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Sizzling Hot Reviews!

On 08/03/2014 at 08:24 PM by Cary Woodham

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It’s getting to be the hottest part of summer (at least here in Texas anyway), so here’s a batch of sizzling hot summer reviews for everyone!  Read these reviews and smoke will come out of your ears, a fire will burn in your belly, and it’ll put hair on your chest.  Unless you’re a lady, then you’ll just get really strong.  I dunno.  Anyway, this blog is just another batch of reviews I’ve written lately over at  Please read as many as you can and maybe even leave a comment or two.  I’d appreciate it.  Spicy!

Guacamelee! Super Turbo Championship Edition (360)

Would it be considered politically incorrect if I called this game “Mexican Metroid?”  Because I certainly don’t mean any harm or ill will by saying that.  It is what it is.  In this game you play as Juan, a humble Mexican farmer helping to get ready for his village’s Day of the Dead festivities.  But all of a sudden, a group of skeletons kidnap his childhood lady friend and when he tries to save her, they kill him!  Stuck in the land of the dead, Juan finds a magical mask and when he puts it on, he transforms into a strong and powerful Luchador.  He now has the power to go back to the real world and save his friend and stop the bad guys from merging the worlds of the living and dead together.  The game plays like a 2-D Metroid title with combo-style fighting game mechanics.  There is a lot of humor in the game and they poke fun of lots of other video games, too.  The game is a little hard, especially if you aren’t good at fighting games like me, but I still managed to beat it so it’s not TOO bad.  I don’t know what’s different about the Super Turbo etc. edition, but I do like how a second player can join in at any time and play as Tostada, the guardian of the mask.  I wish you could play as Tostada in single player mode, as I think she’s way cooler even though she has the same moves set.  At any rate, this is a great game and you should download it.

Mario Kart 8 Toys in McDonald’s Happy Meals

Since it was video game and kid related, I decided to write a quick article about the Mario Kart toys you can get in McDonald’s Happy Meals.  I don’t know if you can still get them, but after I wrote the article I did manage to get the rest of the characters for my collection.  It tells you just how big Mario Kart is if they did Happy Meal toys of it.  Click on the review link if you want to see pics. 

Rusty’s Real Deal Baseball (3DS)

A couple of weeks ago I decided to feature some free-to-play games on the site, mostly just for filler to keep continuous content flowing (probably the biggest challenge when you write on a web site, am I right?).  I was curious about this free-to-play game from Nintendo, since that’s not something they usually do.  They had that and a free-to-play version of their Steel Diver game, but I didn’t have any interest in that.  I do like how the Steel Diver submarine is an assist trophy in the new Smash game, and how one of the Mario Kart 8 chassis is shaped like a submarine and is called “Steel Driver.” 

Anyway, in the game you meet Rusty Slugger, a dog who used to be a baseball star, but now just runs a fledgling sporting goods store.  To get business from a younger crowd, he’s started to sell baseball themed mini-games from “Nontendo.”  They make fun of Nintendo a lot here, and you play these baseball games on a 4DS, which lets you jump inside the games.  Man, if I could do that, I’d get a copy of Dead or Alive Volleyball and…JUST JOKING!  These mini-games cost real money, though, and you only get a demo of one of them to try for free.

Here’s the thing, though.  Rusty is down on his luck and is willing to haggle the price down on these games, so that’s part of the gameplay right there.  If you give him the right items and listen to his sob stories, he’ll lower the prices of the games for you.  I only wish they wouldn’t play on your heartstrings so much, though.  Rusty might’ve well say, “Cary if you don’t buy these games, Zelda will hate your guts, Toad will be sad, and Kirby will die!”  I didn’t buy any of the games, though, because I don’t like how they nickel and dime you with this title, and I don’t want Nintendo to think that’s an OK thing to do regularly.  Plus, if you haggle the price and then leave the store without buying, the price goes back up.  So make sure you know you plan to buy and are connected to the Internet.  It’s a shame that I didn’t get into this game because the baseball mini-games have that Wario Ware feel and the Nintendo style of quality, too.  If you’re curious, though, please click on the link and read the review.

Photos With Mario (3DS)

The other free 3DS game I ‘reviewed’ is an application you can download for free that lets you take pictures of Mario characters using AR cards.  It works similarly to the AR Games already included on your 3DS.  To get the Photos With Mario cards, though, you have to buy special Nintendo $10 eShop points cards that are only available at Target.  I bought the set because I needed some points anyway so I can download stuff like Shovel Knight (a very good game, by the way).  Similar to the Kid Icarus: Uprising cards (the only part of that game I liked), the Mario cards will react to each other when you set them next to one another.  I figured that not too many people would know about this, so that’s why I wrote a little article about it.

Moshling Rescue (iPad)

The last free game I reviewed that week was this iPad match three puzzle game that features characters from the popular online virtual pet game Moshi Monsters.  It’s a lot like Candy Crush and has most everything that annoys me about free-to-play games.

Marvel Pinball: Deadpool (360)

The latest Marvel table from Zen Studios for Pinball FX2 and Zen Pinball is based on Deadpool.  I didn’t really like the table as much, though, and Deadpool certainly could’ve been funnier.  But my brother Jeff really liked it, though, but that’s mainly because Deadpool is his favorite Marvel character.  I don’t really have a favorite Marvel character.  Maybe one of you could pick one out for me?

