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Gaming lull....le sigh....

On 07/30/2014 at 11:57 PM by BrokenH

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"I iz SO bored!"

Been kind of a gaming lull on my side of things. On the positive end of that spectrum, my best friend and I have had more time for table-top role-playing and I’ve been drawing a lot more! Seriously, I Haven’t been able to put my pencil down two seconds!

I don’t know how all my readers feel about more adult content but I do have a blog called “Broken’s Daimons” which is a guilty hide away for all my smut illustrations and my more erotic views on sex. (Or being horny and the complete lack of actual sexual intercourse that tends to embody my life 90% of the time!) I suppose if your bored and in the mood for something uncomfortable and weird you can give “Broken’s Daimons” a go on special occasions! Just do not claim I did not warn ya! It’s a strictly NSFW affair.

I’m still chipping away at Birth By Sleep and finally started a new file with Aqua. I’m also planning to return to Witcher 2 at some point just to see if I can get into it again after clearing some of the more frustrating parts. I really do want to save Triss Merigold. She’s a hawt red-headed vixen and I tend to have a soft spot for those!

I thought about picking up Bioshock Infinite but I’m kind of afraid it’s a metaphorical one night stand. As in it’s big on spectacle and grandeur but once you go through it once there really is no reason to re-play it again. Yes, I realize Elizabeth is in the “most lovable waifu” category and the story touches on deep issues such as patriotism, elitism, and racism but in the end isn’t it simply a kind of decent story interrupted by frequent shoot outs? This is kind of my problem with most modern fpses. Even the ones that try to be different are mostly on rails and the mechanics are the “same old/same old” nine times out of ten. Beyond the sky-hook is there any other novelty past Bioshock games have not presented before? Do our choices in Infinite really mean anything?

Regardless, feel free to call me a pretentious douche! Perhaps Bioshock Infinite was your “game of the year” and I would not mind reading your opinion as to why you hold that position! I’ll uh, keep the light on for ya’ll!

PS: I did respond to your replies in my previous blog. Though I might be "late" I still make the attempt of continuing conversations with all my peeps! You guyz ish teh sizzle-pops!



Blake Turner Staff Writer

07/31/2014 at 01:31 AM

Ben, you're right about the Bioshock thing. Here's a line from the article I'm writing that sums it up: 

 "Wow Bioshock Infinite is boring on the second playthrough. Once you know what happens, the awesome – and I do mean awesome – story isn't enough to hook you. The world isn't as magical as it once was and you've explored it to your hearts content. All that's left is the gameplay, and may god have mercy on our souls.


The problem with Bioshock Infinite is that, with a few exceptions, your fighting the same enemy over and over again. Sure, there are a few different enemies, like plasmid guys, discount big daddies, and a ghost that made me uninstall the game for a month and only reinstalled it because my girlfriend wanted to know how It ended – but mostly your fighting police officers, and later on in the game, black people."

 Anyway, gaming in general is on a lull. Fuck all has come out, and from the looks of it, fuck all is coming out until October.


07/31/2014 at 01:51 AM

It's strange but something about Infinite simply echoes your post in my head everytime I look at footage of it. I mean I want to be swept up in "the grandeur" but in this case perhaps I'm too adept at seeing the real Oz behind the curtain,Blake.  Sometimes I wish I wasn't such a jaded asshole. lol.


07/31/2014 at 02:09 AM

I agree with a lot of that, Blake. I wrote a pretty glowing review of the gameplay and level design of Infinite back when it came out. I didn't really touch on the story when I blogged about it, but I enjoyed it a lot. After a few months had gone by I went back to replay it for a few hours and I got pretty bored as well. Once you know everything it doesn't work again.

The thing is, I'll never forget how magical that game was the first time around. The game felt great, made me think, and I even shed a tear when I found out how Elizabeth lost her pinky finger. Right in that moment everything felt amazing and Infinite moved me like art should. I haven't had a video game make me feel "in the moment" ever since. In that moment it wasn't a product, or a checklist of features, and replayability didn't matter. One thing I'd say to Ben is, just because it doesn't have any replay value doesn't mean it doesn't have tremendous value. The game's quite an amazing piece of work and I don't want to rewrite history and erase the fact that I had such a fantastic time with it, and the fact that it's a great game.

