Oh no! Windows 8! GO BACK TO 7! Or don't, I've heard it's not that bad once you get used to it.
Also, there is no pic.
Also Also, going back to ME1 after playing 2 and 3 will be a fucking nightmare for you.
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![]() On 07/28/2014 at 01:25 AM by Bilbasaur ![]() See More From This User » |
...So yeah. Shiny new laptop. Shiny big hole in my bank account >.<
Bought an Asus something, it was $300 off, so only cost me.. $900, plus all the other stuff you need to buy when you buy a laptop >.<
And it has Windows 8.1, which is thoroughly confusing and counterinuitive >.> Although my phone has Windows 8, so not as confusing as it could be, but not too far off lol.
But I now have a laptop that can actualy run games without sounding like it'll explode! Which is wonderful! And probably means I'll try out the original Mass Effect when I really should be reading up on fun topics like euthanasia and organ donations for an essay instead. Really should be doing that now, as I'm at the library, rather than typing out a message to you guys. But I'm just so happy at having a decent laptop now!! :D
... I should get myself skyrim o3o
Anyways, goodbye beautiful peoples, I shall leave you with... A cute gif still to be decided on. Two seconds.....
Crap. I don't remember how to edit in pictures.... BLAKE! HALP!
Got it :3
^Me if anyone tries to take away said shiny new laptop. >.> no.
Is it there now? I tried changin the stuff you said x.x"
Also it's not so bad as long as I dont go into the start tab lol. But if I do there's all these tabs about weather and news and maps and shit I don't ever use (also, maps on your laptop? Phone I -kind of- get, laptop I don't >.>)
Also also, I'm aware. I'llbe trying to play it with a touchpad lol, I'm going to die. A lot.
Also also also, apparently this one doesn't just scroll easily like my last laptop. Dun like >.>"
And the " & @ buttons are reversed, so god knows how I've managed to do that already xD
I think I still have a mouse from when I bought the last laptop somewhere, never used it... Idk. I like using the touchpad. And I don't sit at a desk with my laptop most of the time, you know that. I get too paranoid someone will be lookig over my shouder or something >.>"
That's fair enough x3
It seems pretty good so far! I'm not listening to a jet taking off on my lap, and I'm not terrified to move it in case it crashes and then freezes x3
Very nice o3o
I need to be working on the essay, and revising all of the chem and pharmacy lectures so far o.o which will be fun... x.o"
Hey, I'm the panda guy 'round these parts what do you think you're playing at? :P
You can make Windows 8 behave much like Windows 7 if you want.
First download and install Classic Shell. It puts back the Start menu on the Desktop view so that when you click on the "Window" icon on the bottom left fo the Desktop screen you don't get taken back the the Metro (bunch of Squares) interface.
Then in Windows 8.1 there is a way to make your laptop always start on your desktop screen.
Simply go to the taskbar on your desktop screen, right click and select properties,
Then choose the Navigation tab as seen below
Click on OK and you will hardly ever have to see that Metro interface again.
Hope this helps.
i have windows 8.1 and I've grown to like it quite a bit now that I know how to use it. IT's not so bad, just unintuitive at first. I almost never use that area where it's little pics and icons, whatever that's called, where it goes when it starts up. That is useless. I'm always on the desktop.
With all the people who are having to use Windows 8 these days I should probably start a thread in the forums.
Once you have done the couple of things that I mention in my reply to Bilby life gets much easier for Windows 7 and even XP users. Classic Shell will let you choose the menu style for the Start button. I can't believe they give it away free.
Yep, download it from a trusted site like cnet or sourceforge. I'm not sure what version is currently downloading but it will notify you about upgrades if they are available. It takes no time at all to install.
The thing is so damn useful I can't believe it's free. We are including it in our Win 8 images here at the school board.