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Mens Rights Activists

On 07/04/2014 at 07:30 PM by Blake Turner

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Dear God. I know I don't believe in you, and think of you as a deranged lunatic who will kill children to ensure the dominance of one race but please, hear me out. Please, please kill anyone associated with the Men's Right's Movement. I simply cannot live in a world with this kind of stupidity. I cannot live in a world where men feel they are oppressed because women can say no to sex and occasionally get free drinks. 

 It is so hard to believe that there are fuckheads out there who believe that rape, aesthetic obsession to the point of insanity, still not being allowed to work in certain jobs, slut shaming, being shamed for wanting an abortion, being shamed for being on the pill, being shamed for wanting to do what men are allowed to do, menstruation, the insinuation that they are FUCKING SIN INCARNATE and child birth are somehow insignificant to women getting a choice in who they date, getting the occasional free drinks, and getting the occasional benefit for being attractive.

It is so hard to believe there are retards out there who are this fucking ignorant. Yes, sometimes feminism can be over the top. As can any movement/revolution/protestation. But seriously, are we this fucking insecure as to feel threatened by equality? Are you that fucking emasculated by women being equal to you? If so, jump off a fucking cliff. Honestly, the world doesn't need you. You are a waste of life. FUCK OFF.

 Fuck the internet. Fuck it to hell. Those three weeks were so nice without it. Why did I come back?



Super Step Contributing Writer

07/04/2014 at 07:40 PM

We can kick the MRAs out of Ameristralia if you'd like. Speaking of which, do Australians actually drink Foster's beer? Some of the American Ameristralians would like to know what we should order for this new colony. 

Here's a meme that I think you'll appreciate:

Now one that we'll both appreciate:

Happy Ameristralia Day, mate!

Blake Turner Staff Writer

07/04/2014 at 07:46 PM

I don't know anyone who drinks Fosters. We mostly drink Toohey's, Carlton, or Carona's.

 And indeed, I did enjoy that meme. 

Oh, and congrats on your plus 10 article :D

Super Step Contributing Writer

07/04/2014 at 08:03 PM

I figured you wouldn't, I just worked at Outback Steakhouse and they also made a big deal about Foster's beer being associated with Australia. I've never had it, but I do like Carona. I'll have to try those other two some time.

And thanks! I have a couple more for Dave to edit. 


07/04/2014 at 08:04 PM

Funny meme...and accurate. Few things are more annoying than reading comments from people that constantly whine about other people that are actually trying to change injustices in the world (although admittedly some are just plain assholes about it).  There are few things more hypocritical than when someone whines about someone else standing up for what they believe in by saying their time could be spent better by doing something else. At least they are trying to do something other than just spending time shit-talking to someone they don't like.


07/04/2014 at 08:56 PM

It's not that simple. But if your mind is already convinced "feminism=The good guys" and "MRA=the bad guys" I don't know if even a rational well constructed argument will sway you. Maybe in the future I'll try writing a blog on what I think about both MRAs and feminists in general. (Both the good and the bad on each side of the fence) 


07/04/2014 at 09:25 PM

If this is a reply to me, then no, I don't see it as feminists=good guys, etc.  I was reacting to the meme.  I always find it funny when people complain about others complaing about something.  Especially when they take it so far to say their time could be better spent doing something else.  Because both are doing the exact same thing-complaing on the internet.

 My comment below takes it a little further, and maybe you were commenting about that.  And still, no, I don't think feminists=good guys, etc.  As I said, there are many assholes who take it way too far.  But I stand by my statement that basically said that if any man thinks he has it so bad that he has to organize to fight for his rights, then he is completely brain-dead if he doesn't understand why some women do too.

 It's not a black and white issue.  I actually argue with feminists about gender issues in real life, including my long-term girlfriend.  But at the end of the day we respect each other.  There are fewer people with crazy, one-sided views as the internet leads you to believe.  It brings the crazy out in people.  And in this space right here and right now, I probably come across as more on the uber-feminist side soleley because except for this blog from blake, it's a side that is rarely represented in blogs from this site.  It's usually from the other side and has a chorus of people agreeing with it. 