To Ben, playing Bioshock Infinite is a must if you like FPSs to any degree, and if you like good stories, but playing it once is all you'll ever need. You should be able to find it cheap anymore, it's more than worth whatever it's priced at now. Give it a shot sometime if you feel that allure Smile


07/31/2014 at 02:24 AM

I empathize,Michael. I remember getting pretty teary eyed watching the "good endings" in both Bioshock 1 & 2. My first time through both of them was a wonderful ride. I just wish these types of "artsy shooters" would give us more incentive to play again. In other words, maybe have scenarios as unlockables as opposed to harvesting the wretched remains of our wallets with pre-planned dlc. It just seems as if older shooters like Time-Splitters while being rather silly had a lot more free content as well. 


07/31/2014 at 02:33 AM

Lol I loved that first Bioshock 2 playthrough as well, I'm not alone then. *internet hug* I'm glad I'm not the only person who didn't hate that game. I thought it was the best sequel set in Rapture I could've ever asked for. Bioshock 2 didn't need to exist, but all-things-considered it turned out amazing. Just like how Portal 2 technically didn't need to exist, but that ended up being the best sequel I could ever imagine. I really enjoyed the faster combat and duel wielding in Bioshock 2. I loved the story. That game had a much better ending than Bioshock 1, and the stand-alone story DLC Minerva's Den is the best piece of DLC I've played for any game ever.

Anyways, I love Bioshock 2, don't get me started I could go on and on about that thing.


07/31/2014 at 08:18 PM

Personally I liked Bioshock II a tad more than the first one. Not by leaps and bounds but enough for my bias to exist. In a way Bioshock II was more of a tragic love story and I grew very attached to Eleanor. It was neat how Delta sort of got to live on through her.

Blake Turner Staff Writer

07/31/2014 at 08:24 PM

Ben, I still recommend Bioshock Infinite. It is still an amazing experience the first time, and the story and world are more than enough to make up for it's shortcomings. You're just not going to get much out of it on subsequent playthroughs.


07/31/2014 at 08:29 PM

Ah, I'll end up snatching it,Blake! At this point I own the other two Bioshocks and though they didn't exactly beckon me back for second playthrus they did manage to emotionally touch me in ways most other games have not. (I felt the same about Nier too. These are games that literally made me "cry". lol.)


07/31/2014 at 01:36 AM

I'm a few hours into The Witcher 2 but it's really obtuse. The combat isn't very good or intuitive, you have to scratch your head simply trying to get blocks and parrys to work. I really love the story so far though and Triss is pretty great, so I'm going to hop back in sometime and try to suffer through all the gameplay to see the rest of the story.

The good news is that tons of people have had the same gripes as me about the design of the gameplay in 2 and CDProjeckt Red said that they're taking that into account for Witcher 3. From what I've seen, Witcher 3 looks to be on the right track and the combat seems like they're making good improvements. Their griffon hunt they showed at E3 looked pretty neat.


07/31/2014 at 01:55 AM

You're right,Michael. Learning exactly how Witcher II works to the point you benefit from it's arcane mechanics takes awhile. I got to the point I was "decent" at fighting but the second main town I visited was way to labyrintine for me. I don't mind maze-like catacombs in rpgs but I prefer it when the cities/villages themselves are convenient and hassle-free to navigate.  

Blake Turner Staff Writer

07/31/2014 at 08:29 PM

Idk. I really dig the combat in The Witcher 2. It's like a mix of Dark Souls and Ultima Underworld. I love how you have to prepare for each fight. I love how each sign is useful in certain circumstances. I also love how towns feel like towns, and what would arguably constitute a backyard.


07/31/2014 at 08:32 PM

Yeah,once you get accustomed to all the little nuances in the combat it becomes addictive as hell! Certain people seem to not be fond of the fact you drink potions prior to battle but making potions and strategically drinking them before fights is a feature I ended up being very fond of!


07/31/2014 at 08:57 PM

The big difference I guess is that Dark Souls' combat is actually good lol. First time I ever played Dark Souls I didn't need a tutorial, I just experimented, died a bit, and got better. By the time I got to Undead Burg I was finally understanding the versatility and depth in the systems without ever being told what to do or how to play.

Witcher 2 has a certain style that limits you to a few spells and a stupid two handed sword scheme I prefer to never use in rpgs. So already the game isn't letting me role-play and fight how I want. In the Witcher 2 they have an entire hamfisted tutorial and by the end of it I still didn't understand the way they expect you to play. Parries are something you have to unlock once you get a few levels in, and once you get them they don't seem to work the way they were presented in the tutorial. None of it feels sharp.

