Well 23 more days til school starts and for a August 2nd here in Austin Texas and now maybe I can get more time to blog and play some games so here in Texas were at a comfortable 78 degree temp which is unheard of for August usually its a 110 degrees but im not complaining at all love this temp, any who since July 2014 is in the history books I figured I would give a recap of what I bought and my opinion on it so here goes.

My most recent purchase was the Last of Us and yea I know about damn time but the game used wasnt under $40 until recently and at $35 bucks what I paid is still high for a game over a year old but definitely worth the wait, im not usually into these types of games but this one drew me in with the spore syndrome and the story is excellent I mean the first 10 minutes had me in tears and pixlbit I dont cry ever so thats a feat in its self but this is definitely one of the very best games I ever played.

Then for July I nabbed Heavy Rain I have been wanting to play this one I had it traded it for some dumb reason then I bought it again and what I have read and from freinds its supposed to be a good game.

Then I picked up Xcom the Bureau now although it got average ratings I do like the Xcom feel and im a huge fan of Xcom like many of you know.

So although I do have a ps2 copy I bought this on psn so I could play it on my ps3 probably the rpg to ever hit consoes Persona 4.

And after thinking about it the price was right so I picked up Trine and Trine 2 and actually found this to be a very good platformer with tons of puzzles and secret areas but over all I enjoyed both very much and the graphics were beautiful.

Then my most recent game of July is Dark Star One I had it then traded it so I got it again the best space sim on the 360 awesome game.

Well theres some im missing but by far the best game I have played in July has got to be The Last of Us til next time yall be safe laters.