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On 08/08/2014 at 12:29 AM by asrealasitgets

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No. Not Neverwinter Nights 2, the PC game from Bioware that everyone loves. I'm talking about the MMO. I'm still doing the MMO summer thing in case you forgot, and I haven't shot myself yet. I am actually surprised to find out that there are two Dungeons & Dragons MMOs out right now. D&D Online, which is more traditional and closer to Pen and Paper, and then there's Neverwinter, which is a lot closer to other theme park MMOs and has a cool fan created content system.

I have to say that of all the MMOs I've played so far, this is by far the friendliest to newcomers and the funnest to play. It is purely an action style game, where you have mainly the left and right mouse button to click on for most of your actions and the occasional hotkey for other special attacks, thus you have a game that plays much more like Diablo 3. It's kind of wierd, because I'm used to seeing very complex UI setups with tons of hotbars everywhere, and while there is a UI in this game, I was mainly only concerned with clicking, clicking, clicking. It plays well as a standalone RPG too, and should port nicely to XBOXOne if rumors of it's port are true. 

I was surprised to see that I was able to get quite far on my own as a Mage and Hunter class. Usually you need some type of tanky/healer character to solo through MMOs, but I've been doing alright with my squishy wizard and archer. There are some very nice set pieces and instanced dungeons in the tutorial and overall I think it is a very pleasant theme park MMO so far.

I might continue on past this weekend. It's pretty fun.

Next up will be StarTrek or Swordsman

ArcheAge beta is coming back next weekend too, so I may jump back in again. 

Anyone else play D&D Online or Neverwinter?  




08/08/2014 at 06:29 AM

Im playing Neverwinter and loving it. I currently have a hunter at lvl 9. If you deicide that ur gonna keep on playing it let me know. Maybe we can team up some on there!


08/08/2014 at 02:47 PM

my wizard character handle is Alain Hawklight@sharkybagginz. What's yours? I'm around the same level at the moment, and I don't remember choosing a server so they must all be merged I'm assuming?


08/08/2014 at 06:02 PM

My characters name is Lady Bellanora, i think it is all merged too cause i dont remember choosing either.


08/08/2014 at 09:39 PM

What is your character handle? I think we both have to be online to add each other? You have to right-click on your char portrait to get the full handle name@something.

Matt Snee Staff Writer

08/08/2014 at 10:30 AM

so do you like this one the best?


08/08/2014 at 01:29 PM

I haven't played D&D Online yet, just Neverwinter. I think Neverwinter is fun and easy to get into. Not sure about the other game.

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