"I iz SO bored!"
Been kind of a gaming lull on my side of things. On the positive end of that spectrum, my best friend and I have had more time for table-top role-playing and I’ve been drawing a lot more! Seriously, I Haven’t been able to put my pencil down two seconds!
I don’t know how all my readers feel about more adult content but I do have a blog called “Broken’s Daimons” which is a guilty hide away for all my smut illustrations and my more erotic views on sex. (Or being horny and the complete lack of actual sexual intercourse that tends to embody my life 90% of the time!) I suppose if your bored and in the mood for something uncomfortable and weird you can give “Broken’s Daimons” a go on special occasions! Just do not claim I did not warn ya! It’s a strictly NSFW affair.
I’m still chipping away at Birth By Sleep and finally started a new file with Aqua. I’m also planning to return to Witcher 2 at some point just to see if I can get into it again after clearing some of the more frustrating parts. I really do want to save Triss Merigold. She’s a hawt red-headed vixen and I tend to have a soft spot for those!
I thought about picking up Bioshock Infinite but I’m kind of afraid it’s a metaphorical one night stand. As in it’s big on spectacle and grandeur but once you go through it once there really is no reason to re-play it again. Yes, I realize Elizabeth is in the “most lovable waifu” category and the story touches on deep issues such as patriotism, elitism, and racism but in the end isn’t it simply a kind of decent story interrupted by frequent shoot outs? This is kind of my problem with most modern fpses. Even the ones that try to be different are mostly on rails and the mechanics are the “same old/same old” nine times out of ten. Beyond the sky-hook is there any other novelty past Bioshock games have not presented before? Do our choices in Infinite really mean anything?
Regardless, feel free to call me a pretentious douche! Perhaps Bioshock Infinite was your “game of the year” and I would not mind reading your opinion as to why you hold that position! I’ll uh, keep the light on for ya’ll!
PS: I did respond to your replies in my previous blog. Though I might be "late" I still make the attempt of continuing conversations with all my peeps! You guyz ish teh sizzle-pops!