Kara looks like a cool character.
Thor's female name should be Thorette. There, problem solved. Who needs creativity? :)
Go read my blog. :)
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![]() On 07/19/2014 at 12:41 AM by BrokenH ![]() See More From This User » |
"She works amongst those who pay to see , doing lap dances for a fee.
Women talk about her on twitter calling her slut and
a whore……saying she sets civil rights back 10
Years or more….
But every night she fights, saving lives
as her silhouette is accentuated by the neon lights…
Kara the savior who risks her life for ungrateful people,
The very same zealots with their pulpits and their steeples.
The tumblrettes on tumblr moan about the portrayal of women in
videogames and all those CIS swine, meanwhile Kara is out rescuing
children and fighting crime.
Remember The Honey Bee each time she risks her life for you and me,
Do we really deserve one such as wonderful as she?"
Does Kara care about the Hawkeye Initiative? No, she really doesn’t! Then again, Kara is kind of an extraterrestrial bug princess so while her anatomy is similar it’s probably not the same as earth women.
I also came up with the poem as an underhanded “fuck you” to all those phony tumblr justice warriors out there who are too busy bitching on the internet to do anything remotely positive in the real world.
Loki: "So,we give you tits then blam,boost in ratings & the SJW crowd loves us!"
Thor: "Are you sure,brother? This is so "random"! Are you positive this is for a good cause and not just some sort of weird mortal advertisement gimmick?"
Oh, Thor is a woman now. Yes, Thor. I suppose if it was a joke played on Thor by Loki that would at least be faithful to those characters and how they interact with each other but supposedly it’s not so much that as it is Thor is no longer worthy of Mjonir so some random woman picks up the hammer and gets his power instead. I at least hope she gets her own name because “Thor” isn’t exactly a decent feminine designation. Next up a male version of Morgan La Fey gets a female Arthurita Pendragon pregnant with their incestual daughter Mordretta! Ah gender-swapping….bask in the edginess and complete desecration done to historical mythology!
So, you want my point of view on catering to the trendy SJW crowd? I cannot really tell you because I do not. My art comes from me and I treat my characters like people. As in they don’t always conform to social norms or social expectations. Kara has always been a promiscuous free spirit so her personality and gender are not going to change just because she gets some angry letters from irate fan-boys. Kara is unapologetically Kara and I could not be happier with that! Kara may not always be “in style” but she will always be herself.
To me art is no longer art when we make compromises and change our creations simply to appease the masses. And is it really possible to make “everyone” happy? Nope, so why try! Might as well simply be yourself and ride the wave of hater-aide until social norms and expectations change yet again!
I've been reading Uncanny Avengers in the last few months, and it kind of sets up why Thor no longer will wield his hammer. Time travel, Apocalypse, and an enchanted Axe are all the reasons.
I guess in the comics Thor was given different identies; not sure how Thor the persona or Thor powers are going to translate to a women. Now Thor (Thora?) will become an unofficial Disney princess.lol
I just wonder how many times the poor bloke can become "unworthy". lol. There was already that time Beta Ray Bill and Thunderbolt picked up the slack. (There's already been a Thor-girl too)
I think my beef is they could do something more original. As in Lady Sif could fill in for Thor or if Thor himself was turned into a woman he could have learned to be more empathic towards women having been one himself. But instead a woman picks up the hammer and gets the exact same powers as "Original Thor" who just stumbles around being "not good enough". (Yet again) In other words,haven't we tread this ground before?
Beyond that it's a bit dishonest to the original folklore. Loki could turn into a woman in norse mythology but only because he was a natural trickster to begin with. Thor on the other hand was always male,even before Marvel borrowed him from the viking pantheon. "Thor" is a person,not a title to be passed down.
I'm fine with a female wielding the hammer but calling her "Thor" makes about as much sense as calling Spiderwoman "Peter".
