Plundernauts looks like a cartoonish FTL, kinda.
Tablet Tuesday. What Chris Has Been Playing
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![]() On 08/05/2014 at 12:32 PM by goaztecs ![]() See More From This User » |
Well happy Tuesday Pixlbit. I didn’t write my usual Monday blog because I had a dang sinus headache that just wouldn’t go away. I like to blame the recent rainstorms we had here in what is normally sunny Southern California. It was off and on but when it was on it sucked. I think I shook the majority of it, which means back to writing about my random gaming experiences for the week. Sound fun? For today’s entry I thought about going with a tablet theme and talk about the tablet games I’ve been playing. They are nothing new but I’ve been caught up.
Plundernauts – iPad Air
I think I’ve been playing this game off and on for a couple of weeks, but haven’t sunk a lot of time into it until last week, when I made some good progress. Thanks to Google, I found out that you can forge different items including spaceships (once again it pays to read the info). There are generic recipes for items like weapons, fighter ships, and extras but then there’s an In-N-Out Hidden Menu-like recipes for creating some really awesome stuff.
I tried mixing some spaceships which turned out well, and I had some luck but my ship was a tad too slow, so after going back and recapturing some planets I earned enough Antimatter (the premium currency in the game), and I bought a faster ship, and continued to drop the hammer on the bad guys. I once again ran into a roadblock in my quest for kicking everyone out of the solar system so more grinding for antimatter and after 19 hours of forging
I now have a stud ship. The last boss in the second solar system is kicking my backside, so I’m currently forging a super shield. I’m trying to limit how much I play this game because I don’t want to burn out but it’s a lot of fun.
Whenever this shows up I might try it. I’ll probably get my backside kicked because there are a lot of folks online who said they have maxed out their levels, but it will be interesting to see what kind of setups they are using.
Riptide GP 2 – iPad Air
This is a game I played a bit on my old iPad and the Nexus 7, but I wanted to see how good it looks on the new iPad screen (or if it gets the NFS Shift 2 psychedelic treatment).
The game looks good. I like to compare it to later PS2 games, and the one difference I see in comparison to the Android version is that every time I start it up, I get a prompt that lets me know I can connect a blue tooth controller to it. I’m fine with the tilt controls but I would probably give this a try at some point.
Just like on the Neuxs 7, I finished the Rookie Campaign, and I started the Normal Campaign. Hopefully I get farther on the iPad than on the N7 before finding something new to play.
X-Men: Days of Future Past – iPad Air
When I’m waiting for my items to forge in Plundernauts, I play this game. I’m taking this game a bit slower than normal because it seems like if I wanted to I could probably play through the entire game in a couple of hours.
I can’t remember if I already mentioned that there are 23 levels, and I am on level 8 or 9 right now. I tend to play a level and then off to something else. The main objectives of the game are to collect these blue canisters that hold blue orbs that you can trade in for upgraded skills.
There are also comic books that are hidden that you collect. They unlock information about the X-Men. Some are a pain to get, and I’m currently swapping out character in game to try and collect these items.
The enemies aren’t the brightest, and you can get through them with three or four hits. I haven’t upgraded Wolverine past Level 1, so I’m assuming if you hit the higher levels it could almost be one shot kills. The on screen controls are fine because it’s just left/right buttons and jump and attack action buttons.
At the end of every stage you are graded on your performance, and are rated with X-Men logos and there are achievements for you folks who love these things.
Simpsons Tapped Out – iPad Air/Android
I haven’t really collected any of the in game taxes in over a week, but I have been kind of keeping up with the Krustyland Storyline. When I logged into Facebook yesterday I saw that good ol’ Gil has made a return with his “deals”
When I went to check it out I saw the price of Gil’s current deal
I’m going to say No, and leave it at that.
Real Racing 3 – Nexus 7
I’m still playing this game, but I haven’t picked it up in about a week until I saw that there was an update. Usually this means new cars, vinyl decals, and other goodies
Nothing big car wise except two cars, one of which is a supercar that I still can’t unlock until I unlock a new level of races.
I do like that there are new vinyls like national flags, and product stickers which means my Brian O’Connor Skyline from 2 Fast 2 Furious will have some product stickers.
Also there is support for controllers. Again I really need to get a controller that I can use on both tablets and give this a try.
Before we end this blog I saw on The Next Web that there was a new icon pack to make your Android Device look like you were already using the new Android L’s Material Design without downloading the developer copy.
This is my dock before the icons
And this is my dock after the icon update
I like the look. It has a bolder look, and some of the icons look like they were built on layers
This is my Everyday Bubble where a lot of the icons have been changed. The blue square with the person reading is Kindle, and finger with squares coming out of it is the Amazon App Store. I’m not using the rest of the theme because I like my current wallpaper, and the best part is that this icon pack plays nice with my Nova launcher. If you want to give it a try, it’s called Moonshine in the Google Play Store and it’s free.
Alright folks it’s time for me to end this latest blog.
That’s all for now, more later!