 But yeah, please don't think I'm just attacking your opinions.  I don't usually comment about stuff like this, and am mostly just doing it now because I'm drunk and felt like actually sticking up for the side that my sympathies usually lie with in arguments like this.  But please understand, if I was actually commenting in a thread that was all about how men suck and women rule, I would be arguing against them too.


07/04/2014 at 09:46 PM

You really do not think there are situations where a man's rights can get trampled on too? Wow man! I'm kind of speechless. Yell


07/04/2014 at 09:54 PM

Where did I say that?  Are you just trolling me now?

Blake Turner Staff Writer

07/04/2014 at 09:56 PM

Yeah... seriously, where did he say this?

Blake Turner Staff Writer

07/04/2014 at 09:47 PM

I agree, equality and shit. But don't be nice to Ben, he's a cunt :p

 I get as incensed about the shit that feminists post sometimes as well, especially when they deny any semblance of logic. That is the most annoying thing.


07/04/2014 at 10:06 PM

Yeah, as I said above, I actually sometimes get in arguments with women in the real-world (not the crazy, mostly anonoymous internet), including my girlfriend, when I think feminists take it too far.  And they never take it as far as some sites on the internet, which just get ridiculous.  I hate stupidy and selfishness on all sides.

 But yeah, I would be less apologitic about arguing with Ben if I actually had more interaction with him, but I  realize that I read and consider opinions on this site way more than I actually comment on it, so most don't know me as a person.  I don't want to piss him (or anyone) off due to some misunderstanding that I am attacking him as a person.  So yeah, I get serious and boring when I argue on the internet, simply because I don't like upsetting people and go out of my way to try and not to.  Fucking boring.  Fuck him :P


07/04/2014 at 10:47 PM

"But I stand by my statement that basically said that if any man thinks he has it so bad that he has to organize to fight for his rights, then he is completely brain-dead if he doesn't understand why some women do too."


I apologize,I misinterpreted what you said,bullet. That last sentence got jarbled in my mind and it was the one that brought your point beautifully together. Can you forgive me for being an asshole? Frown


07/04/2014 at 10:57 PM

Of course.  No worries.  If  I came across as an asshole, I apologize also.


07/04/2014 at 11:19 PM

You were fine,bro! This time the burden of wrongness is all on me. I'd offer you a free drink as a boon if we were in a bar. Wink


07/04/2014 at 08:10 PM

I don't understand it either.  People are crazy.  Do some men really think they have it so bad that they have to be militant and crazy about it?  And if so, how can they really not understand why some women, who objectively have had it much worse throughout most of history in pretty much every country, are driven to being militant feminists?  It just doesn't make any sense. But the internet is full of people that don't make sense.  It makes everyone think they are right and supremely intellegent, because they always find people that agree with them.


07/04/2014 at 08:45 PM

Sigh.  I'll come out and defend men.  I'll not sure what you're ranting about for the most part, but men don't have it all that great.  There are many cases where women get over on men.  Sadly, I'm too damn tired to give you a long list.  Here's just an example from the top of my head.  

Let's say a couple, not married, have been together for years.  They have children.  They decided the relationship is not working anymore and want to go their separate ways.  Who keeps the kids?  In some states in America, she gets them.  She can also deny the father visitation.  It doesn't matter if she can't work (disabled), is using (illegal) drugs, and admits to her therapist that she couldn't take care of the kids on her own because of her physical and mental abilities (or disabilities).  Out of spite she can keep the father from his kids (that he has been taking care of all their lives).  I know this because I have a friend going through it.  I also know of women that have done this to their boyfriends or husbands and killed their own children to get back at them. 

Not everything is about "saying no to sex and free drinks".  I'm not trying to argue, but I think you should broaden your mind to male issues.  People fight for women so hard, that they forget men have problems too.  

Blake Turner Staff Writer

07/04/2014 at 08:57 PM

 You'll come out and defend the most priveleged people on earth? Seriously, yes, we have problems, but they are fucking nothing compared to what women have and still do face. Go to a country outside America and your view will change pretty fucking quickly.

