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Gaming Fatigue, Addiction, and Internet Entitlement

On 07/06/2014 at 11:01 PM by Blake Turner

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 Hey guys. It's been a while since I wrote a Plus10Damage article. Nearly two months actually. But I'm back baby, discussing such things as my gaming burnout, whether gaming addiction exists, and how stupid Men's Rights campaigners are, because you all totally and 100% agreed with me last time :p.

 So read that article here!

 Also, Joe, AKA Super Step, has joined Plus 10 Damage as a writer and now has two articles. Be sure to read them! Links here:



Super Step Contributing Writer

07/06/2014 at 11:12 PM

This would be how I find out my Oculus Real article was posted. lol Thanks for the plug, now to read your post!

Blake Turner Staff Writer

07/06/2014 at 11:21 PM

Haha. You're welcome.


07/07/2014 at 12:12 AM

Don't devs bring in psychologists to make games more addictive? I remember seeing something like this in a documentary or article or something. I actually have Gears of War 3 sitting on a shelf somewhere and I need to play it some time. Funny enough, I haven't found myself addicted to MMOs yet, probably because of the shitty communities. LOL.

Blake Turner Staff Writer

07/07/2014 at 01:27 AM

Join my guild in guild wars 2! Actually, that's a game we should play together!


07/07/2014 at 02:41 AM

All the server world were merged recently, so I guess just supply you char name or guild or something so I can find you. What class are you missing in your guild? Maybe I can start a new char. 

Blake Turner Staff Writer

07/08/2014 at 07:02 PM

I haven't played in a while, but our guild was pretty big... well, I'm ijn four guilds. The one I'm repping is pretty big, and really friendly. And that would be awesome. Send me a message on steam if you're online and want to play.


07/08/2014 at 07:05 PM

I'm having a hard time leveling my char past 50. The game caps at 80, but it's becoming a bit of a mindless grind. Crafting sounds a bit expensive too. Lots of gold required. The new "Season 2" content requires a lvl 80 char too btw, and I read it's a bit short. My main is an Engineer lvl 50. What classes do you like and what is your play style? 

Blake Turner Staff Writer

07/08/2014 at 07:37 PM

Yeah, I think I'm around a level 50 with my highest character. He's a Sylvari Ranger, because I like pets and bows. I'm one of those who keeps starting new characters because I like character customisation, and I love the beginning of RPGs generally. Thus I have a level 20 something engineer and a level 20 mesmer.


07/08/2014 at 08:16 PM

I do the same thing. I start games off to see what diff char play like. I have a hunter w/pet in this game as an alt. Easier to solo with a pet. I also started a Ranger type character with pet in Rift. I'm all over the place.


07/07/2014 at 02:25 PM

Great article about gaming addiction (and i'll ignore the generalization that MRAs are all mysoginist just this time). Dismising it is bullshit because, how else you would explain the cases of gamers who stay days playing WoW? I can confirm how much it isn't good because I once stayed all night trying to beat Sonic Heroes when I was a kid. Okay, i'm getting carried away, but anyway, I agree.

Also, great articles from Joe for his intro to Plus10. Since his second about games that gave me "The Feels" was very interesting, I would say that the games that I had those kind of reactions would be The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, Super Mario Galaxy (first one only though), Halo: Reach, Dear Esther recently and some artsy web games (can't remember them except this one).

Blake Turner Staff Writer

07/08/2014 at 07:05 PM

Haha. You should let Joe know on his articles! If you want.

 Funnily enough, I wrote the stuff about the MRA a few days before my rant blog. Still, no one's really changed my mind. Both them and their extreme feminist counterparts can choke on a cactus.

 There have been weeks where I played games for 12 hours a day, so yeah, it's a thing. It's a miracle I'm not obese. I'm starting to fatten up, but I think that has more to do with beer than gaming haha.

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