I could literally kiss the day if it was a real person!
Happy Friday everyone! Nothing too new going on over here - work still is a pain at times but kinda getting better and the job searching is meh.
On another fabulous note - my mom is visiting me this weekend yay! Fun times to be had there.
What have I been up to lately? Well I have been watching a good chunk of anime: Sailor Moon, Persona 4, Danganronpa, I finished Corpse Party OVA...and there may be a few I missed since there's about 15 I am watching...I think haha.
Game wise I have not really been playing much. I have been more in a Manga/Anime/TV Show mood for now.
Manga wise I finished Volume 1 of Doubt published by Yen Press. With it being that amazing I went and ordered the second volume followed by it's sequal Judge Vol 1-4. So I will be doing a review on those fairly soon! But it's a story about the Rabbit Game....find the wolf among the group or people who's commiting the crimes. So it's pretty interesting, I may have to watch the live action of it as well.
Also planning to do a Corpse Party PSP vs Corpse Party anime comparison write up along with Danganronpa!
With also watching Danganronpa I am planning on replaying it with also the extra insentive that the second game is coming out in September so it would be nice to have it completed. Sadly I cannot say I will be rebeating Tales of Xillia before the second one comes out (which I have pre-ordered yay). I still have to finish my playthrough of it with Mila but it can wait. Which reminds me I need to finish up Tales of Graces F....too many games! Thank goodness I have a week of vacation coming up at the end of August!
My Super Mario RPG review is collecting dust, I might try to write something up today but I have a feeling that my brain will still be imploded today since last night was a very long....and tiring day of siting around waiting for a build to happen at work...and testing...so we'll see!
What I am happy about is I started getting in the habit of doing notes now when I finish the game or as I am playing. Before I never did that because I was usually on a role with getting something written over right after I have finished it. The game reviews I have sitting and waiting may never get done till I redo the game since it's been months since last played them. I started it for anime too because I sometimes forget things along the way or I wait around and not write anything, forget and then cannot write anything since it's been awhile from watching/playing. So Notes = lifesaver in brain remembering!
I hope everyone has a great Friday!