Yes, they get to keep the kids in most cases. That is bullshit. There is bullshit on both sides but I really doubt anyone can say men have it worse unless they're fucking braindead.

 And yes, you are trying to argue. That is what you are doing, and you're entitled to do that, and I enjoy our discussions. My counter argument is not meant to be mean spirited.


07/04/2014 at 09:28 PM


-Circumsized at birth

-Expected to toil and labor without complaint. (Whining is for pussies)

-Expected to be "bread winners" and "providers".

-Considered desposable in times of war.

-Expected to sacrifice themselves for women and children.

-Often insulted for being "Betas". 

-Often stuck paying alimony after a divorce.

-Often considered "guilty before innocent" when allegations of rape or other kinds of sexual harassment are involved.

-Are considered "CIS scum". (Yes,that's a term in social justice these days)

-Often violentely beat on each other or hurt themselves for the entertainment of the masses.

-Often get harsher sentences when sent to prison

-Are laughed at,disbelieved, or belittled if they confess to being raped themselves. 

I could write just as long of a list about women too and their own personal issues. But the fact is yes,men have many problems too and we are not always "privileged".

Blake Turner Staff Writer

07/04/2014 at 09:44 PM

-Circumsized at birth
 Only 55 percent. Slightly over half. Is it really that bad? It's kind of a hygeine thing.

-Expected to toil and labor without complaint. (Whining is for pussies)/Expected to be "bread winners" and "providers".
 Not anymore. Stay at home dad's are more valued these days, especially since women are more inclined to be career orientated.

-Considered desposable in times of war.
 Women can now join the army. They are also disposable.

-Often insulted for being "Betas". 
  That used to be in, but now the trend is to be sensative to emotional disorders, and geek is in. Seriously, watch 21 Jump Street. Not only is it hilarious, but it shows the change in values in popular culture from the 80's to today.

-Often stuck paying alimony after a divorce.
This is pretty shit.

-Often considered "guilty before innocent" when allegations of rape or other kinds of sexual harassment are involved.
Again, this system has been abused before, and it is never fair to condemn before proof is presented.

 -Are considered "CIS scum". (Yes,that's a term in social justice these days)
 Wtf is CIS?

 -Often violentely beat on each other or hurt themselves for the entertainment of the masses.
That's our own stupid fault. You can't blame our stupidity on women.

-Often get harsher sentences when sent to prison
And easier lives in prison... sort of.

-Are laughed at,disbelieved, or belittled if they confess to being raped themselves. 
This is bullshit. That feminist group who killed the dog owned by the woman who started rape shelters for women because she had the nerve to build one for men.

Yes, there are some valid problems here, but most of them aren't even problems comparitively. 





07/04/2014 at 10:09 PM

- It's still something men do not have a choice in and there are certain fields of research that have proven an un-circumsized penis is not as "gross" as it is made out to be. I mean some people also believed milk leeched calcium out of bones whereas before milk was promoted as being high in calcium and good for bones.

 -I know the credo is "Rah-rah,go working woman!" but the truth is yes, men will get judged negatively in a romantic scenario if they have a low paying job,are disabled,or are jobless. (I have personal experience on this) Men still get measured by how much they earn and as a whole women still pursue men who "have more". I'm not saying there are not exceptions to the rule (Not all women are materialistic) but this is an ongoing thing all the same.

 -Yes they can but men still see more combat usually. And even when both men and women get to the point they are equally disposable I still do not consider that an improvement. If anything,it's one step backwards. Noone should be disposable but I guess the world is just a cruel place.

 -No, "successful geeks" are trendy. Big Bang Theory does not represent "normal geeks".

 -"It's shit". Usually I get a better counter-point from you but okay,whatever.

 -Men do it because since birth we are raised to idolize violence. Think about it, our toys are action figures,wrestling rings,and mini vehicle replicas of mass destruction. Also, I never said this is the fault of women. I do not know where you got that from. It's the fault of society in general. 

