through Gunnerkrigg Court, as well as a bunch of others.
I've also been keeping up as far as exercise is concerned. I've been at it for about six months now and all things considered, I really wish I had started sooner. I feel (relatively) better than I have in years, and aside from a few days where I all but had to force myself to keep up, it's all gone pretty smoothly.