So, I finished up inFamous: Second Son the other day. I enjoyed the game quite a bit and was able to 100% it on the first go. This is actually the one thing about the game that made me fall in love with it.
Most open-world games are just massive and require hours upon hours to finish, and then even more to 100%. inFamous: Second Son has a smaller scope and is a much more focused game than the GTAs and Assassin's Creeds of the world. My big issue with those other open-world games is the fact that they are large and long. By the time I have usually hit the 15 hour mark in a game I am ready to finish it.
Do not get me wrong, there is plenty of other stuff that drew me into Second Son. In fact, I would have never finished it had it not been for the story and cool super-powers. The graphics were also amazing. One final though on this game is this... I am glad that I played it, but I cannot say that I would have bought a PS4 just for this game.
Onto other things. I started Super Mario Galaxy again. I initially had some issues with the controls and still am wishing that I could play the game with a proper controller. Overall it is still one of my favourite Mario games, but it got me thinking about what I would love to see in a new Mario game...
The worlds in Super Mario Galaxy are huge. They don't really seem that way when they close off half of it to hunt for a specific star... which makes the levels actually fairly linear. Nowhere near as linear as Super Mario 3D Land had felt to me earlier this year. What is the point? I am hoping that Nintendo makes levels as massive as the ones in Super Mario Galaxy, but gives you free reign to explore the entire level searching for stars, along the lines of Super Mario 64.
If none of the previous paragraph made any sense... I want a good mix of Super Mario Galaxy and Super Mario 64 for the next core Mario game. That is all that I have for now, I still have 56 more stars to hunt down.