 -If you are a "top dog" in prison,yeah. If not you are a bitch. We joke about shanking and rape in prison but that's because it's a nasty truth we try to lessen in severity by making it funny. But in all fairness when women do get sent to prison I do not think they have it much better. However, we do tend to be more sympathetic to women in most cases.  (Most, not all. Some judges are real assholes and women-haters to boot.) 

 -That's one example and I feel bad for what happened to that woman. But whereas she was just as compassionate to men rape victims many other feminists laugh at and discount the mere possibility of a man getting raped. One person does not represent the viewpoint of many others. Humans are not a hive-mind.

 PS "CIS" means a person who was born male or female and who has male or female tendencies of a hetero nature. Ironically it is used more against men for some reason. In other words,we're "CIS males" because we're attracted to women. We don't know what it's like to be gay or trans. (A valid point but putting "scum" at the end of CIS is very inflammatory.)

Blake Turner Staff Writer

07/04/2014 at 10:21 PM

Firstly, when I said this is shit, it was in agreement with your point, not saying your point was shit. I saw that and laughed out loud at your response.

-No, "successful geeks" are trendy. Big Bang Theory does not represent "normal geeks".
 This is true. I mean in high school and social situations they are much more accepted. 



07/04/2014 at 10:27 PM

I think I graduated right before geeks were wide-spread. At my school I was still an outcast and so were other people like me. (The few that were)

 I think it's nice I have more geeks to talk to now but beyond there being more of us it seems as if geeks harshly judge & discriminate against other kinds of geeks so I'm divided on if this big-bang of geek culture is as "great" as we make it out to be. lol.

 By the way, sorry for misinterpreting your response about alimony. My bad,yo! Smile


07/05/2014 at 06:53 AM

I don't want a big fight.  I just don't have the time or energy.  If only this could of happened a few weeks ago.... Undecided  I'm trying to inform you of why men & women come out to defend men.  There is more going on.  Many issues men & women have aren't fix so easily and all these activitist groups have their problems with equality for the others.  If they were truely concerned about equality, they'd work together.  People fight so hard for women that men issues are ignored, or worse, brushed off as bullshit.  It's only bullshit because you hadn't been through it before.  The issue doesn't affect you directly.  

I also think you're too spead out with your arguement.  What are we talking about anyway?  Are we talking about the western world or the whole planet?  I'm speaking of the US and countries similiar to it since these places would likely have a MRM.  I don't see the  point in bringing up some tribe, in the middle of the jungle, that treat their women like shit.  I'm sure they don't have their own men's movement.  Before we go changing other people's problems, we should take care of our own.  I'm not saying don't help them at all, but I think we should be sure they want our help and not impose our own morals and beliefs on their long loved traditions.  

I noticed you made a comment on this:  I think white people should be able to say "nigga".  It's not fair that they get shit for saying it.  Either everyone says it or nobody.  That's fair.  That's equality.  Black people "owning" the word hasn't done them any favors. 

Blake Turner Staff Writer

07/05/2014 at 12:05 PM

I didn't say we shouldn't say it. I say it literally all the nigga-licking time (there's an image for you). I just meant comparatively, is it worth fighting for? I mean especially when things are still kind of shitty for the people being fought against.

 As I've mentioned before, equality is something I've strived for, and women aren't quite there yet. Men are still superior, and as far as I'm concerned always will be until we completely do away with the female hating christian ideologies that the west seems so fond of. Not talking about doing away with christianity, just saying that if we can fuck before marriage and eat bacon, maybe we should admit that slut shaming and belieiving women are inferior and the root of the world's problems are kind of bullshit.

Yes, men have problems. White Men have problems. I suffer with depression, social anxiety, and compared to a lot of white males I have had a relativey shit upbringing. However, I would never become so conceited as to believe I had it worse than a gender where nearly 1 in 5 women have been sexually abused, or have a 30% likelihood of being raped by their parents. When you look at things like that, it's no fucking wonder the courts are more lenient towards them.