I agree with Jenny Lorenzo, I'm not really against a female taking on the role of Thor, but why not just put more attention on one of the many already established female characters or create a completely new character if the idea is to bring more girl power to the table. In the case of Thor, the charater is basically masculinity personified. Now they did do the gender swap thing with Loki, but Loki is well, kind of androginous in the first place so it works. But I understand the bigger issue here at question is the change purely for the sake of artistic exploration or to be more PR and or just a way to drum up publisity. In my opinion as long as the stories and art are on spot, I'm down to see where it goes.
I personally think this would have been a good time to let Lady Sif shine and possibly even become as popular as Xena was back in the day but apparently that idea was shot out of the water at the Marvel office. It's not as if the gender-swap is necessary. I agree with Jenny,Marvel already has interesting female characters if they'd just muster up the balls to put those heroines front and center. I dunno,swapping a hero's gender just seems uncreative to me. "Hey ya'll look,she's almost exactly like old Thor only...uh....tits! Go progressive thinking!" I understand why big companies pander (Make money or die off!) but I doubt "The View" is the same demographic as the Marvel demographic.
I'm just happy I'm the independent "little fish" who can draw whatever the hell I want to. A big majority of people may not always love my stuff but I don't want approval in the first place.
Awesome art as usual. Kara is a cool character.
The whole "Thor" thing isn't that deep. They are trying something new to move issues (and it will probably work... for a little while). This is the Death of Superman all over again. If it gets new readers and people like it, then we will have a new Thor. If it fizzles out, then they will get rid of her, or make her her own new character. It's a stunt, but comics have been "stunty" for awhile. Maybe I'm dead inside, because I didn't even blink... lol. I don't read mainstream comics anymore anyway. I'm not that invested. I also think you can blame the new Thor movies for this change as well. Maybe I'm crazy, but they seem to have a larger female fan base then the other characters. Maybe that's why Thor was chosen.
Yup,you're right,Ceva. Heck I even remember that ridiculous red/blue supermen arch. lol. I'm not super annoyed just "meh". I would rather see Lady Sif fill in for Thor and start to get developed more. She's a really good character. Glad you like the art,Ceva. Kara is always fun to draw!
i hate how marvel is always doing gimmicks. I'm not opposed to them entirely, but every month there's a new big gimmick. Just tell good stories man. When I pick up marvel comics I'm reminded of how poor the stories are. maybe I'm not reading the right stuff, but it just annoys me that there's a new gimmick. Wolverine dies! Female Thor! New Captain America! it's stupid.
I will say in new Cap's defense Falcon taking over the mantle is not so far fetched. I mean Falc and Cap were good friends from way back. Of course Falcon is a cool character in his own right so him becoming a whole other super hero simultaneously destroys the potential for him to shine under his original moniker.
"Female Thor" can work but they're doing it wrong. Thor becoming a woman could have become an awesome growing experience for him and perhaps even have helped his relationship with Jane after he changed back. But instead he's "unworthy" for the 100th time which is a theme they've already done to death. Shouldn't THor be able to learn from his mistakes? Why the frak is he unworthy yet again?!
I didn't understand that either. The View was the first place to leak this? When have they EVER focused on comic books? It just seemed so bizzare to me. lol.
Glad you like the art and yeah,xenomorphs were kind of the inspiration for the monster. To this day I occasionally have nightmares about them. Still, I have no regrets watching the first three Alien movies! Sci fi horror at its' best! (Event Horizon is pretty good too!)
Kinda makes me glad I'm not into comics that much anymore. Thor a woman, Captain America is now black and Archie dies sayving the life of a gay friend who's running for office.
I guess that's what happens when you mess around with the multiverse or alterverse or whatever they call it now a days, or even if it's still around or not I don't know anymore!
Ah, I wouldn't mind a female norse heroine becoming popular. I simply rather such a character gain popularity on her on merits instead of just because she's become the "new" Thor. But you're on the money,mate. These types of "progressive changes" are back to the "same old" a fast as lightning when the sales numbers dip. I'd love to believe comics are 100% about integrity and creative freedom but the truth is they're a business too.