SpongeBlake Flaccid Pants?
This stuff is why I smiled when I read this the other day.
Think you can hide behind Internet anonymity while insulting and harassing people? Think again.
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![]() On 08/05/2014 at 11:44 AM by Blake Turner ![]() See More From This User » |
It may surprise you to know, but I don't only write for pixlbit and Plus10Damage. Sure, plus10damage is the place where I write semi-professionally, with forethought and without juvenile vulgarity. Well, most of the time. I'm still going to giggle when someone says the word moist as that is my god given right!
Anyway, since you probably only know me from this site you probably don't realise how much vitriol I cop on a daily basis. I know what you're thinking: “Oh, whiny baby can't take the internet. You should give up you flaccid sponge of ineptitude.” You're right. I know everyone goes through this, as that is what the internet does. And that's what this blog is about. So excuse me for speaking from experience but we haven't exactly mastered body switching technologies and if we had I wouldn't be here.
Basically, anyone who puts out any creative effort on the internet gets criticised for it. And not the good criticism that helps shape and define one's work, but the kind the crushes their souls and leads to rogue vigilantism. Usually, people shrug it off. Usually, those voices telling you you're fat, ugly, should commit suicide, are a loser, should give up, should just die, or should make ventriloquist pornography fall to the wayside because you know this vocal minority are nothing but toxic dross.
Every now and then they get through. Some days we agree. We do think we should give up. We do think we're losers, or that we're ugly. Hell, I even bought a dummy and webcam once. However, to the people who speak this crap, I have something to say.
- Just because your brain has the capacity to form complete sentences does not mean your opinion matters. In fact, most of the time your opinion is wrong.
- Whenever you are attacking someone else's creative endeavors, just remember, you're only doing so because you are a talentless husk who will never be loved. That's why you want everyone to feel like you and whenever you tell me that “I should commit suicide,” it's just you trying to find a way for you to not go out alone.
- Whenever I criticise something it does not mean I hate it. It actually means the opposite. If I give a game a bad review it's not because I hate gaming, or even that game in particular. It just means I don't want gaming to fall down that particular hole.
- Whenever I stand up for women, homosexuals, or any other group of people, whether they belong to the minority or the majority, it does not automatically mean that I hate the other side. It just means on this particular issue I agree with this particular side.
- Make up your fucking mind internet. I should not be getting these two comments on the same blog: “Stop being so serious, you moron” and “It looks like a desperate attempt at being funny. Fail.” Either I'm too serious or I'm trying too hard to be funny, I can't be both.
- When I make a bold statement in a blog, it is usually either a hyperbole for effect or humour. You being offended by that only makes you look dumb.
- And finally: I'm not above stooping to your level, so commit suicide you fat, ugly, child raping slut.
I don't know why I let this shit get to me, it's so fucking stupid.
SpongeBlake Flaccid Pants?
This stuff is why I smiled when I read this the other day.
Think you can hide behind Internet anonymity while insulting and harassing people? Think again.
The internet is both a wonderful and terrible place. Wish those commenters would look into our governments, realize how fucked everything is and let those people have it. Maybe those monsters can make some real progress then. Though I will say you do make it hard to distinguish when you're using hyperbole and when you're not. Especially since you like to precede and follow it by serious statements. Just an observation from someone who gets that confused all the time
Thank you Darthkill. I try not to be an asshole when trying to get my point across. It doesn't always work.
Also, I apologise for not having written your name on a can. I tried to, but you couldn't see it in the photo and then I got sick and died.
Also also, just realised I don't know your name.
Yeah I suppose. I'm just getting kind of tired of the bullshit some people feel they can get up to thanks to the anonimity of the internet. Seeing more and more of it lately, more maybe I'm just paying more attention to it >.<
But okay, yeah. *Most. There are some pretty awesome people on the internet as well xD
Some people over the internet suck. Nothing beats a conversation with a person face to face without an audience. Even if they don't like your idea or point of view, at least they are civil about it and both parties have a chance to explain themselves. Some people are jerks when they think they have an audience (even without the internet).
You shut your dumb face, koala rider! Drink some malt liquor and get fucked, then put some balls in your hair and maybe then you'll be MAN ENOUGH to taste the Wonka chocolate!
I'd say "but seriously" and give you some condolences and tell you that THEIR the ones being assholes, but I felt like trolling, so trolololol I shall.
Am I kidding? AM I FUCKING KIDDING?! Hard to tell in plain text, isn't it?
It's actually quite easy to see when people are joking if you've had more than a few dealings with them. This is out of character for you and therefore obviously a joke. There does need to be a sarcastic font, a satire font, and an irony font though. That would make things so much easier.
As Penny Arcade once described it, anonimity also takes part in this. Since no one knows who you are, you can let yourself go without much repercusions. However, try that in real life and see what people how people react.
In any case, I agree with what you are saying.