 Yes, in a perfect world, there would be equality, but guess what - there isn't. There never will be unless you want to have every single person on earth living in the same house, doing the same job and earning the same money. The only thing we can do is try to make things slightly less shitty for those who have it worse. If there is a time when men have it worse than women, I will gladly protest until my heart's content, but until that day, I will grow incensed whenever a white male who has every fucking oppurtunity available to them multiple times complain.

Yes. Men have problems, but the problems of other minorities are kind of more fucked than ours. Yes, we should work at solving these problems, but I don't feel the majoritiy of them are more important than what others face.

 The simple fact is that I have seen very little in the way of rationality in the MRMs. The majority of it seems to be blaming the world's problems on women, and while this is an aspect of feminism, I kinda get the feeling that women have a little more right to be pissed at men than the other way around.

 I still feel like we shouldn't blame one gender on our problems, as people are people no matter their gender. I am sick of hearing that men are all scum, or that women are all sluts because the reality is the human race are a bunch of selfish cunts the world would probably be better off without - regardless of gender.


07/05/2014 at 09:26 PM

The stat is actually 1-in-4 women have been abused, unless things are getting better last I heard.  And it's not just by men.  Women do some abusing too.  Also I know you know that a child has a higher chance of becoming a criminal, poor, or a rotten life in general, if they are brought up in a single parent home.  In most cases, that single parent is a woman.  NOW, I'm not saying women are fucking up our children.  I'm pointing to the evidence that men are important.  Boys and girls are not growing up to be responsible men and women from responsible men.  In some areas of this world, responsible men can't be responsible men because they are told (or brainwashed) by society that they are not as important as MAMA.  It's a cycle that's bullshit and it must be broken.  "I don't need a man to help raise my kids", is a statement said my many irresponsible women.  I once have I ever heard a man say, "I don't need a woman to help raise my kids".  Not once.  Men know the importance of women.  I would like to see more women know the importance of men.  I want to add to clarify, that I know many good people from single parent homes.  Just because a single parent can do a great job raising a child, doesn't mean that's the best way to do it.  The stats are clear across all walks of life (rich or poor).  

As long as I can remember, people fight for women (save the women) and assume men have little to no worries.  "Men can handle themselves.  They are strong.  Be strong like a man."  I use to believe this myself, but men have problems.  Problems that won't go away just because the man stuck out his chest and "toughed it out".  You state you have a few problems of your own.  You're young.  In a couple years things to even more complicated.  

As for these white male advantages you speak of, I know many white men that would debate you on the subject.  Rich people have advantages.  The rest of us work hard and sometimes we work hard for little or nothing.  I know a lot of white men and none of them are rolling in the dough or have every advantage.  "White male privilege" is greatly exaggerated.  Don't belief the hype.  You told me to check other places around the world.  I ask you to do the same.  Go to the less than nicer parts of your city.  I guarantee you'll see plenty of "white male privilege". 

I don't blame women for men's problem and I don't think women should blame men for their problems.  I think we as a society should grow up and stop be petty about bullshit.  Man and woman are different.  We play different roles within society.  Being treated in equal ways won't happen.  The best we can do is be understanding and respectful of each other.   


07/05/2014 at 10:31 PM

I also cannot comprehend why MRAs cannot care about certain valid feminist issues and feminists cannot care about certain valid MRA issues. The whole "Be with us 100% and shun the other side completely" paradigm is helping no one,James. Frown

But what do I know? Certain MRAs attack me because I'm against slut-shaming (I felt terrible for what happened to Felicia Garcia) and certain feminists attack me because I like "jiggly boob physics" and over sexualized depictions of fictional women in my comic books and video games. I've given up making the masses "happy". lol. If anything,you cannot put me in a box!

Blake Turner Staff Writer

07/06/2014 at 01:20 AM

I know you're saying both parents are important, but "Also I know you know that a child has a higher chance of becoming a criminal, poor, or a rotten life in general, if they are brought up in a single parent home.  In most cases, that single parent is a woman." is wrong on many different levels. 

