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Felicia Garcia (My thoughts on what happened)

On 07/03/2014 at 05:45 PM by BrokenH

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So I feel like it is important to talk about Felicia Garcia. What we know is she was a troubled girl who floated from one foster home to another but other than that she seemed like a pretty nice well adjusted kid. However, after a “wild tryst” with a few football players, gossip traveled around and two male classmates felt the need to tease Felicia relentlessly about it until she eventually jumped in front of the train to end her own life.

On one side of the fence feminists are using Felicia as a martyr. Additional rumors insinuate that the two guys picking on her were also “conservatives” because liberal feminists just love to paint conservatives as the spawn of evil demons! Then there are some (not all) MRAs who think Felicia should have just “kept it in her panties” to avoid the humiliation she got.

I hate to say it but between these extremes I’m probably swaying more feminist on this one. (Admitting that makes me feel naceous!) However, I don’t care if the bullies were conservatives or not. That detail is inconsequential and of nil importance. (And shame on the feminists trying to turn this tragedy into a political slander piece)

The point is Felicia was “slut shamed” yet that same treatment was not also dished out to the football players who participated in the act as well. I’m sure they were all exchanging high 5’s for “getting laid” as Felicia was getting nasty text messages and practically drowning in her own tears. That’s not right.

Muhamed degenerated a discussion about "slut shaming" into how vaginas are more dirty than cocks so somehow that makes men "more right" in these scenarios. (Say what?!) I was happy to educate him on how cocks can be just as gross as vaginas! Ben,educating youths for our future!

Regardless, responses like the one above make me just shy of being a full blown MRA. I accept men do face problems unique to our gender and I very rarely agree with hardcore feminism in any shape or form. But to insinuate Felicia is somehow a “dirty slut” while the guys get off with the usual “Boys will be boys nonsense” is intellectually dishonest bullshit.

I’ve never been a fan of judging any human being based solely on their sexual history and sad stories like these make me that much more determined to continue that stance.




Joaquim Mira Media Manager

07/03/2014 at 06:51 PM

Dear Mr. Muhamed thanks for not liking dirty vaginas, or any vagina for that matter. keep your dick to yourself. Someone else will love the dirty (all) vaginas of this world just so you don't have to. It's a sacrifice many are willing to take on.

Sigh, what a pity. I think all this harrassment stems from jealousy of the fact that some people want to liberate themselves, but from fear of what others will say they would rather instigate ill will towards those that have no such limits.


07/03/2014 at 07:02 PM

True that,Joaquim. We don't want someone like Muhamed breeding afterall. lol. This is a continuation for those interested. Some people,I swear!

I hope the guy is just trolling me and doesn't believe what he says. Regardless I feel really terrible for what happened to Felicia. She deserved better!


Matt Snee Staff Writer

07/03/2014 at 07:26 PM

ah what a mess.  But personally, I do believe in feminism, even if that means I lose some of my male priviledges (which do exist).  I believe in equality and equal opportunity. 

In my second Crumbling book, it's called "The Oldest War", the war between men and women.  We analyzed that shit and had some fun with it. 


07/03/2014 at 09:13 PM

I believe we all have advantages and disadvantages. As such I deny neither the existence of male privilege or female privilege. It's all dependant upon the situation that determines who holds the ace in the deck. But arguing over who is "most privileged" and "least privileged" gets us nowhere.

Matt Snee Staff Writer

07/03/2014 at 09:24 PM

yeah well like I say in the book, "The war cannot be won." 

Tongue Out


07/03/2014 at 09:29 PM

I agree 100%,Matt. lol. I cannot wait until we all get tired of fighting and decide to fuck and chillax instead. Wink

Matt Snee Staff Writer

07/03/2014 at 09:29 PM

darn right!


