"Old rpgs" have more skills....in the bedroom!
Been dividing my time between EDF 2025 and Vampire The Masquerade: Bloodlines. It’s sort of the perfect blend of mindless fun and good old fashioned rpg mechanics before rpgs began being “dumbed down” for the masses.
Derp force go!
Gauntlet Legends dat you?
Seriously, did you see what they did to Sacred 3?! Trust me, if you played Sacred 1 and Sacred 2 you have a damn good reason to be furious at the derpitude that is Sacred 3. However, I’m sure certain gamers with no knowledge of the prior games will be able to appreciate it as a simple hack n slash. Honestly there’s nothing wrong with arcade heavy game play that’s the equivalent of Gauntlet Legends 3 save for the fact Sacred always had so much more going for it. Remember mounts? Remember quests that could be completed in different ways or even failed yet you‘d be left to live with what transpired even if someone important actually died? Remember a huge open world? Remember the varied worthwhile loot? Remember when Sacred took itself somewhat seriously and the humor it did have wasn’t quite as puerile? Yeah, there‘s a reason I‘m pissed. My advice? Get Torchlight 2, download Path Of Exile, snatch up Titan-quest, look up the older Sacred games, or just wait until Diablo III Reaper Of Souls comes out for the consoles. (Imagining a “dumbed down” Vampire The Masquerade game would give me nightmares so I’ll continue to simply bask in the flawed brilliance that is Bloodlines!)
Okay,stop fighting long enough for the group picture! Aww,that ant is adorable!
More about EDF you say? Well, it’s simply spectacular! My roomie and I have been having loads of fun. Yeah, there’s slow down when there’s a lot of chaos on screen and it ain’t the purdiest damsel on the ballroom floor but massacring waves of giant bugs, spaceships, and robots is shamelessly satisfying. Alex has been filling the role of the bulky power-armor wearing fencer who has 4 weapon slots (And an awesome war hammer to boot) whereas I’ve been jetting around as the glass cannon wing diver. Neither of us have had too many problems though Alex has had to bring me back from the cusp of death a couple of times. However, even though I’m not a hunky damage sponge akin to my buddy, I’ve still had a lot of fun flying around the huge destructive environments that EDF 2025 offers!
Captain Hammer reporting!
Sad as it is to say, EDF 2025 might end up being one of my games of the year. Seriously, I’ve gotten more enjoyment out of this than the majority of AAA shooters that bury us under landslides of misleading hype. When a game is generous enough to offer 4 classes, varied vehicle drops, 81 missions, a leveling up gimmick, a ridiculous plethora of weaponry, and multiple difficulties it sort of makes you stop and ponder why other games of this ilk are so damned stingy. As much as I loved Left 4 Dead do you distinctly recall how it started with only 4 maps? Furthermore, how long are most campaigns in shooters these days? 5 hours tops? As low budget and cheesy as EDF tends to be, it certainly excels in the generosity and replay ability departments. Other developers should really stop and take note of this. My only criticism is getting “webbed” by spiders sucks and it can be difficult to shake oneself free sometimes. However, this feature is not so terrible it breaks the whole game or anything.
Oh, and there’s my drawings. I have so much stuff to color my artistic backlog (if you can call it that, heh) it is ridiculous! If I seem to get swallowed by the antisocial void it will likely be because I’m trying to add more completed projects to my obscure gallery on Deviant-Fart!