 It isn't that a child needs a man in their life, it's that single parents often have too many responsibilities to spend enough time with their children. They have to take on both roles, regardless of gender. They have to work. They have to do the groceries. They have to do everything and find time to keep them safe, so no, it has nothing to do with gender on whether or not kids with one parent turn out okay, and I actually think that's not only a bullshit point, but completely fucked as well. It's like saying since most rape victims are women, it must be their fault.

 Also, more proof that gender doesn't matter in parenting:

 Men aren't as important as women? Only in parenting. They're more important in most other cases. Men are still more successful than women in most fields unless it pertains to something child related.

 I understand fully that "white males" don't always have it great, and privelege comes with circumstance. I was attacking a group of people whose only lack of privelege stems from their moral abhorrance and retardation. This goes for extreme feminism too. Don't think it's just MRM's that I hate, I have written blogs that are anti feminist as well.

 I still believe women have it worse than men in most instances.



07/06/2014 at 06:44 AM

I guess I'll have to state the obvious.  

1st, there are by far more heterosexual couples than homosexual couples.  Men are important.  

2nd, I know you've noticed even gay couples have a "sissy" and a "butch" role.  Yeah, they may be the same sex, but many of them have one in the traditionally female role and the other in the traditionally male role.  I know this because I've spoke to people that have frequent contract with gay couples that have children.  So even if 2 women are together with child, in many cases, a "man" is still there.  And of course there are men, if two men are together with child.  Men are important.  

3rd, there is no child without a man.  Men are important. Laughing

If you trully believe you have less to offer than women, then I'm sorry for you.  That line of thinking is not a good self-esteem booster.  I'm not saying men are more important than women, but equally important.  As a man, I argue for the acknowledgement of men.  To do the best you can as a decent guy and get nothing in return, but a "you're not as important as a woman"..... that sucks and it's degrading.  Isn't that what women are fighting against?  Women fight equality.  They do that by showing how important they are.  Their worth.  I know women are important, but I'd be damned if I'll believe they're more important than me.  You believe the way you want, but men bring just as much importance.  

 We might of got a bit off topic.  I'm not sure anymore. 

Blake Turner Staff Writer

07/06/2014 at 01:29 PM

*sigh* everyone thinks I'm anti men. I want equality, or as close to equality as possible. I never said men were less important. I said that on average, women have it tougher. That is all I was saying.

 I targeted MRA's this time, but in the past I have targeted "feminazis" for the exact same thing. I believe there is good on both sides, it's just that the bad speaks louder than the good.


07/06/2014 at 02:17 PM

I don't think you're anti-men,Blake. And as people go who believe in civil rights you are one of the better ones. In all our debates you've never resorted to flat out name calling and mud slinging,at least not against me.

Don't be discouraged just because we've disagreed on cetain things. When push comes to shove you know I'd have your back.

That said, James makes some good points too. If anything,be glad you made people think this deeply about the subject. Not all blogs do that. Wink 


07/04/2014 at 08:46 PM

Blake (and bullet for that mather), the issue is more..... complex than that, but because i'm too tired and I need to sleep, I may return tomorrow.


07/04/2014 at 08:49 PM

I dunno where I stand on this. A lot of MRAs say things that make the blood in my veins turn into putrid green slush  but a few them have brought up legitimate problems that do effect men. That and you have to admit there are a lot of supposed feminists who ARE NOT simply about equality and who do act like a bunch of mean spirited harpies.

 Maybe feminism in Australia is simply "better" than our feminism. 

 If you are confused about what I mean here's Karen (Girl Writes What) and here is Canada's very own "Red".



Blake Turner Staff Writer

07/04/2014 at 08:53 PM

Ben. I admitted that. There are a lot of Feminists who should just fucking die. I said that there were many that go over the top. That's not the majority though. No men's rights activists sites I've been to even discussed men's problems for the most part, it was just bitching about women.


07/04/2014 at 09:00 PM

Not all MRAs just bitch about women though. They certainly argue against feminism but truthfully feminism does not truly represent all women. (Despite claims to the contrary) As for the ones who do in fact hate women 100%? Certainly they exist then again there are feminists that hate men too. You can't apply a good/evil or black/white over-lay to a conundrum with shades of grey on both sides. Well you can but in my opinion it's not accurate. 

