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Tomb Raider Impressions

On 03/09/2013 at 07:15 PM by Blake Turner

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 Let me start by saying this: Whoever designed the first two hours of this game is going to the special hell. After I kill them in a terribly vicious manner that would make Kratos proud, of course. Preferrably ripping out their eyes using a quick time event, which would be an ironic twist of fate seeing as how this insufferable cunt is so fucking fond of them.

 Suffice to say I didn't like the first two hours of this game. There was less gameplay than Metal Gear Solid, and more quick time events than Resident Evil 6. That combined with the fact that Lara sounds like a teenager trying to fake an orgasm everytime she gets hurt, in a frustratingly annoying British accent, and it's enough to make me want to rip my hair out. Oh, and not to mention that on PC it doesn't tell you what button to press in the QTE's. it just says press exclamation mark, or press foot. THERE IS NO FUCKING FOOT KEY ON MY KEYBOARD! I'm pretty sure the only person on earth who has that is Quinten Tarrantino, and it's a custom hotkey to his porn collection!

After the first one it doesn't even bother to tell you which button to press.

 The worst part of this game for me was when Gropey McRape-Choke went all lusty with me, and I had to mash a combination of foot, exclamtion mark, hand, and gun to get past it, and almost every fucking time I'd forget which key one of them was. By the end of that sequence, I'd seen Lara Croft's being choked to death more times that I'd seen a repeat of The Simpsons, and when I finally shot that fucker in the head, Lara's crying over killing him seemed very disconnected to the euphoria I was feeling. Actually, it seemed out of place with everything, since like 2 minutes later she's pulling off head shots and setting people on fire. I suppose it fits with the overarching narrative, because Lara has always been batshit insane.

 Anyway, just when I was ready to give this game a 2 out of 10 and try and get a refund through steam, the game actually decided it was going to let me play it. And you know what? It was actually kind of good. I mean really good The gameplay was still completely disconnected from the story, and there were a few too many unnecessary cutscenes for my liking, but for the most part I was having a blast. The shooting and platforming were all incredibly satisfying, and I felt compelled to press on. The game has an ominous feel to it as well, and made me feel like I was playing a mix of Uncharted and Resident Evil 4, which is a surprisingly good mix. There's an undercurrent of horror that actually feels threatening, and there are more than a few suspenseful moments. Plus, some of the death animations are legitimately more disturbing than Dead Space's.

 After a while, I even began to start liking Lara. I mean I know I was supposed to like her from the start, but the game gave me no reason to. It showed me a pretty girl I knew nothing about getting repeatedly brutalised and shouted: "CARE ABOUT HER!" It wasn't until I grew with her, and learned more about the character that I stopped being a jaded prick and said: "Lara, we're going to get through this. You can do this! After this, you'll be stealing from third world countries and causing mass extinction to exotic wild life in no time!"

 So to wrap up, the first two hours are some of the worst pieces of shit I've ever had the misfortune of playing. After that however, there is a rich, dark and beautiful experience to be had, and it is actually quite an enjoyable title, especially when the bloody thing let's you play it.




03/09/2013 at 07:29 PM

Everybody is gushing about this game, and I'm sick of it. I was enjoying hearing you rip it apart. Then I got to the fourth paragraph. lol. I'll probably get it when it comes down in price.

Blake Turner Staff Writer

03/09/2013 at 07:42 PM

It is a decent game. There are still a lot of problems with it though. I'd give it like a 7 out of 10. The only reason people are loving this game so much is because it has a strong, non-objectified female protagonist. It won't be my game of the year or even close unless this is an incredibly terrible year.

Super Step Contributing Writer

03/09/2013 at 08:01 PM

Loved this review, very funny, and refreshing to see one not totally glowing. The other reviews I've seen have mentioned QTEs and the like as being bad, but did not take them to task like you did; of course, the reviews I've seen were for 360 or PS3, not PC, so maybe knowing what buttons to press helped, since there's way fewer options?

That death animation still you posted happened SO many times when Conan played it for his Clueless Gamer bit. lol

Blake Turner Staff Writer

03/09/2013 at 08:32 PM

Thank you. I'd be against the QTE's even if the keys did pop up. The sheer amount of them is mind-boggling, and actually frustrating.

 Also, in the waterfall section where this death mostly occurs, the controls are quite unresponsive, making it hard to move out of the way. I've seen that death scene so many times it's not funny.

Casey Curran Staff Writer

03/09/2013 at 09:02 PM

Glad to see a review that isn't painting this as perfect. I'm excited to try it out still, I'm a big fan of what Crystal Dynamics has done with the last three games. Just wondering if I should get this or wait for Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon.

Blake Turner Staff Writer

03/09/2013 at 09:59 PM

Not everyone has given it perfect reviews. If you want a fairer review, go to or Both still say it's good but acknowledge it's faults. PC gamer gave it a 74 I think, and RPS doesn't do scores, but they said it won't appeal to everyone. I would still recommend this game though.


03/09/2013 at 10:15 PM

Thanks for the heads up on those couple of hours.  It may be something that would annoy me too. 

Blake Turner Staff Writer

03/09/2013 at 10:22 PM

Yeah, after that the game stops holding your hand so much. Those first two hours are torturous though.


03/09/2013 at 10:16 PM

But are there any tombs in this game? The one major thing pulling me away from a purchase is the lack of tomb raiding. Every reviewers mentions gun play and action, but what of the classic gigantic temple puzzles of awesomeness? Cry

Blake Turner Staff Writer

03/09/2013 at 10:21 PM

There are optional tombs, and a few of them. They all involve some form of puzzle, but aren't overly long. They are satisfying though, and they feel like a portal puzzle almost.


03/10/2013 at 03:28 AM

I'm still a little torn on this. I really love the overall package here. There are a lot of things I think need to be tweaked, but I had a lot of fun playing this game. On the other hand, it gets too far away from what makes the Tomb Raider series special to me. I think a sequel that brings back the classic elements and integrates them with some of the new stuff would be a truly special game though.

Blake Turner Staff Writer

03/10/2013 at 11:39 AM

To me, the original Tomb Raider's were about discovery, wonder and exploitation. I think they nailed all three fronts :p. That said, I would like to see some more puzzles and trickier platforming.

Super Step Contributing Writer

03/13/2013 at 05:28 PM

I don't see a title on the PM you sent and can't open it. Embarassed

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