07/03/2014 at 09:20 PM

I think bulling should be made into a misdemanor offense so long as it can be fairly proved. As for equality of the sexes, I am a Buddhist/Tao'ist so I'm all about balance. The problem is there is a lack of understanding and worse the lack to want to understand the other persons perspective. I read a story just the other day about these Japanese politions heckling a fellow female law maker when she presented ideas for helping women with child care programs. It rediculous that wmoen still make less then men. We all no it's wrong yet its still happening. And I don't see the man haters doing anything about. The problem with this country is this "all or nothing"," blue team or red team", bullshit. No can be reasonable, everyone has to take it to the extrememe. It very sad about the girl, but that whole situation could have been avoided with parents doing their job and our schools teaching REAL sex ed in out schools. 


07/03/2014 at 09:26 PM

That's my button presser too,Gemini. The whole "You're with us or you are an evil shit-lord" mentality. Every side pretty much has that philsophy and there seems to be no option for embracing some parts of each idealogy while simultaneously disagreeing with or disregarding other parts of each idealogy. People try to infringe black and white on a grey world. 


07/03/2014 at 10:45 PM

Those polarities are about to get tested though with the Supreme court once again bungling the shit out of the Hobby Lobby case. I think they understimate how many non-christians or just non beleivers there are. Who are they going to side with next time when it's a Muslim owned company that requies all females to cover their heads even if they are not Muslim. The Christians are too short sighted to see this, and all the liberals could talk about was this being a blow to womens rights. Totaly missing the much bigger issue, the court ruled in favor of allow a company to impose its religious veiws on its employees. That is the scariest shit and everyone seems to be oblivious to it. And this was also another example of extremism. 4 conservative Catholic men with legacies to build and maintain are not about to vote in favor of anything that even smells like abortion. Anyway, sorry got a little off topic, that shit just really pisses me off


07/04/2014 at 12:16 AM

 I don't think just anyone should abort their fetus for whatever dumb asinine reason but there are situations in which getting an abortion is the morally right and more merciful choice. (Such as when the fetus already has complications or the mother was raped.)

I'm also fine with people believing in God but not so fine with those same people being able to infringe their doctrine upon others. (A doctrine which is often harshly against gays,against alternative beliefs, and anti abortion even at the parent's expense.)

I actually believe in higher powers myself but I've already decided it's my personal spiritual path,not something I want to turn into a denominational religion. lol. I'm fine with being an army of 1!


07/04/2014 at 01:12 AM
That's horriable :( The courts and society itself needs to get a handle on the shit with bullying. This exactly why my kids*if I have any* will be home schooled. I got called names in school and I can honestly say I know exactly what these kids are treading through. If they would actually get strict with this shit we would hopefully see it decrease and maybe even stop to some degree. Id love for everyone to be nice and get along but somehow that being reached would near to impossiable. I wish that poor girl hadn't of felt that was the only way out :( people in general are cruel. Not everyone of course but majority wise yes. People feel that to make themselves feel good they have to make others feel like crap. I hope those football players get a punishment, I also hope the parents seek out at getting at the school too. Schools could be doing so much more to get this kind of thing more controlled and their not. I can say that courts are slowly seeing that, the high school I went to has a teenager is getting sued now over a bullying case that resulted in the poor kid committing suicide. The courts ruled recently that they could be at fault, especially with knowing what was going on and not doing anything about it. I mean seriously, most times schools know exactly what is going on in their halls. They just dont do jackshit about it. Im hopeing in time there is more done, all we can hope is that if good people see others struggling to hang on that they will reach out a hand and help. I feel aweful for that poor girl, I don't even see how slut shaming is still around, hell there is thousands upon thousands of teenage pregnancies now days not to mention everyone goes thru their wild period. I mean they do right?.......Or am I alone? O_O


07/04/2014 at 01:19 AM

I feel you,nicole. I really hope the bullies that got into Felicia's head finally get their just desserts. And yes,teachers and other authority figures should be more confrontational towards bullies to combat a problem at its' source before it blows up into a tragic mess.


07/04/2014 at 04:34 AM

I really don't have much to say because it's the first time i've heard of this. Either way, really sad something like this happened.


