i guess I spoke a bit prematurely about going back to work.
I ended up getting laid off today, first day back after injury.
I'm not too terribly upset about it...this affords me a shot at better opportunities. The way I see it, I was with this last place for 5 years; they weren't doing anything really special for me. The pay was shit when compared to the finished product I was turning out.
So, on that note, I'm in the market for a job again. I've got a couple things lined up.
In gaming news, I played through and beat Dark Souls on NG + and I finished another run through Dark Souls 2 with a 40/40 Str/Dex build. I made it through 99% of the game without a shield....which was fucking CRAZY...I'll probably never do it again like that. I'm wanting to take this swordsman and turn him into a Sorcerer for my NG + playthrough....however, I'm going to wait for the DLC to drop before I get another run into Dark Souls 2. As for the first game....I've seen and done enough in it, and won't be returning for playthrough #3.
Other than that, I'm going to get back into exercise. Most of you don't know this about me, but I'm a total Pothead, have been for years...and I'm sick of it, and ready for a change. I figure the sweating will help me with....well, everything.
Anyhow, hope everyone's doing well.