Oh man.......okay im not gonna say anything, I hope you enjoy the game ^_^
I love Twilight Princess, its def one of my fave Zelda games. The characters and story were done really well in my opinion. I especially love the wolf sections.
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![]() On 07/22/2014 at 10:39 AM by transmet2033 ![]() See More From This User » |
So, I decided to sit down with Twilight Princess. I have been wanting to play the game for some time now, but have been scared off by the Wii. Thankfully, my brother had a copy for the GameCube that has found its way into my possession. I have some initial thoughts and some speculation about the story that I wanted to get out there, so that I do not start obsessing over it.
Twilight Princess is a dark game. Not only is the actual game difficult to see because they use a lot of darker colours, Nintendo also made it more of an adult adventure. Some of these creatures are terrifying. Had I gotten this game as a child, I probably would have been playing it from behind the couch. When people complained abot the WindWaker style and their desire for a more realistic Link, like Ocarina, they got it.
I have put about 5 hours into the game, and it feels like it is just dragging on. I do not mean that in a bad way. I am not sick of the game by any means, but if this was an older Zelda game I probably would be halfway through it at this point. To give a comparison, in Twilight Princess, I have put 5 hours and have just started the second dungeon. If I was playing A Link to the Past, I probably would be pretty close to entering the Dark World.
My biggest gripe with the game so far is the fact that the game seems to be holding my hand way too much. It is not actually ruining my enjoyment, but I would be having more fun if I was free to explore and make mistakes myself. Here is an example... Midna, your Navi of this game, stops you to tell you that your shield has burned up and you probably shouldn't explore the dungeon any further. Thanks, but no thanks. I already got a little alert on the bottom of the screen telling me that my shield is missing. Not a game breaker, but I want the option to shut off all of these hints.
Onto my speculation, which might spoil a bit of the beginning of a game that is 8 years old. Midna is a character that I liked right of the bat, but there is something about her that I do not trust. I do not know what angle she is playing. She appears to be a powerful being, at least in the Twilight realm. Either way, she gets all giddy when you beat the first boss and get a Fused Shadow and then she is all concerned about getting the other Fused Shadows hidden in the world. There is a "would you kindly" aspect of this that I do not like. I am half expecting her to end up being, or at least working for the big bad. How many stories take a chracter who seems to be a friend, and make them the villain. Master Miller and Atlas both spring to mind, if you do not know who those characters are it is for the best.
That is what I have for the time being. My wife has a conference this week, which means that I will spend the majority of my free time doing one of two things. I will either be playing Twilight Princess, or trying to collect up a bunch of GameCube games from the local establishments that still sell them. Oh, I should probably go to a comic shop and start a portfolio thing so that I don't miss out on a single issue of Warren Ellis' new comic book, Trees.
I just remembered the one Zelda trope that might explain somethings. In a traditional Zelda game you are introduced to the world and there are typically 3 dungeons that you must complete, then something happens to change either the world or Link and that opens up another set of dungeons...
I know what you mean about the Wii controls. I really don't like the wiimote and nunchuck. I don't even like the classic controler only because you have to plug it into the wiimote. Why do they make you do that?
I did almost trade my copy of Twilight Princess for Wii, but I still want to play it. When I find the time.
Yeah, Twilight Princess is dark, but not as dark as Majora's Mask!
Twilight Princess is one of my least favorite Zelda games. Don't get me wrong, I still think it's fun and has some neat dungeon designs. But it drags too much in the beginning and the graphics are so brown and muddy that it was sometimes hard to tell where you could stand.
Twilight Princess has two of my favorite Zelda characters, though. Princess Zelda in that game is awesome, and Agitha cracks me up. I think it's cool that she's going to be in Hyrule Warriors.
I really like Twilight Princess. I played it when it first came out on the Wii and I thought the motion controls worked fairly well, though I'm sure it works equally well with traditional controls. I think they really nailed the atmosphere and Midna is such an interesting character. And like Cary said, Zelda is awesome in this one.
Hopefully you can apreciate more the game in the end, because this is my second favorite game of all time, only behind the two Super Mario Galaxy. I felt like I was in a big adventure, it had an interesting story and I liked to explore the world (even if it wasn't very varied) and in the end, the atmosphere fitted the game and tone. Midna gets a lot better as you progress to the game, though I won't spoil you her development.
I didn't have much problems with the Wii version. I'm used to the motion controls and as far as I know, the graphics look less moody than in the Gamecube.
I got the Master Sword recently and love how the game opens up considerably. I am quite enjoying myself now that the story has taken a little bit of a back seat to exploration. I cannot wait to jump back into it. It will never become my favourite Zelda game, but it is working its way into my heart.