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A Bitch Too Far

On 07/13/2014 at 01:03 AM by Super Step

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So what happened to make me mad last blog was getting my alternator in my car replaced twice due to the first replacement alternator being a piece of shit. Let's just say someone else's mistake cost me a lot, I'm gonna see if I can get a refund, and I'm pissed. 

The other thing that happened is my friend Laurie, who I've done a lot of favors for recently and who I'd say who I've done much more good by than bad, decided to simply stop talking to me and drop me as a friend on Facebook/not answer my texts. So did her boyfriend, so I dropped him as a friend and deleted them both from my contacts. I assume, which I have to do since she wasn't enough of an adult to do something besides giving me the silent treatment, that this is due to a couple joke comments I left on her Facebook post a few days ago that may have went too far for her tastes. If that's the case, she's said worse to me and this just means she can't take what she dishes out as far as I'm concerned. 

The alternator I can get over and had she said something I may have even apologized, but to drop me as a friend when we've known each other for two years and I've done so much for her lately over a fucking Facebook comment (again, I have to assume) with no explanation or warning? Oh fuck no. I'm not having it. 

But then I went to SGC, where I've had signatures and pictures from Angry Joe, JonTron, Keiji Inafune, DidYouKnowGaming, been to a couple Q&As, and ... got really drunk at a friend's house party last night. Like filled two trash bags with vomit and made a cat twerk drunk. More on those things later, as I'll probably write a plus10damage article about my Con experience. 

The point now is I'd be lying if I said I'm just totally cool about the week I had now, but it could have been a lot worse, and I really shouldn't have bitched about it as much as I did. whatsacow and a couple other people on here have much worse crap to deal with that they certainly don't deserve, and I wish them the best. My next door neighbor's mom died very recently and he now has no parents. My life is not that bad or difficult and I need to volunteer my time more instead of sleeping in and feeling sorry for myself so often. Hell, an entire week has gone by in which I have done no research for the huge paper due at the end of this month, so I at least have to get my ass in gear for that. I need to stick to my diet and workout regimen so that I don't feel all blubbery in my midsection and get down on myself about that too. 

I hate to babble on about the negative, so let's end this blog on a positive note: Holy shit, Super Mario Strikers is the most fun I've had with a video game in a while. It could also be the guy I met playing it two player with giving me friendly competition, which added that social aspect I've been missing lately as well, but holy crap I love that game. 




07/13/2014 at 02:23 AM

Thats pretty shitty of your "friends" to do...but you know what bro? You can do better.

As for the alternator. ...sounds like the first one you got was a fefurb....and someone didnt properly restore the brushes to working condition.  

I could be wrong.

Super Step Contributing Writer

07/13/2014 at 02:41 AM

That's pretty much what mechanic #2 said, so I'm going to show him my receipts and the alternator he put in and maybe that will get me somewhere. We'll see. 

If he doesn't give me any money back or do SOMETHING, I'll be sure to write a strongly worded letter to Twitter. Pretty much all I can do.


07/13/2014 at 02:49 AM

Two trash bags of vomit. That's something else. They might be squishy enough to be used as beanbag chairs. Every think of that? I did.

Super Step Contributing Writer

07/13/2014 at 12:32 PM

Ewwww ...


07/14/2014 at 01:08 AM

Exactly. LOL

Matt Snee Staff Writer

07/13/2014 at 05:19 AM

damn that's a lot of vomit.  But I've been there.  Never made a cat twerk though.  

I'm sorry things have been rough.  Some friends arent really friends when it comes down to it... I know all about it man, I've lost a lot of friends over the years for stupid reasons.  Makes me focus more on family and the people who REALLY are my friends.  

Anyway, I hope your car is alright. 

Super Step Contributing Writer

07/13/2014 at 06:10 AM

It's fine now, I'm just pissed off about how much money it took.

Matt Snee Staff Writer

07/13/2014 at 06:54 AM

you're up late/early too, huh?  hope you have a good day today.  


07/13/2014 at 07:43 AM

I know all too well about that particular friend issue. I have had people drop me out of thin air with no reason given nor could I actually come up with one. I found it best to consider it a good loss and go on because real friends stick shit out and let you know shit. Fake ones hide and run. I understand though that this has hurt you alot and its def not easy when you have done alot for someone and been friends a long time. For them to do this it hurts like hell but try to remember if it wasnt this way, it could have been ten times worse. Just try to get back into your goals and stay concentrated on school. You can always message me if you need anything. Im here for ya Joe :)

Your soo lucky you got to go to SGC, soo many people are there that I would have loved to have meet. Jontron def being on of them! Im glad you had a good time thou!

Super Step Contributing Writer

07/13/2014 at 12:33 PM

Thanks! And yeah JonTron is awesome, but I think he still is not used to the crowds he gets.


07/13/2014 at 09:39 AM

Sucks what happened. Atleast I think SGC is a silver lining from the shitty week. Looking forward for pictures (if you too any).

Super Step Contributing Writer

07/13/2014 at 12:34 PM

I have a few. Mostly of my sigs and photos with celebrities.


07/13/2014 at 01:48 PM

If your assumption is true, I wouldn't worry about wasting my time with that sort anyway bud. I had a similar experience a few years back and if people are not able to take a joke (or heaven forbit, laugh at themselves) then fuck em. Some folks just take themselves far too seriously.

Super Step Contributing Writer

07/13/2014 at 02:04 PM

Yeeeah. Thanks, man.


07/15/2014 at 12:57 PM

and that's why I don't facebook. Can cause so many issue despite the good it can come of it. I'd like to ge tin touch with my old friends (since I have so few) but I don't watn to thru that drama over something as simple as a possible that.

Hope your days are better now. Why not take out your pent up frustrations on something. Like an FPS. I hear killing nazis helps relieave stress. It's a medical fact.


07/21/2014 at 12:48 PM

Ok if they were real friends they would understand your humor, and if whatever you said bothered them, they should just come to you instead of acting like little kids. Sorry man.

I saw Super Mario Strikers a couple of days ago, and thought about it. I think if I find it at a GameStop I might pick it up because of the Buy2Get1 on the Wii games right now.

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