07/04/2014 at 05:02 AM

Yeah it is,Alejandro. Frown

Blake Turner Staff Writer

07/04/2014 at 09:03 AM

Firstly this fool knows nothing. There are two reasons it's called a pussy, and one of them is due to the fact that it cleans itself. Dick's have the possibility of being far less hygenic than than vaginas, especially if uncircumcised. Indeed, as (TMI WARNING INCOMING) an uncircumcised male dating someone who is studying pharmacy, I know all about proper cleaning methods, and let me tell you, I doubt ANY male has an entirely clean cock at any given time. They may have vaginal juices and blood flow, but we have dick cheese, penis lumps and pimples, and other various conditions that make the penis as offputting as the female alternative.

 Slut shaming is somethig I'm very against, and I feel like it continues in America more because of outdated christian values. Both sexes enjoy intercourse, so why do we bully one for it and congratulate the other. And don't say "for women its easy." Sure, it is for attractive women, but ugly women get the same treatment as ugly men, so that argument is wrong. 



07/04/2014 at 04:26 PM

Dick cheese is wonderful,isn't it? Everytime I free-ball,there it is like an old drunk uncle that refuses to leave my thighs!

Joking aside, it's bullshit,Blake. I mean this poor girl gets slut shamed to the point she jumps in front of a fucking train yet noone said shit to the football players who pressured her into it in the first place. Hell,there's even the possibility they started a nasty rumor about her that is untrue.

Want to character-assassinate a woman? Well, this is how you do it. I hope someday soon this kind of thing loses its' power over females.

This story made me furious beyond words can express....  


07/04/2014 at 03:56 PM

This is tragic.

Though I'm not really a proponent of Christianity, I feel compelled to use the old "Let he without sin cast the first stone" reference.  So what if a girl likes to fuck?  So what if she likes to fuck a couple guys at the same time?  That's her own fucking business.

Life is brutal and cold and hard enough without people razzing us for our pecadillos.


07/04/2014 at 04:31 PM

Well said,Dan. lol. Yeah, I don't understand it either. Some teens are simply cruel little shits that need to be put into a gas chamber! (Er,sorry if I went full Hitler there!)

The saddest thing is what people were saying about this girl might not even have been true. And even if it was why should we think less of her for one "wild night"? And if people are going to call her a "dirty slut" they might as well extend the same treatment to those football players. Fair is fair afterall.


07/06/2014 at 08:32 PM

No accounts of any girls being part of the teasing too?  


07/19/2014 at 07:12 PM

I'd bet anything there were girls who teased her too,James. But according to the account the main griefers were two guys. But that doesn't mean they were the only two people that acted like jerks to her.


07/20/2014 at 08:20 AM

I just thought, when it comes to teasing, no one can do it like a girl.  Normally, that's how it goes.  Guys beat on guys and girls tease girls.  Guys teasing a girl is as strange as girls beating on a guy.  I knew a few girls that were suicidal because of other girls teasing them ruthlessly (over sex, body, money, weight, fashion, etc).  I find it odd that no girls are mentioned.  I guess it's possible, but I doubt it.  


07/20/2014 at 12:37 PM

I simply think there were more people involved in teasing Felicia but only two of them are taking the fall for it. You're right,girls can be cruel bitches,especially to other girls. Matter of fact,slut shaming is something females just as often do to each other.


07/10/2014 at 12:57 PM

Wait nightsavior1 is you? then who the hell have I been following with the BrokenH screen name?!??!!

I need to unfolllow!


07/19/2014 at 07:14 PM

I'm Broken H on pixlbit but nightsavior1 on youtube. lol. Uh, I thought that was pretty public domain. Sorry if it caused you confusion,Nsonic!


07/17/2014 at 01:50 PM

This is a sad state of affairs all around. Just awful.

I'm pretty sure if I wasn't already suffering from a nasty headache, that out of nowhere ketchup comment would've given me one.


07/19/2014 at 07:15 PM

I'm hoping that guy was just an obnoxious troll and didn't believe the shit spewing from his own mouth. Headache inducing indeed. Yell

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