Blake Turner Staff Writer

07/04/2014 at 09:06 PM

Yes, but I feel like in this context it's like starting a group for white people because we're not allowed to say the 'n' word.


07/04/2014 at 09:15 PM

I'd encourage you to research more but alas,usually it's easier to find the loud mouthed idiots than the wise representatives on both sides of an ongoing debate who actually have good points. lol. That's true of both feminism and MRAs. However, I'd encourage you to watch a few more of Karen's videos just because they're not in the usual "All wommin are whores,fuck logic!" category.

And if I'm to be honest I think people asking each other to "check privilege" divides us and accentuates why we are different more than it reminds us why we're alike and how we should stick together. Sadly radical leftism contributes to racism and discrimination in its' own special way. I'd advise against believing everything colleges and books teach. It's easy to bury the truth and skew that same truth to serve an agenda.

Blake Turner Staff Writer

07/04/2014 at 09:19 PM

"And if I'm to be honest I think people asking each other to "check privilege" divides us and accentuates why we are different more than it reminds us why we're alike and how we should stick together. Sadly radical leftism contributes to racism and discrimination in its' own special way."

 I wholly agree with this and have for most of my life. Society isn't quite there yet, because we aren't all equal, so it feels it has to downgrade goups in power rather than upgrade minorities, trying to take words and opinions away from certain people to try to in some way bring them down to their level.

I also believe that the vast majority of those in MRA groups are nazis.


07/04/2014 at 09:35 PM

Well Blake, the term "femi-nazi" is popular too and not entirely without reason. This is why I believe people need to simply be "humanists" as opposed to using words that are exclusive to one gender or the other gender. Fem-i-nism comes off as a VIP women's only club and MRA comes off as a VIP men's only club. I'm not saying there are not logical good people on both sides but their terminology needs to evolve. 

Blake Turner Staff Writer

07/04/2014 at 09:49 PM

Exactly. I believe the sane members of both sides should come together and fight for equality, whilst letting the insane ones go to war and kill each other off.

 However, I still feel women have more to complain about.


07/04/2014 at 10:15 PM

I really wish we could simply lock all the lunatics in the thunder-dome. lol. Tongue Out Regardless,don't take my "arguing" as being generally pissed off at you. We've always been on good terms,Blake. Wink

Blake Turner Staff Writer

07/04/2014 at 10:18 PM

Psh. I knew that. I knew you, Jgusw, and possibly Casey would have a problem with this blog, but pixlbit is a place to post opinions and discuss them. What's the point in having individual opinions if there's no debating or learning?


07/04/2014 at 10:34 PM

That and accepting people as friends only because they agree with us all the time isn't really true friendship,Blake. It's better to have buddies that challenge us,call us on our shit,and despite it all still care about us even when we are on a different page.

Casey Curran Staff Writer

07/04/2014 at 10:57 PM

I think you've been watching too much Moviebob. Not to say that the people you're talking about aren't scum, but that's not really all people there. And yes, fighting the minor injustices aimed at most priviledge people in the world is a low priority, but by that logic instead of modern feminism, we should be focusing on, as Bill Hicks said,

"Take all that money we spend on weapons and defenses each year and instead spend it feeding and clothing and educating the poor of the world, which it would pay for many times over, not one human being excluded, and we could explore space, together, both inner and outer, forever, in peace.”

Basically, if the first world problems of women should be corrected (and they should) then we should look at the other side of the coin. A much briefer look and actually asking whether this is actually an injustice or a priviledge every single time, but do so nonetheless. But again, worldwide inequality is like Godzilla and American inequality is like a cockroach. 

Now, I'm gonna go think about how awesome Amazing Spider-Man 2 was to spite that guy.


07/05/2014 at 01:20 AM

I've never heard of Men's Rights Movement. For the sake of this blog thread, I googled it and went to the most recent article about it. A Time Magazine story which covered one of the MRM conferences in Detroit, and the conference is full of so much stupid. 

