Ever since I healed up and laid the BrokeLeg Blog to rest ive been thinking about how I could contribute to the Pixlbit blogging community in a more regular manner than my update and purchase blogs, which are pretty bland.
Ive been a reader of Game Informer for years. Ive watched as blogging exploded and waned there...seen a plethora of crappy features and biased reviews get posted by editors...and through it all the only thing ive maintained any modicum of respect for is the weekly (usually) Weekend Warrior feature.
In case you may be unfamiliar, in that feature the editors all detail their plans for the weekend, gaming and otherwise, and the readers respond in the comments section with their own plans.
And it works...that feature, without fail, always draws a huge response from the readership. Oftentimes the readers react to their fellows' comments with exhortation and/or lauding...I myself once found a few buddies to co op through Portal 2 with in thw same manner. Its great for so many reasons, not the least of whi ch is that it provides a forum to jot down a quick check-in via.
Im bringing that here, in a truncated form, as im not staff. Still I have a burning itch to be super-nosy, and im hoping the community sees it as an opportunity to talk about themselves....because lets face it, everyone likes to do it, to some degree. With that, im gonna kick this pig and start it on up!

-I was hired a couple days ago to Hot Topic, and my store manager told me today after my brief, brief training session that there MAY be hours available this weekend. Im always game for work, so while playing the waiting game im going to dig deeper into my newly purchased copy of Injustice:Gods Among Us Ultimate Edition. Im currently playing through the story mode, and am having a blast learning how to beat the utter shit out of the AI with 4 hit combos. Im also gonna pop that copy of LEGO Batman 2 on my 6-year old tomorrow, and let him get in some substantial playtime. While hes using the PS3 IM going to be playing Hearthstone, checking out a few other characters besides the Rogue I thought id get good with during the open beta (rushdown decks are still something I wanna work on though). In the off hours I imagine we will do some grocery shopping...and im looking forward to watching season 3 of Hell On Wheels, which just dropped on Netflix.
How about you guys and gals?
Whats on your agenda?