I picked up Dark Souls and it made sense, it's well designed and works great. Witcher 2 doesn't compare very well. Not a terrible game, just obtuse. Great story, very pretty, it just seems like you have to cave into how the game expects you to play it, and then once you start getting a hang of it, it's still kinda boring.

Dark Souls is too good, once you've played it, most other games feels wrong. It has an acerbic quality to it, but it's incredibly satisfying from the first slash you give to an undead in Undead Asylum to the last hit you give to Gwyn. I'm several hours into Witcher 2 and have yet to find a single satisfying piece of gameplay, I'm just chugging through to see more of the story at this point. Story's fantastic.


08/07/2014 at 05:22 PM

I feel ya. I think that because Witcher tailors itself to a specific fictional character and how said fictional character would do things in the books it limits how creative you can be to some extent.

I remember the scenario in which Geralt lost his silver sword (Which is better against monsters) and at first I did not know what to do to get another one. I died on a quest because I did not have the proper blade on me at the time. Those little eccentricies of The Witcher are neat once you appreciate them but very cumbersome when you are trying to get used to them.

Dark souls is more of a "Make your own character and play the way YOU want!" rogue-alike rpg.


07/31/2014 at 01:45 AM

Bioshock Infinite is good for a single playthrough.  That's about it, just as you suspected.  The only real challenge in the game comes in the form of a very unbalanced fight toward the end of the game....that's all the detail I'll go into for now, bro-sephus!


07/31/2014 at 01:48 AM

Thanks for the heads up,Dan! I figured as much. Not there's wrong with "one play-thru wonders" when the price is right. I just wanted something with a tad more "ompth" in the replay department.


07/31/2014 at 04:51 AM

I hear you.

I myself went from being able to afford most willy-nilly purchases to having to really think through what I'm willing to spend money on as far as gaming goes.  I may...may end up re-purchasing Dark Souls 2 to play through the DLC that's being released....but I'm learning more toward purchasing a Wii U within the coming months...maybe a little K-Mart layaway action, you know?  That way, I can run through my PS3/PS2/PS1 backlog, and end up with 2 systems eventually.

My son's been coming up to me and saying "Oh, you're playing games again...(with his little-guy smile)...I wish I had a game to play"

LoL....subtlety isn't his strong suit yet!


07/31/2014 at 08:13 PM

Ha ha ha! You're son might be hinting at something there,Dan. lol. I'm none too subtle either.

But yeah,my money is tight so I prefer to pick up games that offer more in the longevity and re-play departments. It's my strategic way of making sure I get plenty of bang for my buck.


07/31/2014 at 03:33 AM

Im curious to know what you found difficult about Witcher 2? I myself stopped playing at Flotsam, then restarted again and finished-- easily one of my fav games ever. I tended to use magic shield spell for defense and buffed it up. That, and swallow  potion, which gives you faster health regen as well I think? So Shield Magic, and Swallow potion, yup!


07/31/2014 at 07:56 PM

I got to the dwarven stronghold city pretty much. The present plot deals with finding a cure for one of the female heroine characters who is pretty much a combination of nordic style and Jeanne D'arch. Navigating that village built into the mountains was difficult for me and the npcs didn't seem as helpful with the information they gave as they were in Flotsam.  

However, I put down Lollipop Chainsaw at one point due to frustration and managed to get over that lump when I picked it up again. Regardless, I have not given up on Witcher 2 entirely! I was having a lot of fun with it up until the current point in the adventure.


08/01/2014 at 12:07 AM

Oh! Okay! I do remember the quest givers being a bit vague and obtuse. Just pop open a guide some time instead of giving up.


08/07/2014 at 05:25 PM

Will do,man! It was spectacular up until that point so I will not give up on it! Good rpgs deserve to be played! 


07/31/2014 at 05:28 AM

If I don't get impatient I will get Bioshock Infinite, but my plan is to actually finish the two Bioshock games before Infinite. As for everything else, I just have to play the game and form my own opinion and try to avoid Blake regarding opinions :P (no offense bro).


07/31/2014 at 08:00 PM

THe first two Bioshock games are awesome your first time through. Rapture is an eerie,decadent,and very atmospheric setting. That's probably what I'm missing with Infinite. The past Bioshocks could be claustrophobic,dark, and frightening at times whereas Infinite looks bright and very open.  

Cary Woodham

07/31/2014 at 07:38 AM

Aqua is awesome in Birth By Sleep.  At least I think so.  But then, I don't pay much attention to the story in those games, I just thought she was cool.