That this actually happened at the conference was enough for me...
When the conference’s M.C., Robert O’Hara, asked a woman in the audience a question and she responded with a no, he quickly shot back “Doesn’t no mean yes?” The audience burst into laughter. 

I agree with whatever whatasacow says. 

The Time article: 


07/05/2014 at 05:59 AM

..... I think you should see the responses of Ben, Jgusw and Casey before you make any judgement.


07/05/2014 at 06:34 AM

I did. And I went right to the source too.


07/05/2014 at 01:58 PM

You went to "a source",mate. Sorry, I just don't believe there's this magic hub where everything you want to know about every MRA movement or every MRA person is at your finger tips. (And wasn't this a feminist undercover who went to the MRA meet? Do you really think someone like that would report unbias information? We both know feminists and MRAs are locked in a war so they often slander each other to the point both sides are covered in shit.) But hey,live and learn. I just cannot believe how easy some people take a single article or a single news story as the gospel truth.

I mean yeah,they're are radical MRAs that slut-shame and hate women. I got into a fight with one such person on youtube. Believe me, you don't have to go to the trouble of "going undercover" to find these assholes. (Blake can confirm that) Yet I've also had nasty encounters with feminists who act just as disrespectful and bigoted towards men. This is why I call myself a "humanist" and call it a day.

By the way, I'm not trying to be confrontational. I just want to give a more neutral viewpoint from someone who has seen "the bad" come from both sides. Activism is a tricky position because even while attempting to do good it's so easy to fall from grace. Many fake activists do not combat hatred so much as they find a new target to hate in order to blame for all their problems. That is not progressive.

However,having read the article I will say the feminist in question who went to the MRA meeting was more honest and less quick to mud-sling than most. I consider it a good thing she acknowledged at least some of the problems men face were real. At this point I'll take any progress I can get!


07/05/2014 at 03:23 PM

Am I mistaken? Wasn't this whole blog about how stupid both 'extremes' are? Isn't that what whatsacow was saying? I think the Time journalist went in keeping an open mind. I didn't post more examples from that conference because it was nauseating. I visited other sites and read other articles, which are kind of the same, but I don't want to keep going at this. I think it's dumb. 


07/05/2014 at 05:45 PM

The blog evolved into that and a good debate was shared by all! But initially it was more slanted towards "MRAs are dicks" or at least that was the impression I got going in. (Which is true to a point but I've seen "jerks" on both sides of the MRA/Feminism spectrum) Regardless,thanks for sharing the article! It turned out to be a better read than I thought. 


07/05/2014 at 02:35 AM

I'm just thinking about beer. I was going to watch a bunch of Fosters ads, but I've seen those. So I watched a bunch of Toohey's ads I've never seen. Don't believe the hype that they're sexy like the video title says. They're just funny.


07/05/2014 at 03:27 AM

Prodigy,hell yes! "Hit me with your best shot,play my game I'll test ya!"


07/05/2014 at 03:59 PM

I'm a little MRA but only with double standards and law, like in court in terms of how children are given to women who get half a pay check and if one payment is missed you can go to prison for months (and are required to still pay) Or a personal favourite "Perternity Fraud" being an actual crime.

Kinda weird actually, socially women got it bad but Law wise they hold a better hand.

But that's the level headed side not the patriarcle tiranical obsessive side that want women to stay in the kitchen.

But i'm not a big fan of most idiology anyway.

Blake Turner Staff Writer

07/06/2014 at 01:22 AM

Look, I attacked the MRA in this blog, but I've attacked the other side of the coin in the past. I wish for equality, not for this petty "our gender is better than yours" argument. What are we 12?


12/12/2014 at 02:35 PM

Wow, look what I missed last July! Interesting how everyone commenting was male...

Blake Turner Staff Writer

12/12/2014 at 08:45 PM

Indeed haha. I mean I knew Jgusw was going to jump down my throat since he does in any article where you even remotely mention women, but the others weren't as expected haha.

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