2 Weeks have past since my last update, my old friend has returned from University, this constant heat is killing me and i'm starting to get a sort of groove in my life.
First things first COMICS
Last week - 
Deat Vigil - Stjepan Sejic: He's an artist from the early Image days and is a very talanted artist, he hasn't done much work but he mostly been concentrating on his own stuff, I believe this piece was available free online (don't know if it is anymore). Anyway it's a story about Death fighting forces that may disturb the Balance and she brought a companian to fight a Necromancer in the process the Necromancer sacrificed an unsuspecting girl of her life force and now she's essentially a ghost. The artwork is great and the Dialogue is quite snappy, a good impression for a first issue, IMO.
MegaMan #39: I won't reveal much because i'm planning to review it as a whole however this issue spends more time in X's and things are picking up as we are 1 issue away from the end. The second cover is a pixelized one and it looks cool 
Batman '66 meets The Green Hornet - Kevin Smith: It somehow became goofy but in the best way possible, The Joker is a flamboiant joy, Adam West voice is superb and Kato is as cool as ever, Get the trade.
The Wicked + The Devine 2 & 1: I bought another cover to the number 1 because the artist, Bryan Lee O'mally is coming to London so I'm just preparing. As for the second Issue it's as good as the 1st, still rolling off the events of the head exploding 1st issue they are begining to suspect things have been anipulated behind the scenes and literally all hell breaks loose. Jamie McKelvie - the artist - is doing some of his best panel work here very interresting, reminds me of the experimental days of Darkhorse and 2000AD from the late 80s to early 90s.
Cap'n Dinosaur - Shaky Kane: right off the heels of the signing he has a new One-shot out, It's pulp action insanity, he and other working with him seem to be doing this now, Collaborating for 1 off issues of creativity. I like it, with any luck they'll collect the whole series.
This Week - 
ot much this week, issue 6 of Afterlife of Archie would be here but they sold out and it'll be till next week till the regular covers come out (it's complicated).
Supreme: Blue Rose - Warren Ellis and Tula Lotay: Ellis is doing more indie work while doing short stints at the big two, I was intrigued by the artist and I always give Ellis' work a shot. This issue is weird from most of his work, usually in 1 issue he gives some sort of payoff for all the intrigue but here there's none. It's by no means bad, it's interresting at the art is great but many may not want to give the 2nd issue a go, but for $3 it's not the worst investment.
Wonder Woman 32 + 33: despite my misgiving Azzarrello has done a great job in invigorating the WW franchise, as his story is coming to a close I find we are seeing WW as a character shine far more, the middle not so much but I see it more now. Great dalogue, things have sense of weight to it, if you have read a Wonder Woman comic or wanted to skip this series, Give the first arc a go. It would make a good animated movie.

It was on sale and it was the last one for £10 on sale, oh and if you where wondering why a Tatsunoko Capcom logo is on the bottom right, i'll get there...
New gadgets

This is what i'm going to use for my Tasunoko vs Capcom Madcatz Fight Stick, it has been in the box for soo long and the Hori one I own is okay but not the same. NO MORE!! (It even works on the PS3)

This game is already underated as well as possibly never getting another sequel. I haven't tried it yet but by the time you've read my mispelt ramblings I'll have at least plugged it in.
Well that's it for now, who knows what'll happen next week, from what I read you guys are doing fine. So all is well.
This is V saying "The Guardians Have Landed!"

(Me at the Guardians of the Galaxy London Premiere)