Thanks for reading my blogs.  I have another one up you can look at if you're interested.


07/31/2014 at 08:02 PM

I'll drop in,Cary! Sorry I scampered off a bit. Sometimes I feel as if life grabs me by my shirt collar without my consent. lol. 


07/31/2014 at 08:19 AM

You haven't beat the Witcher 2?  My wife just finished it a 2nd time a week or so ago.  I want to play it again after watching her play, but I have too many other games to play.

I enjoyed Bioshock Infinite.  I thought it was good.  I wanted to play through it again, but.... too many other games to play. Laughing


07/31/2014 at 08:04 PM

Yup, I own Witcher 2 but haven't beaten it,James. I iz terrible. lol. I still want to play Infinite it's just not at the very top of my list.

Super Step Contributing Writer

07/31/2014 at 11:48 AM

Now that I think of it, Infinite might be a good piece of media to look at for my research.


07/31/2014 at 08:06 PM

For research? Heck yes! It actually deals a lot with American history,our founding fathers,slavery,nationalist xenophobia,and the warring idealisms during the colinization periods up to the Civil War periods.


07/31/2014 at 12:21 PM

I'm kinda having a hard time with Bioshock Infinite itself even though I couldn't wait to play this game when it came out. The story is good and setting is fasinating but there is something about it that pulls me out of the game. I know it's not the original Bioshock but there are some set pieces in this game that make no sense, along with certain actions, and the itneraction between Elizabeth and Booker almost borders as a distraction to me in the killing sections.


07/31/2014 at 08:08 PM

I can see why certain gamers love Infinite. It's not a bad looking game by any stretch. However to me it just seems like a fun amusement park ride that's awe inspiring when you first go through it but rather "meh" the second time on account you can already guess what is coming.


07/31/2014 at 07:09 PM

Bioshock Infinite is a nice virutal museum tour. That's as much as I can say about that piece of software.


07/31/2014 at 08:10 PM

Heh,more or less that's how it comes off to me too,Chris. I'll still probably buy it and play it once but as I've already mentioned,it's not on my top list of things to do. 

I really have enjoyed the Bioshock franchise for what it is and my first play-thrus are always memorable. My problem stems from the fact I usually don't feel much of an incentive to go back. 


08/02/2014 at 02:03 AM

That was my first impression as well. I thought the world, with all it's crazy amount of detail, would be more interactive, but it's like they left the plastic on the couch and you couldn't feel the cushiony goodness underneath.


08/07/2014 at 05:29 PM

That's an apt analogy,Knight! Yeah, it's like a wax mueseum pretty much. You admire the painstaking detail of the sculptures but the tour guide is too persistent to walk you from point A to point B without you being able to soak up more atmosphere. That and it gets annoying to be told you cannot touch or interact with most of what's on display.


08/09/2014 at 04:13 PM

The detail is what got me so excited from the early trailers of the game. I was so disappointed to find it was mostly noninteractive. 


08/10/2014 at 06:50 PM

I remember originally it suggested Elizabeth would become taxed by overusing her powers and that there would be a moral dilehma mechanic related to pushing her too hard. They seemed to drop that though.


07/31/2014 at 10:16 PM

Well Ben, you def have an amazing art skill. I must be just has sick and demented as!!! JK! Seriously though, good art!

Im currently trying to finish the last part in the second city in Witcher 2 and ooh is it making me wanna tear my hair out. I have since taken a break to see if maybe once I jump back ill get passed it. Normally if im stuck in a game and I stop playing it for a time Ill jump back on and get passed the difficult part. Im soo excited for Witcher 3!!!


08/07/2014 at 05:31 PM

We've had many of the same ups and downs with Witcher 2, Nicole. However, the stubborn gamer in me will probably keep experimenting until I figure it out! 

Glad my art didn't make you want to hurl knives at my head. lol.


08/02/2014 at 02:22 AM

Nightsavior and Nocturna pic you did is really cool. 


08/07/2014 at 05:32 PM

Thanks,Knight. Horny shadow tentacle monsters 4 the win? Tongue Out


08/05/2014 at 11:47 AM

I haven't played Bioshock Infinite, it seems like the type of game I'd get more enjoyment from watching other people play it that from playing it myself.


08/07/2014 at 05:34 PM

Yeah,like a good movie pretty much. It's the symptom many modern fpses suffer from,mate. Big on spectacle,story,and decent voice overs but lacking in the "shameless fun" and "replayability" departments.

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