Reader Review: Electronic Super Joy: Groove City (PC)

My good friend Leroy reviewed a couple of games for me recently.  This first one is an add-on to a game he previously reviewed.  Looks like a mix of music and platforming.

Reader Review: Monsters Ate My Birthday Cake (PC)

You might’ve seen commercials for this game if you watch Cartoon Network.  I kind of wish I would’ve asked for an iOS review code instead of having my friend review it on PC because this silly puzzle game looks right up my alley!

LetterHero (iPad)

And finally is this word spelling action game for iOS devices.  It’s all right, but I’ve seen this kind of game done before, and better.  Plus it looks a bit amateurish.  I gave it a bit of an educational spin, though, what with kids going back to school soon and all.


And that’s all for now!  Thanks so much for reading my blogs and reviews and posting comments.  I really appreciate it.  This month I have a couple of blogs planned out, like my summer movie list and my favorite Tekken characters!  Until next time, later!  --Cary



Casey Curran Staff Writer

08/03/2014 at 10:01 PM

I think your favorite Marvel character would be Howard the Duck. He's from another dimension where ducks are the dominant species who winds up here and goes on a bunch of adventures even though he doesn't want to.

Cary Woodham

08/04/2014 at 06:47 AM

Yeah I've heard of Howard the Duck.  There was an awful movie about him in the 80's.  He's shown up in a couple of more recent things like the LEGO Marvel Superheroes game, and another place that I won't talk about so I don't spoil anything for anyone.  I'd probably like Howard better if he were nicer.  Plus, no duck can beat Scrooge McDuck.


08/04/2014 at 12:44 AM

I saw those Mario Kart 8 toys at McDonalds. I thought about getting some, but then didn't. They were pretty cool though.

Cary Woodham

08/04/2014 at 06:47 AM

I got all of them!  Yay!  Well, except for the Mario kid visor hat, I didn't want that one.


08/04/2014 at 08:56 AM

My boy ended up with a Donkey Kong Kart toy the other day out of his Happy Meal.  I was reminded me of my youth, when Mickey D's used to put really cool toys in the Happy Meals.

Like the Thumper toy from the movie Bambi...that little dude was cute, and you could actually pose him

Cary Woodham

08/04/2014 at 06:45 PM

Actually when I was a kid, I don't remember the Happy Meal toys being as nice as they are now.  I remember the toys being things like cheapy plastic hamburger helicopters that you put together.  Heck, I can remember when McDonald's didn't even have Happy Meals!


08/04/2014 at 06:58 PM

yeah but you were a kid like what....6 years before me?  they didn't have that sorta cool shit until the mid 80's bounced in.

You don't remember the Bambi toys?  Mack Tonight?  The bitchen Halloween glow pails they used to give out? The limited run Transformers?  The toys were way better in the 80's than they are now.

Cary Woodham

08/04/2014 at 07:35 PM

Oh sure, make me feel old, why don't you?:) 

I think they sitll do the Halloween pails.


08/04/2014 at 08:38 PM

lol sorry bout that Cary!

Cary Woodham

08/05/2014 at 07:41 AM

That's OK, my little brothers try and make me feel old all the time.:)


08/04/2014 at 12:23 PM

Well, I don't think you are causing harm by saying Guacamelee is Mexican Metroid since pretty much the 2D Metroid/Castlevania formula has become a genre of its own. I also think the subtitle is just poking fun at Capcom.

Anyway, can't wait to get the game on Steam once its on sale.

Cary Woodham

08/04/2014 at 06:46 PM

It's a very good game and worth the price.


08/04/2014 at 12:41 PM

Good to see your steering more toward actual games than the rubish on PC and ipad. consoles need moar love too! I'll check them out when I have a chance. moreso sinc eI got that mexican metroid game for free on Xbox One.

heh. mexican Metroid. That's what I'm calling that game from here on out!

Cary Woodham

08/04/2014 at 06:50 PM

Uh oh, look what I started by calling it Mexican Metroid. :)

While I do prefer reviewing console games, I'm really not steering myself one way or another.  I'm just small potatoes in the game reviewing world, so I take what I can get.  When running a game review site, keeping continuous new content up can be tough sometimes, especially during the slow seasons.  It just so happened that this batch of reviews was more console oriented.  Next time, I'll probaby have more iPad games reviewed.  They aren't all bad.


08/06/2014 at 12:24 PM

Really want to play Guacamelee, just from what I've seen of it. I'm sure I'd have a blast.

Cary Woodham

08/06/2014 at 07:05 PM

It is a very good game.  Glad I got to review it.


08/07/2014 at 10:23 PM

Still interested in Guacamelee myself! If you think about it it's not only a homage to Metroid but also a homage to Splatterhouse. (As in the hero comes back from the dead with the help of a sentient mask) 

Cary Woodham

08/08/2014 at 07:39 AM

I guess it's kind of like Splatterhouse, but not scary or gory or anything like that.  It's mostly whimsical and silly.  I know someone made a fan game about this idea, but I think the girlfriend in Splatterhouse should put on the Terror Mask and save the day!

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