I've put about 55 hours into Rainbow Moon and I'm not sure I want to finish. Seeing as I've invested this much time I might as well. I just keep thinking that I want the game to end so that I can move on.
I bought it during the recent sale for 6 bucks or something like that. I like the style of the game but being restricted to a 3 member party in an SRPG seems wrong. I do like that it is an SRPG with exploration and not just talking heads-battle-talking heads-battle like most of them are.
The story isn't much to speak of and the flow gets quite repetitive. Fetch stuff, get key to dungeon, fight boss, get artifact, repeat. Boss strategy involves clearing the field of everything that isn't the boss then going to town with all 3 characters.
My chosen party consists of Baldren (Knight type), Trisha (Archer) and Serena (Mage). Serena has one spell that can hit 5 enemies at once and Baldren and Trisha can each take out 3 enemies. When you get a dense field of enemies you can thin the herd pretty quickly.